

第I 卷(共115分)




1. How much will you pay if you buy a pair?

A. Four and a half dollars. B.Five dollars. C. Nine dollars 2. What is the correct time now ?

A. 9:27 B. 9:30 C.9:33 3. What’s the woman’s problem?

A.She could see the map clearly B.She couldn’t understand the map C.The map was too small for her to see. 4. What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The Browns bought the house a tit later than Jack B.The Browns bougth Jack’house.

C.The Browns are Jack’s nest-door neighbors.

5. When does thi conversation most probably take place?

A.When the guest is going to leave B.When the guest is coming into the room C.When the guestis coming into the room.




6. How much does the course cost for three terms? A.50 pounds B.100ponds C. 150 pounds 7. How long is the evening class?

A.One hour B.Two hours C.Three hours

8. What is the man’s reason for doing the course?

A. Because he wants to find a job in a travel company B.Because it’s good for his job.

C.Be cause he wants to make more Greek friends 听第7段材料,回答第9-11题 9.Where is the woman going ?

A.To the hospital B.To the centre of town C.To the zoo 10. What did the man take yesterday?

A.Numbr 5 bus B.Number 15 bus C.Taxi

11. How far will the woman have to wlk if she takes mumber 15 bus?

A. About half a mile B.About one mile C.About two miles 听第8段材料,回答第12-14题

12. What is the woman likely to be ?

A. A singer. B.An actress C.A teacher 13. Who will support the woman?

A. Her parents B.The man C. The woman’s classmates 14. What do the man’s parents want him to do ?

A. To go to a language college B.To act in a film C.To be a good pilot


15.What are the two speakers talking about?

A. About the different departments B. About advertising C. About selling clothes.

16. Why do they put the request from children’s department aside?

A.Because children’s department hasn’t got some really good-bargains B. Bcause children’s department will not bring in a lot of business. C.Because the sale of children’s department doesn’t begin until next week.

17. How many pages will the ads cover for the women’s department?

A.Half a page B.A full page C.A full page and a half. 听第10段材料厂,回答第18-20题 18. Hwo is the speaker?

A passenge on the plane B.An air hostess C.The Capt\\ain of the plane. 19. When will the plane land?

A. In five inutes B.In one hour C. In half an hour. 20. What should you do if you are flying on to Washington?

A.Leave the waiting room B.Check the information board inside C.Exit through the Customs

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分) 21.-You’re from Dublin._________? -It’s in Ireland.

A. What’s it like B.Wherabouts is that C. Where do you live D.What do you like it

22. The newly-opened restaurant____right ____the center of the cifty. A. locates;on B. is locating; near C. is located; in D. locates;next to

23. Accordig to a witness, a very big nose is the cininal’s most striking


A.mark B.reature C. symbol D. appearance

24 _____is known to us that Yang Liwei is China’s first astrnaut to fly in space.

A. As B.Whicd C. It D. What

25. The Chinese medical team made every ____to rescue the injured in Haiti Earthquake.

A. effort B. energy C force D. opportunity

26. Mr. Wang ______ his son from the kindergarten on his way home from work. A. brought up B. picked up C. called up D. took up 27. I’d like to go with you;_____, I’m busy with my paper now A. however B but C. although D. yet

28. ________, some day they wil be able to solve the problem A.Hopeful B Hopeless C.Hoplessly D.Hopefully

29. Thousands of volunteers work ____local people _____a variety of projects

in the areas of education, agriculture, health care, water satety and building business.

A. with; to B. with; on C. on; at D. about; to

30. The worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925,_______three US states.

A. affected B. influenced C. affecting D. to influence 31. -Does your little brother intend to learn Japanese this semester?

-Yes, she intends_______.

A./ B. that C. so D. to

32. Make sure that you ____your homework in the winter vocation.

A. finish B. should finish C. must finish D. will finish 33. -I’m in real trouble now

-You must ______it. It’s no use only worrying. A. know B. fae D. consider D. agree 34. He saw the problem was serious and promised to look into it ____he reached

office .

A. at that moment B. for that moment C. immmediately D. soon 35. -I had a really good weekend at my friend’s.


A. Oh, tha’s very kind of you B. Congratulations

C. It’s a pleasure D. Oh, I’m glad to hear that

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分20分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A,B,C和D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并填在答题卡上。

Many years ago II used to go to San Francisco to visit a friend of mine once a month. The friend, David, had AIDS.He was 36 at the world, at his family, and at his friends—all of whom seemed to have 37 him.

Maybe because I could only be for a day or two each month, I was able

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