高一英语Module 1 Unit 1 School life 教学案

Module 1 Unit 1 School life

Part one Welcome to the unit& Reading Ⅰ Words

attend 出席,参加 earn 获得,挣的 respect(v./n) 尊重,尊敬

grade 成绩,等级 literature 文学 challenging 具有挑战性的

lunchtime 午餐时间 e-mail (vt.) 发邮件给 extra 额外的 cooking 做饭 drop 放弃 woodwork 木工工艺 dessert (餐后)甜点 article 文章 pen-friend 笔友 former 先前的 recently 近来 culture 文化 II Phrases

for free / free of charge 免费 pay attention to 注意 achieve one’s goal 达到目的 on (the / an) average 平均

prepare…for 为……作准备 make / in preparations for 为……作准备 introduce…to 把……介绍给 inform sb. of / about sth. 通知某人某事 donate…to 把……捐献给 at ease with sb. 与某人相处自在

low-rise building 低层建筑 used to do 过去常常

earn / win respect 赢得尊重 spend …(in) doing / on + n. 在(做)某事上花费

at the beginning (of) 在开始 encourage sb. to do 鼓励某人做 give up (+ n. / doing) 放弃 surf the Internet 网上冲浪

as well as 同,和,也 on the school field 在学校操场上 III Language points

1. miss: 1)没打中(目标);2)没抓住,没听懂;3)错过,没搭上;

4)丢失;5)想念 用法:+ n. / doing


a, The falling rock just ________ my head. ( ) b, He tried to catch the ball, but ________ it. ( )

c, I ________ what you said because of the noise outside. ( ) d, She ________ her lessons and had to make up them later. ( ) e, I don’t want to miss ________ (see) the singer on TV tonight. ( ) f, You said you lost your wallet; when did you ________ it? ( ) g, They had been searching for the ________ boy for 3 days. ( ) h, I know how much you ________ your mother. ( )

i, She misses ________ (have) her breakfast in bed. ( ) 2. field: 1) 田地;领域 (常与in连用) 2)场地,(球)场;战场 (常与on连用) a, The children camped ______ the open field. b, He was killed ______ the field of battle.

c, ______ the field of science, art, literature they have made outstanding contributions.

d, ______ the football field, the judge’s word is final. 3. experience: 1) vt. 经历,感受 2) n. 经历(过的事)[C];经验[U] experienced: adj. 有经验的


a, It was the first time that he had __________ the sense of beauty. ( )

b, Our country has __________ great changes in the last thirty years. ( )

c, They are quite __________ in teaching beginners. ( )

d, She doesn’t have any __________ in dealing with children. ( ) f, His later __________ confirmed(证实) its correctness. ( ) 4. immediately: 1) adv. 立刻,马上,紧接着 2) conj. 一……就 (= as soon as / when) 请选择:

a, I left ______ the clock struck twelve.

b, Andrew’s eyes lit up(亮起来)_______ they entered the room.

A. before B. immediately when C. soon D. immediately 5. Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. (p.2, lines 1-2)


语,须 +ing

变成动名词方可;如为主动意义,用doing;被动意义,则用being done。 试完成, 并在后面的括号内写出其成份:

a, His ________ (come) here will be a great help. ( ) b, ________ (praise) by the class teacher made her very proud.

( )

c, Nobody likes ________ (laugh) at in public. ( ) d, I am looking forward to ________ (meet) her. ( )

6. This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m. (p.2, lines 4-5)

1) mean: 意思是,意味着:+ n. / doing / clause 有……意图,打算,想:+ n. / to do a, I realized what he ________.

b, But I won’t wait if it means ________ (delay:耽搁) more than a week or so.

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