
好学教育:http://www.5haoxue.net 2012年职称英语考试综合类B级真题及答案(完整版)


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下面每个句子中均有1个词或者短语有括号,请为每处括号部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. All the walls in the building had the same layout. A. size B. function C. color D. arrangment 答案:D

2. The storm caused severe damage. A. physical B. accidental C. serious D. enviromental 答案:C

3. The walls are made of hollow concret blocks. A. big B. empty C. long D. new 答案:B

4. Our aim was to update the health service and we succeeded. A. offer B. provide

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好学教育:http://www.5haoxue.net C. modernize D. fund 答案:C

5. Do we have to wear these name tags? A. lists B. forms C. lables D. codes 答案:C

6. Joe came to the window as the crowd chanted”Joe,Joe,Joe” A. repeated B. jumped C. maintained D. approached 答案:A

7. He inspired many young people to take up sports. A. encouraged B. allowed C. called D. advised 答案:A

8. The city center was wiped out by the bomb. A. covered B. reduced C. destroyed D. moved 答案:C

9. Most baby can take in a wide range of food easily. A. bring

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好学教育:http://www.5haoxue.net B. digest C. keep D. serve 答案:B

10. A larg crowd assembled outside the American embassy. A. watched B. shouted C. gathered D. walked 答案:C

11. The weather was crisp and clear and you could see the mountains fifty miles away. A. fresh B. hot C. heavy D. windy 答案:A

12. What puzzles me is why his books are so popular. A. shocks B. influences C. confuses D. concerns 答案:C

13. I think $7 a drink is a bit steep, don’t you? A. tight B. low C. cheap D. high 答案:D

14. The contempt he felt for his fellow students was obvious.

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