2014年 成人学位英语冲刺试题及答案十一

Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choi

Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer. I always encourage such people, but I also explain that there’’s a big difference between \a writer\and writing. In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame, not the long hour alone at a typewriter. \’’ve got to want to write,\

The reality is that writing is a lonely, private and poor-paying affair. For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never rewarded. When I left a 20-year career in the U.S. Coast Guard to become a freelance(自由栏目 )writer, I had no prospects at all. What I did have was a friend who found me my room in a New York apartment building. It didn’’t even matter that it was cold and had no bathroom. I immediately bought a used manual typewriter and felt like a genuine writer.

After a year or so, however, I still hadn’’t gotten a break and began to doubt myself. It was so hard to sell a story that I barely made enough to eat. But I knew I wanted to write, I had dreamed about it for years. I wasn’’t going to be one of those people who die wondering: What if ? I would keep putting my dream to the test even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure. This is the shadowland of hope, and anyone with a dream must learn to live there. 1. The passage is meant to______.

A warn young people of the hardships that a successful writer has to experience B advise young people to give up their idea of becoming a professional writer C show young people it’s unrealistic for a writer to pursue wealth and fame D encourage young people to pursue a writing career 答案:A

这道题考察考生对文章的整体把握能力。作者在开头便点明写作和成为作家是不同的,指出 很多年轻人的想法是不成熟的。接下来又以亲身经历说明成为作家的艰辛。 2. What can be concluded from the passage?

A Genuine writers often find their work interesting and rewarding. B A writer’s success depends on luck rather than on efforts. C Famous writers usually live in poverty and isolation. D The chances for writer to become successful are small 答案:D

一个作家成功的比率是非常小的。在文章的第二段中提到For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never rewarded.虽然有一些可以得到财富,但上千的作家的努力却得不到回报。说明作家成功是非常困难的。

3. Why did the author begin to doubt himself after the first year of his writing career? A He wasn’t able to produce a single book. B He hadn’t seen aching for the better.

C He wasn’t able to have a rest for a whole year. D He though that he lacked imagination. 答案:B

作者在从事写作的第一年怀疑自己是应为他没有看到情况比一开始有所好转。 4. ?people who die wondering: What if ?(Para-3) refers to \

A who think too much of the dark side of life B who regret giving up their career halfway C who think a lot without making a decision D who are full of imagination even upon death 答案:C

因为这些人总去问what if,说明他们总是犹豫不决,对自己的未来举棋不定,做不出最终决定。 5. Shadowland in the last sentence refers to_____. A the wonderland on often dreams about

B the bright future that one is looking forward to

C the state of uncertainty before one’s final goal is reached D a world that exists only in one’s imagination 答案:C


Too often young people get themselves employed quite by accident, not knowing what lies in the way of opportunity for promotion, happiness and security. As a result, they are employed doing jobs that afford them little or no satisfaction. Our school leavers face so much competition that they seldom care what they do as long as they can earn a living. Some stay long at a job and learn to like it; others quit from one to another looking for something to suit them. The young graduates who leave the university look for jobs that offer a salary up to their expectation.

Very few go out into the world knowing exactly what they want and realizing their own abilities. The reason behind all this confusion is that there never has been a proper vocational guidance in our educational institution. Nearly all grope (摸索) in the dark and their chief concern when they look for a job is to ask what salary is like. They never bother to think whether they are suited for the job or , even more important, weather the job suits them. Having a job is more than merely providing yourself and your dependants with daily bread and some money for leisure and entertainment. It sets a pattern of life and , in many ways, determines social status in life, selection of friends, leisure and interest. In choosing a career you should first consider the type of work which will suit your interest. Nothing is more pathetic than taking on a job in which you have no interest, for it will not only discourage your desire to succeed in life but also ruin your talents and ultimately make you an emotional wreck (受到严重伤害的人) and a bitter person.

6. The reason why some people are unlikely to succeed in life is that they________. A have ruined their talents

B have taken on an unsuitable job C think of nothing but their salary D are not aware of their own potential 答案:B

逻辑推理题。第一段的主题句很清楚地告诉我们,有些年轻人是很偶然才找到工作的,因此他们在工作中很少或基本不能获得满足感。由此可知,他们不太可能成功的原因是他们没有找到合适的工作。 7. The difficulty in choosing a suitable job lies in that________. A much competition has to be faced

B many employees have no working experience

C the young people only care about how much they can earn

D schools fail to offer students appropriate vocational guidance 答案:D

细节题。第二段提到“The reason behind all this confusion is that there never has been a proper vocational guidance in our educational institution.”可见,大学生之所以在找工作时有很多误区,原因主要在于学校未能提供就业方面的培训和指导。

8. Which of the following statements is most important according to the passage? A Your job must suit your interest. B Your job must set a pattern of life. C Your job must offer you a high salary. D Your job must not ruin your talent. 答案:A

细节题。第三段的首句说“In choosing a career you should first consider the type of work which will suit your interest.”其中的first与题干中的the most important为同义改写。 9. The best title for this passage would be________. A What Can A Good Job Offer B Earning A Living

C Correct Attitude on Job-hunting D How to Choose A Job 答案:D


10. The word \A splendid B miserable C disgusted D touching 答案:B

词汇题。根据“Nothing is more pathetic than taking on a job in which you have no interest,”我们可以判断pathetic应该表示贬义,因此答案就只能从B和C中选择;其次,根据后面的两个动词“discourage”和“ruin”,我们就可以确定答案为B。pathetic此处意为“糟糕的,差劲的”。 Television has opened windows in everybody’’s life. Young men will never again go to war as they did in 1914.

Millions of people now have seen the effects of a battle. And the result has been a general dislike of war, and perhaps more interest in helping those who suffer from all the terrible things that have been shown on the screen.

Television has also changed politics. The most distant areas can now follow state affairs, see and hear the politicians before an election. Better informed, people are more likely to vote, and so to make their opinion count. Unfortunately, television’’s influence has been extremely harmful to the young. Children do not have enough experience to realize that TV shows present an unreal world; that TV advertisements lie to sell products that are sometimes bad or useless. They believe that the violence they see is normal and acceptable. All educators agree that the \generations\are more violent than their parents and grandparents.

Also, the young are less patient. Used to TV shows, where everything is quick and interesting,

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