my favorite traditional Chinese saying

What is one of your favorite traditional Chinese saying/poem? What dose it mean? Why do you like it, and tell me about a time in your life when you have found it useful.

手停口停——My favorite traditional Chinese saying is 手停口停,translation is “put dawn your hand,then put down mouth. And its meaning is “If you stop working, or you stop studying and learning, you are unable to earn money and you can’t offer something to eat ,even live a happy life. This saying encourages people to be a useful people by their own. And no one can help them to be successful .Even those people who are born in rich families, they still have to work hard ,or they will be looked down if they just rely on their families .This saying I found it useful in my life I always do part-time jobs in the vocation, this is because my families command us, they said, you can learn something from working. While doing these jobs, I found the difficulty of earning money, if a person want to live a better life, you must work harder than other people. Actually,my families doesn’t expect us to earn money from these jobs, they say,手停口停,now you are a student, you have the responsibility of studying hard, the more you learn ,the world you see will become more large, that is the very important thing for you.

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