外研版高中英语必修1《odule 2 My New Teachers Listening and vocabulary》教案_5

Module 2 My New teacher Listening and vocabulary

Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语

headmaster, headmistress, period, revision, translation, timetable, topic, vacation, take a look, a couple, up to b. 重点句式 (P16)

Which ... is the most difficult for you and which is the easiest? If you do well in an exam you will pass; if you do badly you will fail. 2. Ability goals能力目标

Get the students to learn to describe school life and learn about stressed sound in words.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the students to learn how to use news words describing school life. Help the students learn how to use stressed sound in spoken English. Teaching important points 教学重点 How to describe school life. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 How to use stressed sound in spoke English. Teaching methods 教学方法 Listening, speaking and discussion. Teaching aids 教具准备 A recorder.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 Step Ⅰ Revision

Check the answers to Homework 1 and answer any questions they may ask. Step Ⅱ Vocabulary

Learning vocabulary is one of the big challenges for the students. By explaining new words in English and reading the examples, the students can master new words easily and make correct use of them. At the same time, the students can form a good habit of turning to a dictionary when they meet a new word. Task 1 Quiz

T: Have you previewed the new words? Can you explain these words in English? Let’s have a try. Each student explains one word.

Ask and answer questions in Activity 1 on P15 so that the students can be more familiar with the new words. Sample answers:

1. We do some exam revision. Generally, we spend two or three weeks.

2. Yes. At the beginning of our English classes we often translate some sentences, new words and phrases.

3. Yes. We have a free period on Thursday afternoons. 4. A headmistress.

5. About one hour every week. We don’t have enough free time.

6. Yes. We have different topics in our English classes, such as English around the world, festivals, sports, famous scientists, travel and so on. 7. No, we have no choice but English.

8. We have summer vacation and winter vacation.

Ask the students to list language areas on the blackboard together and then tell their difficulties in English learning. Step Ⅲ Listening and Discussion

T: Look at Activity 2 on P15. First fill in the blanks

with the words in bold in Activity 1 before you listen to the tape. Then we will listen to the tape to check your answers.

Play the tape and then check the answers. Play the tape for a second time and let the students finish Activity 3. After the students listen to the tape for the third time, get them to describe Mr Stanton, and discuss with their partners whether they would like to have Mr Stanton as their teacher and list their reasons.

Students try to finish the table on the blackboard.

Positive (+) Suggested answers:

Positive (+) kind and patient friendly try to be one of the students listen to the students like his students Negative (-) not organized not good at deciding what to do not know what the students need unable to draw students’ attention on the lesson lack of discipline in his class Step Ⅳ Everyday English

Dictate the expressions in everyday English. Explain them if necessary. Then complete the conversations with these expressions. Step Ⅴ Pronunciation

T: Turn to P16, Pronunciation. Pay attention to the stressed sound of the words in the table in Activity 1. Now let’s listen. Students listen and read after the tape. Step Ⅵ Homework Do Exercises 6 & 7 on P74.

Negative (-)

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