

1.We should try our best to fight _______ ( pollute).

2. The man is a brave ________ (fight). We should learn from him. 3. Students should clean the classroom ______ (they) after school. 4.Sam wants to be a ________ ( science) when he grows up in the future. 5. Boys and girls, how many ________ (nature) elements do you know? 6. Is the news real? I can_________believe my eyes. (hard)

7. You should always be________ to your parents for giving you a good education.(thank) 8. We can _______ with people in most parts of the world by telephone. (communication) 9. Doctors worked through the night to save the man's_______. (live) 10. The kind old lady has never__________anybody, (harmful)

11.The boy is lying on the bed ______________ (comfortable) and listening to music.

12. My brother is always ____ (patient) when he is doing his homework, so he always makes mistakes. 13. The man's ______________ (work) became famous after he died.

14. The boss has a plan to use fewer workers to do ____________ (much) work. 15. Ken's voice sounded _____________ (puzzle) when he heard a strange voice. 16. We cleaned our ________ (chemical) lab yesterday afternoon. 17. He lay on the bed __________and fell asleep. ( comfortable ) 18. I prefer the fresh beans to the __________ ones. ( freeze )

19. If you have to wait for an hour for a bus, you? ll become _______. ( patient ) 20. _________is the most serious problem in the city. ( pollute ) 21. Next, add some ________ to the water. ( chemistry ) 22. What would happen if there is no __________. (electric)

23. This star is __________ to the naked eye (肉眼) because it’s too far away from the earth. (visible) 24. Electricity is a good __________ (serve), but a __________ (danger) one. 25. How __________ I was to put my wallet on the top! Now it is missing. (fool) 26. “May I take your order?” the waiter asked __________. (polite)

27. We can get a bill for the amount of electricity we use __________. (month) 28. What’s the __________ between fiction books and non-fiction books? (different) 29. The camera needs two __________ to get the energy to work. (battery) 30. You’d better do your homework ___________. (careful) 31. He had no __________ for why he was late. (explain)

32.They told me that they would consider the problem and let us know their ___________(decide). 33. We can make a ___________ (suggest) by asking ?Why not do something? or by saying ?Let?s do s


34. In China and some English-speaking countries, we shake our heads to show ___________. (agree) 35. I?m the __________ (nine) one from the left in the photo. 36. It’s time for us to finish our ______________. (discuss)

37. In ___________ (briefly), he is an honest man. You can trust him. 38. My holiday is full of different kinds of __________. (experience)

39. The old ___________ (edit) often gives suggestions about how to run a newspaper. 40. China Daily has a large number of __________ (read). 41. He finished all the work by ___________ (he) in a week. 42. What ________ (freeze) weather we’ve got today!

43. She?s such a nice and ________ (patience) lady that we all like her. 44. We cleaned our ________ (chemical) lab yesterday afternoon.

45. How ________ (excite) the children were when they got the second prize! 46. The ________ (police) over there go to work very early every day. 47. My son visits the National Museum in Beijing _________ a month. (one) 48. My classmate, Ford, is a good boy. He does everything _____. (care)

49. Let’s begin right now to protect our _________. (natural)

50. I’m afraid I can’t ________ finish writing the composition tonight. (possible)

51. I have already checked the bag ________, but there is no sign of your glasses. (two) 52. It’s terrible to run in ___________ weather. (freeze) 53. People should talk ___________ with each other. (polite)

54. We need to come up with an idea and make a ____________ at once. (decide) 55. She can __________ delicious meal from very simple ingredients. (product) 56. I gave him full directions to ____________ him to find the house. (able) 57. Mary is preparing for her younger brother’s __________ birthday party. (nine) 58. The medicine should be taken ___________ a day after meals, George. (two) 59.I plan to enter for a summer camp with a friend of _____________ . (me) 60. This is the__________ time for our school to hold the robot-making contest.(six) 61.I could hardly believe she had made a video about water pollution by__________.(her) 62. Computer technology has developed very quickly since mid-________ century. (twenty) 63. Our classroom is on the ________ floor in that building. (three) 64. We still need __________ more chairs for the meeting room. (fifth) 65. Help ____________ to the birthday cake, my dear! (your) 66. It’s the ___________ time that I’ve been to America. (twelve)

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