Module6 Book7

English Learning Plan of Senior Two Module6 Book7 Mar 25, 2019

Module 6

I.Key Words.

1. 保护;保存____________n.______________2.协议 n______________ v.________ opp. v___________ agree with sb _____________ agree to sb’s plan _____________agree on _______ 3.投资v______________ n______________4. 遗迹,遗体 ________________ v__________ It remanin s to be seen ______________5.存在n____________ v________ come into ~_______ 6. 亲戚,亲属 ______________ adj___________关系______________ be related to ___________ 7.使变锋利的_________________adj. ______________ 类似地 lengthen___________ strengthen______________ widen_____________ deepen_____________broaden___________ 8. 进化;演变_______________ v._____________ 9.暴露n________________v_____________ 10.促成v____________n______________~ to ________ make contributions to ________ 11.濒危的______________ n_____________ adj. _______________ in danger__________ 12.建议,推荐v______________ n________________ ~ that (should ) do _____________ 13.意识到的,知道的n______________ adj. ___________ opp ___________ be aware of_______ 14.建议,提议_______________n.______________ ~ that (should ) do _____________ 15. 帮助,援助_____________ v________________ 助手,管理员________________

16. 宝贵的,珍贵的______________ Time is~ _____________ Cf previous____________ 17.估计,估算______________It is ~d that______________ be ~ed to do ___________

18. 长度_______________adj_____________ 宽度_________ 高度_________ 深度_______ 19.请求,要求 __________ ~sb. to do_________ at sb.’s ~ ___________~ that+(should) do 20.纪念碑,纪念馆___________________ ~to the people’s heroes___________ 21(使)增大,扩大_____________ 使变富___________使能够___________使处于危险_______ 22.任凭……摆布 _____________adj______________(仁慈的,宽大的) opp ____________ show ~ on sb_________________ without ~ _______________ at the ~of ____________ 23.许诺做某事,同意做某事________________ pt_______________ pp_____________

24.缺席n___________adj. _________ opp ___________adj__________ in/during sb’s

absence_________________ in the absence of_________ _be absent from_____________ 25. 主观的______________ n._______________ opp 客观的______________ 26. 彻底的,全面的,详尽的_________________ adv_______________ Cf through___________ 27. 指导,引导,咨询_________________v._____________ under the ~ of sb ___________ 28.忽视v________________ n____________ Cf ignorant ____________n.______________ 29.给予荣誉______________ adj.______________ be ~ed for ____________ in ~of ________ It is my ~ to do sth ______________ have the ~ of doing sth _____________ 30 .新闻业,新闻工作__________________ 记者,新闻工作者________________/___________ remain

1. We must learn to conserve what remains. 2. Most of the unearthed relics remain intact. 3. I didn't remain long in the city. 4. They have found prehistoric remains . 5. Several problems remain to be solved. contribute

1. It was generous of her to contribute such a large sum .

2. It is an honour to be invited to contribute to your magazine. 3. Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness.

English Learning Plan of Senior Two Module6 Book7 Mar 25, 2019

II.Key Phrases.

1.除---之外_________________________ 2.经历,通过_______________________ 3.使某人想起---_____________________ 4.受---支配_________________________ 5.作为回报_________________________ 6.因---而受到尊重___________________ 7.至关重要的_______________________ III. Fill in the blanks with the words.

1. He was __________ (honour) with a title of “the Model Worker”. 2. The organization came into _______________(exist) 10 years ago. 3. He is always making a profit by careful ______________(invest).

4. Her works have _________________(contribute) to our understanding of this subject. 5. He was set free for the ____________(absent) of definite proof.

6. The campaign aims to raise ____________ (aware) of the danger of passive smoking. 7. Long-hour ______________ (expose) to strong sunlight has burned his face. 8. I propose that we _____________(discuss ) this at the next meeting.

9. With a large amount of work ___________(remain) to be done , the chief manager couldn’t spare time for a holiday.

IV. Fill in the blanks with the phrases. 1.除了提供热量外,火还有什么用处?

____________________________________________________________________ 2据说他童年时期经历了数不清的磨难。

_____________________________________________________________________ 3.你的头发和眼睛让我想起了你的妈妈。

_____________________________________________________________________ 4.她给了我们食品和衣物,没有要求任何回报。

_____________________________________________________________________ 5.你的建议对我们中学生来说非常有用。

_____________________________________________________________________ 6.他因在物理上的成就而受到尊敬。


V. Fill in the blanks.

In _____1920s, archeologists discovered some prehistoric human bones,________ changed China’s knowledge of its History. They came from an _________(know) species of man and were the first evidence of primitive human life in China __________(thousand) of years ago. The __________(remain) were three teeth. In 1929, a complete skull was discovered.___________ (eventual), archeologists found almost 200 items, __________(include) six skulls and more than 150 teeth. Four sites ________ Beijing Man and his relatives lived were discovered. Ashes were found alongside the fossils, which is the ______(early) evidence of the use of fire. Unfortunately, _____ Japanese invaded China in 1937,excavations stopped and most of the fossils disappeared.

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