
Unit 7 Memory

第1课时 Vocabulary

一、根据要求写出相应的单词 1. lose ____________(过去式) 6. method _________(复数形式) 2. spell _________(n.) 7. spell _________(过去式) 3. memorize _________(n.) 8. mile _________(复数形式) 4. improvement _________(v.) 9. trouble _________(v.) 5. mention ________________(过去式) 10. manager _________(v.) 二、词汇测试

( ) 1. He lost his memory after that illness.

A. knew everything B. forgot his past C. knew his future ( ) 2. It is a best way to improve our study.

A. make our study worse B. make our study weak C. make our study better ( ) 3. This cap is similar to that one. A. better than B. as big as C. like

( ) 4. You should keep these things in mind.

A. remember these things B. forget these things C. lose these things ( ) 5. If you don't hurry up, you won't catch the bus. A. Unless you B. Although you C. So you

( ) 6.We'd better not step on this bridge because it is broken. A. walk on B. hold on C. work on

( ) 7. I can remember what happened clearly in my mind. A. life B. brain C. heart

( )8. She poured out her worries to the doctor.

A. put everything about B. spoke nothing about C. told everything about

( ) 9. If you _________ your name, you form the letters of your name in order. A. read B. spell C. list

( )10. A _________ is a small case for holding paper money, tickets and so on. A. basket B. wallet C. school bag

( )11. If the article is very useful and valuable, it means it _________ reading. A. enjoys B. has trouble in C. is worth

( ) 12. —Let's _______ to buy some presents for Mary. —OK. But I must _______ some money from the bank first. A. go; take out B. goes; take out C. go; take in ( ) 13. —How can I _______ my memory? —You can _______ your brain.

A. improve; exercising B. improve; exercise C. invent; exercising ( ) 14. —Look! The water is ______ of the tap. —Let's go and ______.

A. pouring out; turn it off B. falling out; turn it on C. falling out; turn it off ( ) 15. —My parents and I will go to London for a trip tomorrow. —Really? ______.

A. I don't think so B. Have a good time C. That's very strange 第2课时 Reading


1. A good way to keep fit is ________ (exercise) every day.

2. Blogs are an important method for _______ (share) information. 3. Lisa _______ (lose) something on her trip to Beijing last week. 4. This kind of flower is very beautiful. It is worth _______ (plant). 5. Please _________ (memory) every word of it.

6. However, as _________ (mention) above, a user can belong to more than one class.

7. He always makes _______ (spell) mistakes, which you can see. 8. I think the distance is about 600 _______ (mile).

9. They take _______ (step) to get from one place to another. 10. I have learnt of your promotion from your _______ (manage). 二、阅读理解

Most plants have seeds. When you put a seed in the ground and water it, a new plant will grow from it. First, a seedling (幼苗) comes out of the dirt. Then it grows into a plant.

Seeds often travel to faraway places. If seeds don't travel, too many plants will grow in one place. It will be very crowded! Some seeds travel in the wind. Some seeds travel in the water. Many seeds travel inside fruits. The fruit can protect the seeds on their trip.

Fruits look beautiful and taste good, so animals and people eat them, and drop the seeds in different places. Some fruits like cherries carry one big seed inside them.

Some fruits like apples have some small seeds inside them. Some fruits like kiwi fruits have many tiny seeds inside them. Many berries, such as strawberries and blackberries, carry their seeds on the outside!

In fact, every time you eat a tomato, an orange or a banana, you're really eating a suitcase for seeds! ( )1. This passage talks about _______.

A. plants B. seedlings C. fruits D. seeds ( )2. How do seeds travel?

A. In the wind. B. In the water. C. Inside fruits. D. All of the above. ( )3. Which fruit carries many tiny seeds?

A. A kiwi fruit. B. A pear. C. An apple. D. A peach. ( )4. carry the seeds on the outside.

A. Bananas B. Oranges C. Strawberries D. Pears 第3课时 Grammar


1. He finally found the _________ (lose) wallet. 2. He made lots of _________ (spell) mistakes. 3. We should _________ (cycle) the water. 4. The film is worth _________ (watch). 5. We can't _________ (memory) everything.

6. The best method for ___________ (remember) these words is to understand them. 7. It is silly _________ (spend) too much time on the games. 8. The best way to study well is _________ (work) hard. 9. Would you mind not _________ (smoke) here?

10. Rose has trouble _________ (catch) up with others. 二、选择填空

( )1. —Sir, Jenny wants to know when she can leave the office. —Only when she ______ copying this report.

A. finishes B. finish C. finished D. will finish

( )2. Mum says ______ I do my homework now, I can watch TV for an hour tonight. A. if B. though C. because D. while

( )3. —Would you like ____ the Wutong Mountain tomorrow? —If my mother ____, I will go with you.

A. climbing; will allow B. climbing; allows C. to climb; allows D. to climb; will allow ( )4. We ____ for a picnic if it ____ rain this Sunday.

A. go; doesn't B. will go; won't C. will go; doesn't D. go; won't ( )5. Unless the weather ____ , we'll have to cancel the picnic. A. improve B. improves C. improved D. will improve

( )6. Eating and drinking on Beijing subway is not allowed. If you ____ the rule, you'll face a fine (罚款) of up to 500 yuan.

A. broke B. break C. have broken

( )7. —I wonder whether Brazil will win the match later tonight.

—Go to bed first. I will wake you up as soon as the match ____. A. starts B. started C. will start D. is starting

( )8. We don't know if our friend ____. If he ____, we'll let you know. (2016宜宾) A.comes; comes B.comes; will come C.will come; comes D.will come; come ( )9. —I want to know if he ____ to play basketball with us. —I think he will come if he ____ free tomorrow.

A. comes; is B. comes; will be C. will come; is D. will come; will be ( )10. —Dad, please tell me when Mum ____. I miss her very much.

—She will return when she ____ her job done. And she will bring a nice present for you. A. returns; gets B. returns; will get C. will return; gets D. will return; will get 三、语法填空

Do you have such experiences? When you are introducing someone to the listeners, suddenly you can't come up 1. _______ his name. You can't remember where you've put your valuable things. Most people have. But most of them haven't 2. _______(realize)that they have a memory problem. If you believe memory can be improved, the 3. _______(follow)will show you how.

First, relax. If you keep 4. _______(tell)yourself that your memory is bad, your mind will come to believe it and you won't remember things. But relaxing 5. _______(be) not enough. To improve your memory, you'll need

to take 6. _______ active role. Like your body, you can make your memory strong. Look for 7. ______(chance)to exercise your memory.

If you don't take notice of things 8. _______(active), you won't remember them. So, you can make pictures of what you see in your mind every day. For example, don't just put your keys down! If you want to find 9. _________

(they)again, make a mind picture of the place 10. _______ you have put them. Unit 7 HOMEWORK

第1课时 Vocabulary


1. We should try our best to i_______ our English. 2. You can add his name to the l_______.

3. The best m_______ to lose weight is to do more exercise. 4. It is w_______ a thousand dollars. 5. The twins look s_______.

6. How many _______(字母)in the _______(信件)?

7. This is a fantastic _______(记忆). I will never forget it. 8. We are doing _______(拼写)exercises with classmates.

9. On her way home, Kate found a _______(钱包)lying on the ground and picked it up. 10. The water _______(涌出)from the bucket when we planned to carry it. 二、词汇测试

( )1. Frank fell over at the beginning of the race, but he was ahead of the other runners in the end. A. higher than B. longer than C. faster than ( )2. He made the silly mistake again! A. shy B. smart C. stupid

( )3.Tom always has trouble talking with others. A. inventions B. ability C. problems ( )4. How can we improve our memory?

A. make our memory better B. make our memory worse C. make our memory clear ( )5.Unless you work hard, you will not be successful. A. If you B. Although you C. If you don't

( )6. I really don't want to lose the chance of getting a new job, so I will try my best to get it. A. take B. miss C. make

( )7. When the accident happened, people in the building poured out in a hurry. A. came in B. ran out C. jumped down

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