


Unit 6 一. Teaching aim. 1. Words: a dog, a cat, a monkey, a tiger, a panda, a zebra, a bird, an elephant, red, green, white, black, orange, blue, yellow. apples, oranges, pears, bananas, peaches, mangoes desk, chair, a bed, a sofa, a table, a telephone, a bookcase, a fridge pens, books, pencils, ball pens, pencil-boxes, pencil sharpener, rulers, rubbers 2. Sentences: Hello, I m What s your name? This is Nice to meet you. Good morning / afternoon. Get up. / Go to school now. / Go home now. / Go to bed, please. OK. / All right. How are you? Fine, thank you. / Not bad, thank you. / Not so good. I m sorry. 二. Difficult and important points. people, animals, colours, fruits, things for school. 三. 教具 1. tape and tape recorder 2. cards Unit 6 第一课时

Step 1 Free talk T: Hello! How are you?

S: Fine, thank you. T: Good morning. S:






S: Good afternoon. T: Go to bed now, xx.

S: OK. Good night. T: Hello! How are you? S: Not so good. T: I m sorry. Step 2 Review 1. Review

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the words animals, fruits, furniture, school things, colors 2. 将 Unit 6 出现的单词卡片贴至黑板上, 集中复习黑板上单词,do ( listen and circle ) 3. Listen and number. 1) . 拿出东西让学生练习。

比如, 一支红铅笔 a red pencil , 一个黄色桌子 a yellow desk , 让学生自己练习。

2) . 让学生将图中的物品加以描述, 如:

a blue fridge, a green sofa, a red telephone , a brown chair 3) . Listen to the tape. (1) . 集中听独立做。 (2) . 重复内容。

(3) . Check Step 3 Workbook ( C D E ) 1. Listen , find and circle. 2. Listen , find and color. 3. Listen and draw. 在这三个过程中, 先集中听独立做, 然后重复内容, 最后检查。

第二课时 Step 1 Free talk T: Good morning.

S: Good morning. T: Hello, what s your name?

S: My name is xx. T: How are you? S: Fine, thank you. And you ? T: I m fine, too. T: Good afternoon. S: Good afternoon. T: Hello! How are you? S: Not so good. T: I m sorry. Step 2 1. Look at the pictures. 2. 学生讨论, 让学生自主的进行讨论, 让学生发表意见。


3. 教师将学生的意见加以总结。 4. 教师加以举例。

(用第一幅图) 5. Make dialogues. 6. Act. Step 3 Workbook 1. Listen ( once ) 会回答先回答(部分) 2. 第二遍(twice) 学生继续(全体) 3. 认识人物(尤其是区别比较大的:

Mr Green, Mr Black) 4. Listen to the tape. 5. Check it. 第三课时 Step 1 我们总结一下所学过的物品名称。 谁还记得? 生说师写(注意分类) Step 2 分类复习 a. Animals: a dog, a cat, a monkey, a tiger, a panda, a zebra, a bird, an elephant. 歌谣复习 bird, bird 是小鸟, 小鸟 bird 喳喳叫。

dog, dog 是小狗, 小狗 dog 汪汪叫。 cat, cat 是小猫, 小猫 cat 喵喵叫。

monkey, monkey 是猴子, 猴子 monkey 爱吃桃。 zebra, zebra 是斑马, 斑马 zebra 满身是条纹。 tiger, tiger 是老虎, 老虎 tiger 兽中王。 panda, panda 是熊猫, 熊猫 panda 是国宝。

elephant, elephant 是大象, 大象 elephant 体如墙。 b. Fruits. (快速反应, 注意单复数的区别) c. Things in rooms. ( What s missing?) 1. What s missing? 2. What

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