


Unit 1 How can I get there?




______________________ _______________________ ______________________

______________________ _______________________

二、 对话排序 ( )Sure

( )Excuse me. Can you help me? ( )Thanks

( )How can I get to the science museum? ( )It’s over there


一、 根据首字母填入合适的单词 1、There are many books in the b_______.

2、Some robots are in the s________ m________. 3、I want to go to the c________. 4、Where is the h________? It’s n______ to the school. 二、 选出不同类的单词


( )1、A. science B. math C. book D. Chinese

( )2、A. bookstore B. science C. museum D. cinema

( )3、A. talking B. sing C. running D. jumping ( )4、A. hospital B. ten C. park D. zoo ( )5、A. Sarah B. John C. robot D. Amy



( )1、cro___ing A.oo B.ss C.os ( )2、t___n A.tu B.ur C.ru ( )3、s__r A.o B.i C.a ( )4、__sk A.o B.i C.a ( )5、ri___t A.gg B.ht C.gh 二、根据汉语提示,写出英语单词绿色圃中小学教育网http://www.lspjy.com

1. We can send a letter in the _______________.(邮局) 2. We can see the films at the ______________.(电影院) 3. If you are sick, we should go to the __________.(医院) 4. We can buy some books in the _____________.(书店)

第四课时 一、连线

go straight

crossing D.es D.un D.e D.e D.ge


turn right

turn 二、根据上下文,补全对话绿色圃中小学教育网http://www.lspjy.com

L: Excuse me , _______ _______a cinema near here? P: Yes, there is.

L: _______ is the cinema, please? P: It’s _______ to the hospital. L: Is it _______ from here? P: No, it’s not far. L: Thank you.

P: You’re welcome.


一、把字母重新组织起来,补全句子 1. It’s ___________ the library. a,r,n,e

2. What a great ______________! s,m,m,e,u,u

3. ______________ is the post office?

e,e,w,r,h 4. The shop is __________ to the door.

x,t,n,e 5. Today is Tuesday. We have ______________. 二、 单选我最棒。

s,c,e,n,i,c,e ( )1. _________________is the library, please? A. Where’s B. Where C. What ( )2. I want ___________ a post card.

A. buy B. to buy C. buying ( )3. Sorry, I ____________ know.

A. do B. not C. don’t ( )4. ___________ a great cinema!

A. How B. What C. Where


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