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托福TPO4口语task3题目 Reading Part:

Evening Computer Classes May Be Added

The computer department is considering offering evening classes in the fall. The proposal to add the classes is a response to student complaints that day time computer classes have become increasingly over crowded and there are no longer enough computers available. The department has decided that despite some added expense, the most cost-effective way of addressing this problem is by adding computer classes in the evening. It is hoped that this change will decrease the number of students enrolled in day classes and thus guarantee individual access to computers for all students in computer classes.

托福TPO4口语task3题目 Listening Part:

Now listen to two students discussing the article.

(man) I just don’t think this will work.

(woman) Why not?

(man) Because it’s not gonna solve the problem. Students are busy at night, I mean, we have jobs, families, clubs, social events. Most of us already have something to do every single night of the week.

(woman) I see your point. I sure couldn’t fit anything into my schedule during the week. I’ve got swimming practice most nights.

(man) Right! And as far as expense goes, I think they’re going about it the wrong way. I mean, it cost money to hire more teachers and keep the academic building open later, which is a lot more expensive than simply just buying more computers.

(woman) More computers?

(man) That’s right! Computer prices have come way down the past few years. So the department won’t have to spend as much now as they did in the past. Besides, the computer department classrooms, you know, the rooms themselves, they are actually very big, there’s plenty of space to add more computers.

托福TPO4口语task3题目 Question:

The computer department is considering a scheduling change. Explain the man’s opinion of the change and the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


1. Reading keys

(1.1) Announcement: college will start offering evening computer classes

(1.2) Reason 1: not enough classes to meet the needs

(1.3) Reason 2: new plan is cost efficient

2. Listening keys

(2.1) Man disagrees with it

(2.2) Reason 1: students are busy at night

(2.2.1) Details: families, clubs, social events

(2.3) Reason 2: it’s cheaper to buy new computers

(2.3.1) Details: computer prices have come way down; expensive to keep the building open late; there’s room for the new equipment


The school is planning to start offering evening computer classes due to it’s popularity and it will be cost effective. In the conversation the man disagrees with the school’s plan for the following reasons. First of all, many students are busy at night doing other activities. For example, they might have jobs, families, clubs and social events to attend to. He also thinks that the school should buy more computers to meet the needs instead of opening up more classes. Computer prices decreased a lot during the years, they have become very cheap. Hiring more teaching staff is going to be more expensive for the school in the long run, plus there will be enough space for the new equipment.


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