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一般过去时与过去进行时的区别和过去完成时与过去完成进行时的区别 一般过去时和过去进行时的比较

一般过去时和过去进行时虽然同是指过去发生的动作或存在的状态,但是,他们还是有很大的质的区别,那就是他们所指的时间有很大的不同。一般过去时所指的过去时间却比较笼统,而过去进行时所指的过去时间则比较具体。试比较下面两组句子: A组

She joined the League three years ago. The story took place in 1985. Aunt read me a story last night. B组

Mary was cooking at this time yesterday.

She was doing some washing when I come in. I was sleeping when the thief broke into the house.

A组中的three years ago、in 1985、last night 所指的过去时间均较为笼统,因此必须采用一般过去时。而B组中的at this time yesterday、 when I came in、 when the thief broke into the house 所指的过去时间均较为具体,因此必须采用过去进行时。 一般过去时和过去进行时,除了他们所指的时间有差别之外,还可以通过他们动作的性质来加以区别。一般过去时表示在过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。它强调的是动作的“发生”或状态的“存在”。过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或在过去某一段时间内正在进行的动作。它强调的是动作的“正在进行”。试比较下面两组句子: C组

Did he watch TV last night? I got up at five yesterday.

I studied in that class last year. D组

Mum was doing some washing yesterday evening. We were cleaning the classroom this time yesterday. The teacher was talking to some parents when I saw her. C组中的“看电视”、“起床”、“学习”都是属于过去某一时候动作的“发生”或状态的“存在”,所以必须采用一般过去时。而D组中的“在洗(衣服)”、“在打扫(教室)”、“正在谈话”都是指过去某一时刻动作“正在进行”,所以必须采用过去进行时。

有时,同是发生于过去某一个时候的某一个动作,既可采用一般过去时,也可采用过去进行时,但其语意却不尽相同,而且还有着很大的区别。试比较下列几对句子: Jack wrote a letter to his parents last night. 杰克昨晚给他的父母写了封信。(信写完了) Jack was writing a letter to his parents last night. 杰克昨晚一直在给他的父母写信。(信不一定写完) She prepared the new lesson last night. 昨晚她备了课。(课备完了) She was preparing the new lesson last night. 昨晚她一直在备课。(课不一定备完) They planted trees last Sunday. 他们上星期天植树。(树植完) They were planting trees last Sunday. 他们上星期天一直在植树。(树不一植完)

但必须注意:一般过去时的谓语动词,即可用延续性动词,也可用非延续性动词,而过去进行时的谓语动词却只能用延续性动词。如本文中的A组句型中的,“join”、“take place”

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过去完成进行时是由“had been + 现在分词”构成。 过去完成进行时的用法


过去完成进行时表示动作在过去某一时间之前开始,一直延续到这一过去时间。和过去完成时一样,过去完成进行时也必须以一过去时间为前提。 I had been looking for it for days before I found it. 这东西我找了好多天才找着的。

They had only been waiting for the bus a few moments when it came. 他们只等了一会儿车就来了。


He had been mentioning your name to me. 他过去多次向我提到过你的名字。 You had been giving me everything. 你对我真是有求必应。


The doctor asked what he had been eating. 医生问他吃了什么。

I asked where they had been staying all those days. 我问他们那些天是呆在哪儿的。


I had only been reading a few minutes when he came in. 我刚看了几分钟他就进来了。

She'd only been reviewing her lessons for a short while when her little sister interrupted her. 她温习功课才一会儿,她妹妹就打断她了。

接下来,我们再来看看它与过去完成时的对比。 She had cleaned the office, so it was very tidy.

她已经打扫过办公室了,所以很整洁。 (强调结果) She had been cleaning the office, so we had to wait outside.

她一直在打扫办公室,所以我们不得不在外面等着。 (强调动作一直在进行)


1. They received the parcel that they ____ for a long time. A. expected B. have expected C. had been expecting D. had expected 2. She ______ the office, so we had to wait outside. A. had cleaned B. cleaned

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C. had been cleaned D. had been cleaning

3. They______ the bus a few moments when it came.

A. were just waiting for B. had just waited for C. had just been waiting for D. just waited for 4. My brother ___ while he ___ his bicycle and hurt himself. A. fell, was riding B. fell, were riding

C. had fallen, rode D. had fallen, was riding 5. I don ' t think Jim saw me; he ___ into space. A. just stared B. was just staring C. has just stared D. had just stared

6. A new bridge _____ across the river last year. It has not been completed yet.

A. has built B. was built C. had been built D. was being built 7. I can guess you were in a hurry. You ___ your sweater inside out.

A. had worn B. wore C. are wearing D. were wearing 8. Jane _____ some washing this time yesterday.

A. is doing B. had done C. was doing D. did 9. I don’t work here; I _____ until a new secretary arrives. A. am just helping out B. just help out C. have just helped out D. will just help out

10. Nowadays, a large number of women, especially those from the countryside, _____ in beauty salons or restaurants.

A. is working B. works C. work D. worked

11. The man was impatiently waiting for the show to begin and ________ his watch. A. looked at B. was looking at C. have been looking at D. had looked at

12.—What’s that terrible noise?

—The neighbors _______ for a party.

A. have prepared B. are preparing C. prepare D. will prepare

13. Now that she is out of a job, Lucy ____ going back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet.

A. had considered B. has been considering C. considered D. is going to consider

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