三年级英语上册 Unit 4 Family Lesson 21 Jenny’s Family习题 冀教版(三起)

Lesson 21 Jenny’s Family

一、Listen to the vowels and choose the corresponding words . (根据所听到的元音字母选择对应的词语。)

A. water B. pop C. juice D. tea

二、Choose the right words according the pictures.(看图选词。) 1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

A. water B. pop C. juice D. milk E. drink F. tea

三、Fill in the blanks and give Chinese meanings.(填空并写出汉语意思。) 1. w__ t__ __ ___________ 2. j__ __ ce ___________ 3. t __ __ ___________

4. __ il __ ___________ 答案

一、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D

二、1. E 2. F 3.A 4. C 5. D 6. B 三、(略。)

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