

复习板块七 Unit 6 Life in the future


1.Thanks to the invention of the mobile phone,people can now keep in ________

with each other quite easily.

A.relation B.union C.touch


解析:keep in touch with...“与……保持联系”,是固定搭配。 答案:C

2.(2010·海淀区统考)The faces of four famous American president on Mount

Rushmore can be seen from a ________ of 60 miles. A.length C.way

B.distance D.space

解析:句意:拉什莫尔山上的四位美国总统的面像在60英里远的地方就可以看 到。from a distance of意为“从……远的地方”。length一般指较短的长度;way则指抽象的路或方向;space意为“空间”。 答案:B

3.(2010·绵阳模拟)The boy ________ his friend out of the apple by insisting that it was

rotten,if not poisonous. A.cheated C.made

B.came D.pot

解析:考查动词辨析。句意:这个男孩骗了他朋友的苹果,靠的是他坚持认为苹 果如果不是有毒的话,也是烂的。cheat sb. out of sth.骗某人的东西。 答案:A

4.If I take this medicine twice a day,it should ________ my cold.

A.recover C.restore

B.heal D.cure

解析:recover康复;heal愈合;restore储存;cure治愈,由句意选D项。 答案:D

5.—I really find it hard to accept our children's favorite music or clothing.

—Let's face it;there may be ________ as long as there are teenagers. A.emergencies C.paces

B.trends D.schedules

解析:答句意为“只要有青少年,就会有时尚”。trend“趋势,时尚”; emergency“突发事件,紧急情况”;pace“步调”;schedule“计划表,日程安 排表”。 答案:B

6.Mr.Li,a famous educator,stated that many ________ must be made to the

education system. A.developments




解析:reform“改革”,表示“教育体制要做许多改革”。development“发 展”;reorganization“改组,改编,整编”;transformation“转变,变化;变 形”。 答案:D

7.I only caught a ________ of him sitting in the car,so I couldn't tell exactly what he

looked like. A.sight C.notice



解析:catch a glimpse of“瞥见”。 答案:B

8.Eating properly and exercising ________ makes one enjoy a longer and healthier


A.normally C.regularly

B.generally D.directly

解析:由题意知“人要经常锻炼,才能身体健康,才能长寿”。 答案:C

9.No one can________how the election will turn out,as there are so many unknown

factors. A.protect C.prevent

B.prepare D.predict

解析:本题考查动词辨析。句意:没有人能预测选举结果会如何,因为有很多未 知的因素。predict“预测;推测”;protect“保护”;prepare“准备”; prevent“预防,防止”。 答案:D

10.Mum often has some candles________at hand in case power fails at night.

A.in use

B.in store D.in order

C.in charge

解析:本题考查短语辨析。句意:妈妈经常在手边存一些蜡烛以防晚上停电。in store“贮藏着,备用”;in use“使用中”;in charge“主管,看管”;in order“整齐,状态良好”。 答案:B



(2010·武昌调研)It's 2035.You have a job,a family and

you're about 40 years old!Welcome to your future life.

Getting ready for work,you pause in front of the mirror.

“Turn red,”you say.Your shirt changes from sky blue to

deep red.Tiny preprogrammed electronics are rearranged in your shirt to change its colour.Looking into the mirror,you find it hard to believe you're 40.You look much younger.With amazing advances in medicine,people in your generation may live to be 150 years old.You're not even middle-aged!

As you go into the kitchen and prepare to pour your breakfast cereal into a bowl,

you hear,“To lose weight,you shouldn't eat that,”from your shoes.They read the tiny electronic code on the cereal box to find out the nutrition details.You decide to

shoes.“Kitchen,what can I have for breakfast?”A list of possible foods appears


on the counter as the kitchen checks its food supplies.

“Ready for your trip to space?”you ask your son and daughter.In 2005 only

specially trained astronauts went into space—and very few of them.Today anyone can go to space for day trips or longer vacations.Your best friend even works in space.Handing your children three strawberries each,you add,“The doctor said you need these for space travel.”Thanks to medical advances,vaccination shots (防疫针) are a thing of the past.Ordinary foods contain specific vaccines.With the berries in their mouths,the kids head for the front door.

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