2017秋九年级英语全册 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where

Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are

Section B 2 (3a-Self Check)

Step 1 Revision

1)Write down the phrases

① 提出礼貌的要求 ② 听起来更礼貌

③ 一个很直接的问题 ④ 请求帮助 ⑤ 在不同的情形下 ⑥ 取决于 ⑦ 你所用的表达方式 ⑧ 比如

⑨ 花时间导入 ⑩ 变得更擅长 2)Fill in the blanks according to 2b.

When you visit a _______ country, it is _________ to know how to ask for help ______. For example, “Where are the restrooms?” or “Could you _____ tell me where the ________ ___?” these are similar ________ for _________ you may ask. Both are _______ English, but the first one sounds _____ polite. That is because it is a very ______ question. It is not enough to just ask a question ________. We also need to learn how to be polite — when we ask for _____.

In English, ___ in Chinese, we change the way we ______ in different _________. The expressions you use might _______ ___ whom you are speaking to ___ how well you know them. If you say to your teacher, “When is the school trip?” this might sound ________. But if you say, “Excuse me, Mr. West, do you know when the school trip ___?”, this will sound _____ more polite. However, it is all right to ask direct questions to your classmates because you know them ____.

It might seem more _______ to speak politely than _______. It is important to learn how to use _____ ________ in different situations. This will also help you ___________ better with other people. Step 2 Presentation

Imagine you are going on a short study vacation at a school in an English-speaking country. What would you like to know before you go? Write some polite, indirect questions about the following topics. The topics are:

① The course you will study ② The time of the course ③ Where and what you can eat ④ Where you will stay ⑤ What activities you can do ⑥ Travel to the school ⑦ Other

Step 3 Practice

Make conversations according to the information in 3a. Step 4 Writing

1)Write a polite letter to the school asking for the information you want to know. Use your notes in 3a.

In your letter, you should: introduce yourself say when you are coming

politely ask for information

thank the person for helping you

2) Use the following expressions to help you: My name is … and I’m from …

I’ll be coming to your school for … I’d like to know about …

I would like to thank you for… I’m looking forward to your reply. 3)写作指导:本次写作内容是一封书信,信的开头和结尾已经给出。但我们还是要记住书信的格式,便于今后自己运用。信中首先要介绍自己,然后告诉你去他们学校的时间,然后同学们可根据在3a环节中所问到的问题来礼貌的询问你想知道的信息。 One possible version: Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is He Wei and I’m from Beijing, China. I’ll be coming to your school soon for a short study vacation. I will leave for your school on July 10th. I’d like to know more information about the school.

Could you tell me what course I will study in your school? And I also want to know when the course will start. I want to know where I will stay. Can you tell me? Would you mind telling me where and what I can eat in your school? I like all kinds of activities. Could you please tell me what activities I can do in your school?

The last question, can you tell me how I can get to your school? I would like to thank you for helping me and I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,

He Wei

Step 5 Self Check

1) Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

2) Write questions and answers using the words given. Step 6 Language points

1. I’m looking forward to your reply.

look forward to期待,盼望。后面接名词或者动名词。

e.g. I look forward to your good news. 我等待你的好消息。 Look forward to hearing from you. 期待你的来信。 2. I would like to thank you for…

thanks for“因……而感谢”,是客套用语,thanks相当于thank you,for强调为何而感谢,其后可接名词或V-ing。

e.g. Thanks for lending me the money. 多谢您借钱给我。

Thanks for reminding. I’d forgotten all about his coming this afternoon. 谢谢你提醒我,我完全忘了他今天下午要来。 3. I need to plan my time better. 1) plan sth. 计划某事,后接名词。

e.g. I want to plan my summer vacation. 我想要计划我的暑假。 2) plan to do sth. 计划去做某事,to是动词不定式。

e.g. They plan to have a sports meeting. 他们计划开运动会。 3) plan for sth. 关于……的计划,plan是名词。 Step 7 Homework




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