

Module 1~2 过关测试卷


在每小题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将答案写在题前的括号内。 ( )26.He learnt to speak Arabic when he was young.

A.an B.a C./ D.the

( )27.Mary liked the purse very much, she couldn’t afford it.

A.and B.but C.so D.or

( )28.— Beijing Opera is really enjoyable.

— I it before.I hope to see it one day. A.haven’t seen B.didn’t see C.saw D.see

( )29.Mr Smith is not in.Can I for you?

A.take a message B.leave a message C.write a message D.make a message

( )30.The students can’t wait the party.

A.to have B.having C.have D.had

( )31.The dish smells .We all like it. A.wonderful B.wonderfully C.badly D.bad

( )32.He has a sweet tooth.He likes very much.

A.noodles B.cheese C.candies D.biscuits

( )33.The family planned to go to during the holiday.

A.German B.Germany C.French D.Italian

( )34.— Where is Dr Chen? — He to Japan. A.went B.has gone C.will go D.goes to

( )35.— Would you like to go to the beach with me?

— . A.No,thanks B.Yes,please

C.I don’t want to go D. Sorry,I’m afraid I can’t

( )36.Have you seen a girl a pair of glasses?

A.has B.on C.with D.have

( )37.Our English teacher is always very and makes us feel . A.kind;relaxed B.kind;relaxing C.strict;relaxed D.strict;relaxing ( )38.Lily found it difficult English well.

A.learn B.learning C.learned D.to learn

( )39.Is there in today’s newspaper? A.something special B.special something

C.anything special D.special anything

( )40.— What does your uncle look like?

— . A.He is a teacher B.He likes sports C.He works in the school D.He is tall and handsome

( )41. wonderful party it is! We all enjoyed it very much.

A.How B.What C.What a D.How a

( )42.— What do you think of this music?

— It very beautiful. A.feels B.listens C.hears D.sounds

( )43.I do enjoy with team members.We can always finish our task before deadline.

A.have worked B.to work C.working D.work

( )44.Tony’s parents look sad after they the bad news from Tony.

A.have known B.knew C.know D.knowing

( )45.— I didn’t pass the math exam yesterday and my parents are very angry.

— You must study hard. A.Don’t worry. B.Bad luck!

C.That sounds great! D.Good luck! 三、完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)


More than fifty years ago,John William gave away what he had and went off to the mountains to live in the way people lived 100 years ago.For 46 ,he catches wild animals,fishes in the river,and plants what he can.John lives in a 47 house he made by hand,out of tree he cut down with an axe (斧子). 48 lives within 50 miles of his house in the mountain and John has not been out of the mountain over many years.One day last year,I hiked in to see 49 John lives.It was 50 going out of time.There were no roads,no stores,no noise,not even a post office.

John is a 51 man.He has 52 and nobody knows how he got them.Mostly he reads about the world,the animals,the 53 and the mountains.He has seen planes flying overhead 54 doesn’t want to know about 55 .John William is 85 years old and has not had a sick day in his life. ( )46.A.food B.house C.travel D.clothes ( )47.A.dangerous B.wooden C.terrible D.beautiful ( )48.A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Nobody D.None ( )49.A.when B.what C.why D.how ( )50.A.as B.like C.look like D.likes ( )51.A.bad B.learned C.sick D.strong ( )52.A.books B.knives C.desks D.photos ( )53.A.universe B.films C.years D.plants ( )54.A.and B.so C.but D.or ( )55.A.they B.their C.theirs D.them 四、阅读理解(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分)



One Tuesday morning,Ted saw an ad in a window.It said,“Wanted.The best salesman in the world.Top pay.” Ted thought he was a great salesman and went to ask for the job.“I’m the best salesman in the world,” he said to the manager,“Give me the job.”

“You must prove (证明) you are the best,” the manager said. “OK,I will!” Ted answered.

“Good!” the manager took a box of sweets out of his desk,“Last week I bought a thousand boxes of sweets.If you can sell them all before the end of the week,you can have the job.” “That’s easy,” Ted said.He took the boxes of sweets and left the office.

Every day and all day,he went from shop to shop,trying to sell the boxes of sweets.But he couldn’t sell one.The sweets were too bad for him to sell.At last he went back to the manager.“I am sorry,sir,” he said,“I was wrong about myself.I’m not the best salesman in the world,but I know who is.” “Oh,” said the manager,“Who?”“The person who sold you a thousand boxes of these sweets,” Ted said.

( )56.Ted went to ask for the job because he was himself at first.

A.sure of B.wrong with C.afraid of D.worried about

( )57.If Ted wanted to get the job,he would have to . A.buy all the sweets from the manager B.eat up all the sweets

C.sell out the sweets in a few days D.sell the sweets at the weekend

( )58.Choose the right order of this story.

①Ted went to ask for the job.

②Ted told the manager who the best seller was. ③Ted saw an ad in a window. ④Ted went to sell the sweets.

A.①②③④ B.④②③① C.③①④② D.③④①② ( )59.From the story we can see that .

A.Ted didn’t get the job B.Ted was a good seller

C.the manager was a good seller D.the ad was a good one

( )60.According to the story,which of the following is TRUE?

A.The sweets were too expensive. B.The sweets were terrible.

C.Ted sold some of the sweets. D.Ted was not a good salesman.


A famous organization did a survey (调查) about what students did in summer vacation and this is what we learned.

90%of the students went out with their parents or classmates.They even tried their favourite food and bought new clothes.They felt this was the happiest time they had during the vacation.80%of the students went to study in some training schools.They mainly revised or learned something new about English,maths and physics.They agreed that sitting in the classroom was the hardest time for them.Almost all of the parents thought that was good for their study.60%of the students travelled a lot.Some of them went sightseeing happily.Some went to see their relations;others went abroad to know more about English-speaking countries.50%of the students saw a film in the cinema.They thought this was the most comfortable way to enjoy the excitement of the film.40%of the students went to the net bar to play computer games.It was really exciting.Only 20%of the students helped their parents do the chores at home. ( )61.What percentage (百分比) of the students went to the training schools for study? A.90%. B.80%. C.60%. D.50%. ( )62.What did the students think of going to the movies?

A.Tiring. B.Comfortable. C.Interesting. D.Boring.

( )63.What does the underlined phrase “do the chores” mean in Chinese?

A.洗衣服 B.购物 C.擦地板 D.做家务 ( )64.For the students,which of the following is the most boring?

A.Going out with their parents or classmates. B.Going to study in some training schools. C.Going to the net bar to play computer games. D.Visiting relations.

( )65.From the passage we know that .

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