
Unit7 How much are these socks? 知识点总结 1.重点短语

7美元seven dollars 7元seven yuan 7英镑seven pounds 一双红色的袜子 a pair of red socks = a pair of socks in red

两双黄色的鞋two pairs of yellow shoes= two pairs of shoes in yellow 一条绿色的短裤a pair of green shorts =a pair of green shoes in green 这双蓝黄相间的袜子this pair of yellow and blue socks

一双两美元two dollars for one pair 两双三美元three dollars for two pair 需要去做某事need to do sth 帮助某人去做某事help sb (to do sth 帮助某事某事help sb with sth 我们大特价at our great sale

削价出售on sale= at a great sale

以很合理的价格at very good prices = at a very good price 以低的价格at a low price 以高的价格at a high price 一个服装店a clothes store 两名男老师two men teachers 三名女医生three women doctors

蔬菜/水果沙拉fruit/vegetable salad come here 来这go there 去那给某人买某物buy sth for sb =buy sb sth

从某人某地那买某物buy sth from +地点/人把…卖给某人sell sth to sb 2.重点句子

1.这件T-shirt 多少钱?

How much is this T-shirt?= What’s the price of this T-shirt? 2..这些裤子多少钱?

How much are these trousers?=What’s the price of these trousers?




Can I help you?= What can I do for you? = What do you want/need? Yes, please. I need/ want .. No, thanks.


7. Mary 需要买一条裤子。Mary needs to buy a pair of trousers. 8.这(双个怎么样?How about this one/ pair? 9. 它看起来很漂亮。It looks nice.

10. 这些夹克衫看起来很新。These jackets look new.

11.Tom 帮助我做作业。Tom helps me to do homework.=Tom helps me with homework.

12.我买了它/ 它们/ 一双。I will take(buy it/ them/ a pair.


14.我们的衣服大特价快来买吧。Come and buy your clothes at our great sale.

15.我们以很好的价格卖所有的衣服。We all our


17. 对于女孩我们有紫色的短群仅仅20 in purple for only $20.

18. 袜子3双两美元。Socks are only $2 for three pairs. 19.我妈妈给我买了一条裤子。

My mother buys a pair of trousers for me.=My mother buys me a pair of trousers. 20.我从那个服装店里买了一顶帽子。I buy a hat from that clothes store. 21.那个商店卖给我一双运动鞋。That shop sells a pair of sports shoes to me. 22.我们有一些衣服出售。

We have some clothes on sale.=We have some clothes at a great sale. 23. 这条短裤的价格是20美元。The price of this pair of shorts is $20. 语法难点:

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