2018版高考英语(译林版江苏省)大一轮复习讲义(题库)必修3 Unit 1 The world of our senses Word

必修3 Unit 1 The world of our senses


1.—Is there any news for the missing boy?

—Yes,he was observed ________computer games at eight o'clock yesterday in a net bar. A.play


C.to play


答案 D [根据时间状语及句意可知,应选择一个表示动作正在进行的选项作主语补足语,故D项符合题意。]

2.________by the teacher,Tom got into the classroom from the back door quietly.

A. To avoid being seen C. To be avoided seeing

B. Avoiding seen D. Avoided

答案 A [由句子语境可知, Tom之举的目的是“避免被老师看见”,应用动词不定式作状语,可排除B、D两项;avoid“避开,避免”,其后用动名词作宾语,而Tom与see之间为动宾关系,应用动名词的被动形式。故选A项。]

3.The boss will ________right away.Give him the report the moment you see him.

A.very likely to come C.most likely come

B.much likely to come D.greatly likely coming

答案 C [句意:老板很有可能马上就来,你一见到他就把这个报告给他。本题考查likely作副词的用法。likely作副词,常与most,very等连用。] 4.The boy________the apple on the tree,but he was too short to ________it.


B.reached;reach for D.reached for;reach

C.reached for;reach for

答案 D [句意:男孩伸手去够树上的苹果,但由于太矮而够不着。reach for伸手去够……;reach 达到。]

5.War is closely________poverty since they always go________.

A. related with;hand by hand B. connected to;hand to hand C. related to;hand in hand D. concentrated on;hand with hand

答案 C [句意:战争和贫困密切相关,因为它们总是携手而至。be related with某物与某物被联系起来;be connected to连接;be related to同……相关;concentrate on集中注意力于。“手牵手,手拉手”为hand in hand。故选C项。]


—Sorry.I don't know.

A.What do you think does she like best B.Do you think what does she like best C.What do you think she likes best D.Do you think what she likes best

答案 C [本题是考查疑问词+插入语+陈述语序的句子。句意:——你认为她最喜欢什么?——对不起,我不知道。]

7.—He can't be at home now,for his door is locked.

—He often works with the door________. A.having locked C.locking

B.to lock D.locked

答案 D [句意:——他不可能在家,因为他的门是锁着的。——他经常锁着门在家工作。考查with的复合结构,with的宾语是the door,和lock之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,所以选择过去分词充当宾补。]

8.If we go on using energy so wastefully,________are that our oil wells will be dried

up________new energy sources can be found to replace oil. A. chances;before C. questions; since

B. difficulties;after D. problems; as

答案 A [第一空考查名词辨析,第二空考查连词辨析。chance作“可能性”讲时,常构成结构“chances are that...”;第二空表示“在……之前”,引申为“没等……”。所以选择A项。]

9.I always cannot help ________people in trouble a hand.But I am so busy today that

I cannot help ________the work with you. A.to give;to do C.give;do

B.giving;doing D.giving;do

答案 D [考查非谓语动词。cannot help doing sth禁不住做某事;cannot help(to)do sth不能帮着做某事。]

10.She can’t help________the house because she’s busy________a cake.

A.to clean;make B.cleaning;making C.clean;making D.being cleaned;to make

答案C [考查非谓语动词辨析。在本题中can’t help是“不能帮助做”,后接(to)do;第二空be busy要接v.-ing形式。因此选C项。另外,can’t help只有表示“禁不住……”时,


11.The traditional approach________with complex problems in our studies is to

break them down into smaller,more easily managed problems. A.to deal C.to dealing

B.having dealt D.being dealt

答案 C [句意:在处理学习中存在的复杂问题时,我们所采用的传统方法是把问题分解成更小的、更容易处理的问题。approach常与介词to连用,而to后要用名词或动名词形式,故答案为C项。]

12.________him and then try to copy what he does.

A.Mind C.Stare at

B.Glance at D.Watch

答案 D [四个选项的英文释义如下:watch:attend carefully to sb or sb's action;stare at:look fixedly with wide open eyes,as in wonder,fear or deep thought;glance at:give a rapid look;mind:take care of or look after。从原句中的try to copy what he does可知应选watch。]

13.—Now that you like the house so much,why not buy it?

—Well,I can't afford ________house. A.that a big C.a that big

B.a big that D.that big a

答案 D [that相当于副词so,表示程度,修饰形容词或副词,但如果在“a(n)+adj.+n.”这个结构中则用that+adj.+a(n)+n.的形式。]

14.You don't need to return the money all at once.You can ________the loan over a

period of 20 years. A.take back C.pull back

B.pay back D.get back

答案 B [句意:你不必一次性还钱,你可以贷款20年再慢慢偿还。考查短语的含义。take back意为“取回,使回忆起,取消”,pay back“偿还,报答,报复”,get back“找回,恢复”,pull back“把……向后拉,撤退”等,根据句意选择B项。] 15.Most Americans would find it hard to imagine ________without a car.

A.what could life be like C.life could be like what

B.what life could be like D.could life be like what

答案 B [句意:大多数的美国人都觉得很难想象没有汽车的生活会是什么样的。考查宾语从句的语序。what引导宾语从句,从句用陈述句语序,主语是life。]

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