
Unit3 My friends教学设计

A let’s talk


1.能听懂、会说“What's his name?His name is ?? He has??”

2、能听、说、认读“I have a new friend. A Chinese friend? What's his name? His name is ??” 二、教学重难点:

(1)教学重点:What's his name?His name is ??He has?? (2)教学难点:He has??

三、课前准备:单词卡(Chinese、 photo)、课件、Jhon,Jhon's

mother的头饰。 四、教学过程: Step 1 Warm-up: 1、let's do :

big,big,big,Make your eyes big. small,small,small,Make your eyes small. tall,tall,tall,Make yourself tall. short,short,short,Make yourself short. 2、Sing a song:《Friends》

(设计意图:let's do的目的是为了复习旧知:big、small、tall、short等




Step 2 Presentation:

1、难点句型He has?? 和单词 photo的教学

T:I have a new friend。He is very very tall。He has a big mouth,small eyes。He has big ears。He has short hair。Do you know,who’s he?

T:Please look,this is his photo。



2、 What’s his name? His name is? 的教学。

(课件出示姚明的照片,Let’s look。师与学生一起再把照片描述一下引出His name is? 句型并板书,然后出示几张卡通人物的照片进行问答练习,通过多次问答形式引出句子What’s his name?并板书。师领读板书的主句型,针对班里的其他男生,进行师生、生生问答练习。)

(1)Play a game:全班分为两组,每组选一生上台,台下学生对课件中所选定的人物照片进行描述,并问What’s his name?台上的学生谁先猜出来即为胜利者。

游戏分为2组 : 一组(大头儿子、小新、一休) 二组(刘欢、刘翔、猪八戒) (2)出示let’s chant:做巩固练习 I have a new (good,Chinese )friend. I have a new (good,Chinese )friend. He has big eyes. He is tall. Hello,what’s his name?


Hello,what’s his name?

His name is 姚明.His name is 姚明.。




Step 3 practice: 1、教授Chinese 。

T:Class,I'm form China。Where are you form? Ss:I'm form China ,too。 T:Nice to meet you 。 Ss:Nice to meet you,too。

T:We are Chinese。


指着班里的学生说Chinese girl,Chinese boy,让生明白并会运用。)

2、师出示Jhon,Jhon’s mother 的头饰,

T:Boys and girls: What's his name? His name is 。 Now,Jhon is talking about his new friend to his mother.

(1) Listen and answer:

师大荧幕出示:What's his friend's name?(让学生带着问题听,听后回答)

(2) Open the book,p24。 Listen and repeat.



(3)Read the dialogue by yourself.

(4)Act this dialogue.(师准备好Jhon,Jhon’s mother 的头饰,师生/生生进行对话表演) (5)Listen and number. Step 4 Production: Group Work:

在小组内把你所带照片上的朋友介绍给你的同学. Like this:(供你参考)

A: Hello, B名字. I have a new friend. B: A boy?

A: Yes. He has hair and eyes. B: What's his name?

A: His name is ... Look, this is his photo .He is


(1)师出示例子,先与一生做示范展示。 (2)小组活动。 (3)上台展示。



Step 5 Homework

1、Introduce your new friends to your parents. 2、Make a name card for yourself or your friends.



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