2018年秋七年级(人教版)英语上册练习:Unit 5 Self Check2 单元话题阅读训练

§2 单元话题阅读训练


Bob likes playing soccer after class.And he always plays it alone(独自地).Today Miss White __1__ Bob playing in the playground.

“Hi,Bob.__2__ sport do you like?” Miss White __3__.

“Soccer,of course.I have __4__ soccer balls.One is here __5__ the other is at my home,” answers Bob.

“I see.Why(为什么) do you play it alone?You can play it __6__ your classmates.” “But it's my ball.I don't want __7__ to play it.” “Is it __8__ to play alone?” Miss White asks.

“No,it isn't.And it's a little boring,” Bob looks at his ball and says.

“Share(分享) your __9__ with your classmates.I'm sure you will have fun.”

Then Bob does as(以……方式) Miss White says.And he really has a great __10__.He finds that sharing is fun. (C)1.A.lets B.knows C.sees D.helps (A)2.A.What B.How C.Where D.When (B)3.A.finds B.asks C.helps D.thinks (D)4.A.some B.four C.three D.two

(B)5.A.so B.and C.but D.too (C)6.A.in B.to C.with D.for (C)7.A.you B.him C.them D.her (B)8.A.difficult B.interesting C.relaxing D.easy (D)9.A.hat B.bat C.tennis D.ball (A)10.A.time B.friend C.computer D.phone Ⅱ.阅读理解。 A

A Sports Survey(调查) Question:Do you have a tennis ball? Yes,I do.I have ten tennis balls and two tennis rackets.I often play tennis Linda Smith with my classmates after class.It's interesting.I also often watch them on TV.It's relaxing. No,I don't.It's boring.But my father likes tennis.He plays tennis with my Dale Brown No,I don't have a tennis ball,but my good friend David does.He loves sports.He has five tennis balls,a tennis racket,two volleyballs and a baseball bat.I don't like tennis.It's difficult.I love volleyball. brother.I only love soccer.I have two soccer balls.It's easy for me. Jane Green (D)11.Linda Smith often plays tennis with________. A.her sister B.her brother C.her father D.her classmates

(D)12.What sport does Dale Brown like? A.Tennis. B.Basketball. C.Volleyball. D.Soccer. (C)13.What does David have? A.Ten tennis balls. B.Two tennis rackets. C.Two volleyballs.

D.A ping-pong bat.

(B)14.Tennis is________for Jane Green. A.relaxing B.difficult C.interesting D.easy (A)15.Who loves volleyball? A.Jane. B.Dale. C.David. D.Linda.


Hi,I'm Bill.I have an uncle.__16__ He is a big fan(迷) of sports.He plays sports every day.And he watches sports games on TV in the evening every day.He can play soccer,basketball and baseball well.__17__ __18__ He has 13 tennis balls,10 baseball bats,4 volleyballs,2 basketballs and a soccer ball.__19__ My uncle is a P.E.teacher in a school and his son Leo is at his school.__20__ He plays basketball well.He is in the school basketball team(队).

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项。 A.What about your uncle? B.What's your favorite sport? C.Leo likes sports,too. D.They are under his bed. E.Look at my uncle's great sports collections(收藏品)! F.But playing ping-pong is a little difficult for him. G.His name is Henry.

16.G 17.F 18.E 19.D 20.C

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