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The English language has a long history. First, people in Britain spoke a language called ___. Then three Germanic tribes ___ Britain and they ___ their language with Celtic, which developed Anglo-Saxon. Later on, some ___ countries invaded Britain, and they brought many words from the language of Denmark and Norway. Thus ___ English appeared. In 1066, the ___ conquered England. French had an ___ on the English language. This is why we have so many pairs of ___ words today. ___ English started in the 16th century, which also brought in many Latin and ___ words. Pronunciation greatly ___ at that time. Today, people still keep ___ new words and ___ of saying things. [设计说明]

通过小结,进一步加深学生对English and its history的整体认识。运用填空形式可检测学生对文章的掌握情况。

模块三Unit 2 Reading部分导学案教师使用部分:

Reading English and its history


1、阅读并理解课文《English and its history》 2、掌握语言点及生词


理解文章中的难句 课时安排:2课时

Period 1


1、预习时请借助字典,词汇表和录音完成课前自学部分并记忆生词。 2、阅读时请参阅P63:NOTES 1~5



(Before class, ask the Ss to write down the answers on the Bb) (Step 1 Check up the answers)

1. 朗读,翻译并记忆下列单词或短语。 1)all through history 有史以来 2)go through 3)official language 官方语言 4)work as 扮演……角色;6)make contributions to


7)on the other hand 另一方面 8)result in 2. 参考P78和P68的词汇表,朗读并理解下列单词或短语。 1)the Renaissance 文艺复兴 2)Greek 3)Latin 拉丁语(的) 4)Denmark 5)Norway 挪威 6)Norwegian 7)Germanic 日耳曼语(族)的 8)Celtic 9)Angle 央格鲁人 10)Saxon

5)play a part in


作…的工作,是…职业、身份 对……有贡献 导致 希腊的,希腊语的 丹麦 挪威人 凯尔特语 萨克寻人

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11)Viking 维京人,北欧海盗 12)the Norman Conquest 诺曼征服

3. 阅读课文《English and its history》,完成P22 Part A,请将答案写在课本上。 4. 完成P24 Part D,并将答案写在课本上。


1. 阅读P23Reading strategy部分并回答下列问题。

1)What will help you understand the order of events and how pieces of information relate to the rest of the text.

Recognizing dates and years in the text. 2)What is suggested for us to do when reading a history article?

To make a time chart, listing important information, such as times, places and events in the article. 2. 阅读课文并完成C1&C2的练习

Period 2


1、预习时请借助字典,语法书等完成语言点部分练习。 2、课堂合作学习时请用红色笔修正语言点部分的答案


(Ss discuss the language points and finish the Exs in groups, then report the answers in front of the whole class)

1. 阅读课文并完成下列练习。


(L2) The English is made up of the grammar and vocabulary these people brought to Britain. (L10) Old English consists of a mixture of their languages. 【观察思考】理解下列句子

The team consists of 10 members. = The team is made up of 10 members.

Life is made up of a variety of unrelated things. =Life consists of a variety of unrelated things. 【归纳总结】

consist of和be made up of都是“由……组成的意思”,通常可以互换。consist of虽有被动含义,却没有被动语态。 【观察思考】理解下列句子

Air is a mixture of gases.空气是各种气体的混合物。

His first reaction was a strange mixture of joy and anger. 他第一个反应是喜怒交集的奇异心情。


a mixture of的意思是“……的混合” 【巩固运用】翻译下列句子


The talk was conducted in a mixture of English, and French.


(L16) By the 10th century, Old English had become the official language of England.

(L47) By the latter half of the 14th century, English had come into widespread use among all classes in England. 【观察思考】

a. By the time you came back, I had finished this book.

b. By the time you come here tomorrow, I will have finished this work. 【归纳总结】

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a. 到上周末为止,我们已经学了十课书

By the end of last week, we had learned (learn) ten lessons. b. 明天这时候,他们将修好这台机器。

By this time tomorrow, they will have repaired (repair) the machine.


(L19) This is because English had many words and phrases from different languages, but with similar meanings.

(L32) This resulted in even more words with similar meanings.


1. She lives with her son. (B)

2. The girl with long hair is my classmate. (A)

3. My American friend is learning to eat with chopsticks. (C) 4. He had a gun with him. (E) 5. They were wild with joy. (D) A.带着...;有...(特征)的 B.与...一起,偕同,和...

C.以(手段、材料),用(工具) D.由于,因为



(L24) Middle English is the name given to the English used from around the 12th to the 15th centuries. 【分析句子】

例句中given做定语修饰the name,used做定语修饰English。 【观察思考】理解下列句子或短语。

a. problems left over by history历史遗留问题

b. People today tend to choose vegetables grown without chemicals.今天的人们更倾向于选择 c. The money raised at the evening will be sent to the earthquake survivors as soon as possible. 【归纳总结】

过去分词作定语修饰名词或代词,在语态上,表被动(被动/主动);在时间上,表示动作已经发生或完成,与它所修饰的名词有逻辑(意义)上的动宾关系。 【巩固运用】翻译下列句子。 a. 他是个很受学生爱戴的老师。 He is a teacher loved by his students.

b. 最近,意大利和德国科学家们进行的研究得出的结果令人惊讶。(P93 D1)

The results of a recent experiment carried out (carry out) by some Italian and German scientists are amazing.

5)However, the Norman Conquest did not affect English as much as the Angles and the Saxons’ victory about 600 years earlier, which led to old English replacing Celtic. 【分析句子】

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