五年级上英语调研试卷-轻松夺冠 含答案

五 年 级 英 语 调 研 试 卷

时间:60分钟 分值:100分

学校: 宿迁体校 命题人: 朱臻 装------------------------装-------------------------订------------------------线------------------------- 第一部分 听力(30分)


( ) 1.A swing B soup C sing ( ) 2.A arm B ice C idea ( ) 3.A hobby B heavy C hole ( ) 4.A down B dance C door

( ) 5.A play table tennis B play the violin C play the piano


( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )


( ) 1.A Yes,they are. B Yes,there are.

C They are some reading rooms.

( ) 2.A No,it does. B No,it does’t. C Yes,he does. ( ) 3.A. There are three. B. There are 80. C. It’s 80. ( ) 4 A I like watching films. B He likes drawing.

C He likes his animal friends.

( ) 5 A He has a book. B I have some books.

C We don’t have any books.


1. This soup is too cold,that soup is

2. A: Can you Tom around? B:Yes, Mr Smith.

3. A: Are there rooms on the floor?

B:Yes , there are.

4. A: music rooms are there in the school?

B: are .

5. My animal friend has two .

第二部分 笔试(70分)


1.have a look 6 太硬了 2.long ears 7 在···的前面 3.Don’t shout 8 在操场上 4.on the third floor 9 一条大尾巴 5.hungry and thirsty 10 擅长


( ) 1. There ______ a pencil , a book and two pens on the table. A have B are C is ( ) 2.-Are there ________ pictures on the wall ? -No , there aren’t ________ .

A .any \\ any B some \\ any C. some \\ some ( ) 3. a beautiful dress!

A. How B. Who C. What ( ) 4. There aren’t books in the school bag. A some B any C a lot ( ) 5.How many are there in the building? A classrooms B classroom C a classroom ( ) 6.It has no arms legs.

A not B or C and

( )7.The boy can’t play piano,but he can play football. A the;a B the;/ C a;the ( ) 8. There some juice in the glass. A is B are C have ( ) 9. She likes swimming.

A too B both C also ( ) 10. Our classroom is on floor. A one B first C the first

七、根据所给场景,选择合适的句子,将其序号填入题前的括号内。(10分) ( ) 1、当你想问“你的爱好是什么?”的时候,应该说 。 A. What is your hobby? B. What do you have? C.Is this your hobby? ( ) 2、别人给你倒的水太烫了,可以说 。

A. It’s too cold. B. It’s too hot. C,It’s just right. ( ) 3、你告诉别人你的动物朋友长着大眼睛,可以说 。

A My animal friend has big eyes.

B. My animal friend has big ears. C.My animal friend has long eyes.

( ) 4、你想问学校有几个电脑教室,可以问 。 A. Are there any computer room in our school? B.Is the computer room on the first floor?

C.How many computer rooms are there in our school?

( ) 5、你告诉大家你的哥哥喜欢唱歌跳舞,可以说 。 A. My brother likes sing and dance.

B.My brother likes singing and dancing. C.My brother likes singing and dance.


1. Let (I)go and have a look. 2. My mother (have) a rabbit.

3. There is (a) art room on the first floor. 4. The girl (teach) us English on Sundays. 5. They like (swim) very much.


( ) 1. Are there any computer room in the school?


( ) 2. What are on the tree? There are some apples. A B C D

( ) 3.Mr. Hu is our teacher, he teachs us English. ___________ _ A B C D

( ) 4. Lets go and have a look. A B C D

( ) 5. What can your sister do? She can dancing. A B C D

十、句型转换。按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。(10分) 1.There is a book on the desk.(改为一般疑问句)

a book on the desk?

2.There are some cakes in the fridge.(改为否定句)

There cakes in the fridge. 3.There is a girl under the tree. (就划线部分提问)

______ ______ _______ ________ there under the tree? 4.many , books, the, how, on, desk, there, are(?)(连词成句)

十一、选用方框中的句子完成对话。(5分) A.How many legs dose the animal have? B.No,there aren’t.

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