


二、单项选择(本大题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 21. ---Where is my helmet? I left it here just now.

---Is it ______ blue one? I think I saw it somewhere. A. a B. / C.an D. the 22.The film Jurassic Park brings dinosaurs ______ on screen. A. lively B. living C. alive D. live 23.---It’s a long detective story, but you will find there are few new words in it. --- Good! _______ it will be too hard for children. A. So B. Or C. But D. And

24. --- Audrey Hepburn won an Oscar ______ Best Actress ______ her role in the film Roman Holiday.

---Yes, she is also a great humanitarian. A. of; of B. of; for C. as; for D. for; for

25. TFBOYS seldom cancel their concerts, _______ necessary, to show the respect for their fans. A. if B. unless C. until D. while 26.--- ______ do you _______ about life on Mars? ---Food in the form of pills. I hate it. A. How; like B. How; think C. What; like D. What; think 27. Though the couple looks tired, yet_______ of them would like to have a rest. A. all B. none C. either D. neither 28.---How was your trip to Nantong Wildlife Park last Sunday?

---Oh, _______ amazing experience! I’ll never forget it! A. what B. what an C. how D. how an 29. _______ the project in time, we’ll have to do extra work next week. A. Completing B. To complete C. Completed D. Complete 30.—Dad, when can I ride my bicycle again?

—Not until it _______ next Wednesday. A. is repaired B. repairs C. will repair D. will be repaired 31.—Sandy says Miss Yu has arrived in London. _______ that be true? —It ______ be true because I saw her in the office just now. A. May; may not B. May; can’t C. Can; may not D. Must; can’t 32.Compared with her achievements, her shortcomings(缺点) are, _______, only secondary. A.in all B. first of all C. after all D. above all 33.---Hey, be careful! You are speeding.

---Sorry, I ______ about my mother in hospital. A. thought B. have thought C. was thinking



34.The police asked the man _______. The man had to nod his head. A. who took away the jewelry B. whether the theft was true C. if he has broken into the house D. whose fingerprint was it 35.—It’s said that shopping online is safe.

—______. You’d better be careful. A.I agree. B. It doesn’t matter

C.I think so D. That depends

三、完形填空(本题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

Tuesday was my birthday. I expected a day of cake and presents ____36____ it turned into a day of mystery. Someone ____37____ a bottle with a letter and a treasure map. It said there was a treasure of over 20 million dollars.I didn't know if it was a trick or if I should trust it.If it was ____38____,it would be the best present I had ever got. I decide to have a try.

Two of my friends came and we rented a truck.____39____,I thought about turning back twice during this trip, but I didn't think it was a ____40____ decision.I ____41____ to give this trip twice the effort I had been putting in. This would take all my trust in order for me to find the ____42____.



\.We are ____44____ to turn 20 meters north of it and dig.\We got there and dug. We had ____45____ at first digging but we got better and worked very quickly. My trousers were dirty but I kept digging until I ____46____ a metal box.We opened the lock and looked into it. There was a letter.It read:

\.If you put as much ____48____ in anything you do as you did in finding the ____49____,you will have found the key to making over 20 million dollars.\

This was a trick from my parents.I thought I would never forget this ____50____ birthday present.

B. but C. and D. so 36.A. or

B. carried C. sent D. bought 37.A. discovered 38.A. common 39.A. Luckily 40.A. wise 41.A. hated 42.A. pleasure 43.A. gratefully 44.A. allowed 45.A. training 46.A. made 47.A. valuable 48.A. power 49.A. box

50.A. pretty

B. easy B. Finally B. big B. failed B. truth B. sadly B. required B. experience B. left B. necessary B. money B. map B. small

C. interesting C. Probably C. different C. needed C. help C. angrily C. forced C. trouble C. finished C. satisfying C. time C. letter C. special

D. real D. Actually D. wrong D. remembered D. bottle D. seriously D. encouraged D. fun D. hit D. painful D. energy D. tree D. expensive

四、阅读理解(本题共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)


A Giant Opportunity for Conversation

Visit Toronto’s most exciting attraction this year, the Xie Shou Giant Panda Experience. The two giant pandas will be on show from 2019 to 2022 to confirm our long-term conversation partnership promise between China and Canada.

Opening on May 18th, 2019, the show features(使有特色) themes including Eating Bamboo, Threats to Giant Pandas and Saving Giant Pandas. Come eye-to-eye with the pair of giant pandas. This show is open year around and included with regular Zoo admission(准许进入).

About us

We are one of Canada’s best zoos with over 6000 animals representing more than 450 species. Come and explore a world class zoo with award winning shows such as Gorilla Rainforest, Great Barrier Reef and the 10-acre(英亩) Tundra Trek. Don’t miss our young white lions in the African Savanna or our African penguins that are built to swim, dive and fly through the sea!

Family fun includes daily keeper talks, five indoor buildings and over 700 acres to explore. Seasonal areas also include kid’s areas such as the Discovery Zone, Splash Island, Kids Zoo and the Waterside Theatre. Directions

By car: Take Hwy 401 East or West to Meadowvale Rd. in Toronto(Exit 389). By transit: For T.T.C.(public transit) call 416-393-4636 or visit ttc.ca. Admission May 1-Oct. 31 Nov.1-April 30 General (ages 13-64)=$28 General (ages 13-64)=$23 Senior (ages 65+)=$23 Senior (ages 65+)=$18 Child (ages 3-12)=$18 Child (ages 3-12)=$14 Child (ages 2 and under)=FREE Child (ages 2 and


Information: Tel(416) 392-5929 torontozoo. com

Tourism Toronto: 1-800-363-1990

51. What’s the purpose of the giant panda show in Toronto?

A. To come eye-to-eye with the pair of giant pandas and explore the world class zoo. B. To let people know the threats to Giant Pandas and raise money to save Giant Pandas. C. To confirm our long-term conversation partnership promise between China and Canada. D. To attract visitors to have a family fun in daily keeper talks and five indoor buildings. 52. What shows will you be awarded if you win in exploring a world class zoo?

①young white lions ②10-acre Tundra Trek ③Discovery Zone ④the Gorilla Rainforest ⑤Great Barrier Reef

A. ①②③ B. ①②⑤ C. ②③④ D. ②④⑤

53. If a family of six want to visit the zoo, including parents, grandfathers aged 67 and two children aged 9 and 2, how much should they pay at least? A. $55 B. $69 C. $78 D. $96


A black boy guarded the oak barrels (橡木桶) in his father's winery(酒厂). Every morning he wiped up every barrel with old cloth, and then put them into order row upon row. To his anger, the wind blew the barrels here and there overnight.

The boy was so angry that he wrote a letter to the wind on every barrel with crayon, \don't blow down my barrels.\

After seeing that, his father asked the boy with a smile, \?\The little boy said, \.\

The next morning, when the little boy ran to see the barrels, he found that the wind took no notice of his letter, still blowing the barrels here and there. The little boy felt very wronged and began to cry. His father stroked his head gently, \deal with the wind, but we may have ways for you, so we can have our own methods to conquer the wind.\

Then the little boy dried his tears and sat near the barrel to think over and over. After

thinking half a day, he finally found out a way. He went to the well to pick barrels of water, put them into those empty oak barrels, and then went home to sleep uneasily.

At daybreak, the little boy got up in haste, ran out and saw the barrels were placed in good order. The little boy smiled happily and told his father, \by the wind, we have no way to the wind, but we have ways to ourselves and the barrels. It’s a very simple way, that is, to add weight to the barrels.”

The little boy's father smiled approving.

Yes, we can't change the wind, nor can we change many things in the world, but we can change ourselves and our own weight and the weight of our own mind, so that we can stand firm in the world, nor to be blown down or stricken down by the wind or something else. 54. Why did the boy write the letter to the wind? A. Because his father told him to do so.

B. Because the wind made him feel cold.

C. Because he didn’t like working in his father’s winery. D. Because he didn’t know how to deal with the wind.

55. What does the underlined word “conquer’’ mean in the fourth paragraph?

A. punish B. satisfy C. controlD. reuse

56. Which is the right order of what happened in the story?

a. The boy wrote a letter to the wind b. The wind blew the barrels everywhere c. At last the barrels were put in good order d. The wind paid no attention to his letter.

A. d, c, b, a B. b, a, d, c C. c, d, b, a D. a, b, c, d 57. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Change your mind and you’ll find another way.

B. We can change the wind, but we can’t change ourselves. C. Put on some weight or you will be blown away by the wind.

D. Add some weight into barrels, and barrels will stay firm in the wind.


What do you know about Hainan? Apart from its warm sunshine, golden beaches and blue seas, the province has some other interesting features(特征). This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment(建立) of Hainan province. It’s good time for us to take a closer look at the island province.

China’s southernmost city

If you are bored of Hainan’s more popular tourist cities, such as Sanya and Haikou, you may want to go to Sansha. Sansha is China’s southernmost city. It includes many small islands, sandbanks and reefs in the Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha island groups. Its government is seated on the island of Yongxing. Since Sansha was established in 2012, a hospital, a library and a movie theater have been built on Yongxing. Over 2.5 million plants have been planted there to protect the environment.

The“migratory birds”

Migratory birds fly from the north to the south in winter. In China, a group of people are also referred to as “migratory birds”. Every year, from October to April, people from all over China go on holiday to Hainan to enjoy the warm weather and fresh air. Most of them are elderly people from northern China, especially Northeast China. According to the Hainan local government, more than 1 million elderly choose to spend their winter in Hainan each year. These elderly “migratory birds” also encourage younger family members to join them on the sunny island.

A famous forum(论坛)

People in other countries might not know about Hainan, but they probably know about Boao. Boao, a town in Hainan, became China’s first permanent(永久的) site for hosting international meetings in 2001. Every year in April, the Boao Forum for Asia, a nongovernmental international organization, hosts its annual meetings. Officials, business people and experts from different countries come to Boao to discuss economic issues(问题).

The forum has been important for the development of Asian cities. Hainan and Boao have both benefited(收益) greatly from hosting the conferences. More restaurants and hotels have been built, creating more jobs for locals. An airport was opened in 2016. The forum has helped Hainan build itself into an international tourism destination. 58.What’s the main idea of this passage? A. Famous forum in Boao.

B. China’s southernmost city. C. The elderly“migratory birds”. D. Interesting features of Hainan.

59. What does the underlined word “It’’ refer to? A. Hainan B. Sanya C. Sansha D. Haikou 60. What’s the purpose of holding a forum in Boao?

A. To develop Hainan. B. To create jobs for locals. C. To discuss economic issues. D. To benefit from hosting the forum. 61. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage? A. Besides Sanya and Haikou, Boao is another popular tourist city.

B. More than 1 million young couples go to Hainan in winter each year.

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