
A decrease in the field current gives rise to lagging (inductive) current in the stator; and increase in the field current that overexcites the motor causes a leading (capacitive) current to appear in the stator.


An induction machine is an AC two-winding unit in which only one (primary, usually the stator) winding is supplied with an alternating current at a constant frequency ?1 from an external source.


Current transformers for protection are essentially similar to those used for the operation of ammeters, watthourmeters and other instruments.


DG planning also involves arranging for connection of the renewable power generator with the local grid, and for support of any local electric load when the renewable source is not available. 分布式发电规划还包括安排可再生能源发电机与地方电网相连接,这样当可再生能源不可用时,本地电力负荷仍能得到支持。

Distributed generation can include renewable power generation resources such as wind, solar, or low-head hydropower production.


Distributed generation, or DG, includes the application of small generators, typically ranging in capacity from 15 kW to 10000 kW, scattered throughout a power system, to provide the electric power needed by electrical consumers.


Each single thyristor valve consists of a certain amount of series connected thyristors with their auxiliary circuits.


Each single valve in the converter bridge is built up with a certain number of series-connected IGBTs together with their auxiliary electronics.


Electric power is produced at generating stations (GS) and transmitted to consumers through a complex network of individual components, including transmission lines, transformers, and switching devices.


However, the single serious problem encountered with EHV voltage levels is the overvoltages during switching operations, commonly called switching-surge overvoltages. 然而,超高压电压等级面临的一个严重问题是进行开关操作时产生的过电压,通常称为操作冲击过电压。

In the conversion process the converter consumes reactive power which is compensated in part by the filter banks and the rest by capacitor banks. 换流器转换时需要消耗无功,消耗的无功一部分由滤波器组补偿,另一部分由电容器组补偿。

Induction machines are also called “asynchronous” because their operating speed is slightly less than synchronous in the motor mode and slightly higher than synchronous in the generator mode. 感应电机也称“异步电机”,这是因为其作为电动机时,(转子)工作速度略小于同步速,作为发电机时,略高于同步速。

More often than not induction machines have a three-phase, symmetrical (balanced), heteropolar winding on the stator and a three (or poly-) phase, symmetrical heteropolar winding on the rotor. 感应电机的定子和转子上通常具有三相对称异极性的绕组。

Most types of distributed generators utilize traditional power generation paradigms diesel, combustion turbine, combined cycle turbine, low-head hydro, or other rotating machinery.


Prime movers convert the primary sources of energy (fossil, nuclear, and hydraulic) to mechanical energy that is, in turn, converted to electrical energy by synchronous generators.


The coordination of insulation must now be based on switching impulse levels (SIL) and not on lightning impulse levels only.


The fundamental progress that occurs in a HVDC system is the conversion of electrical current from AC to DC (rectifier) at the transmitting end, and from DC to AC (inverter) at the receiving end.


The main advantage of a synchronous motor is that it can operate on a leading current, i.e. it can act as a capacitive load for the power line.


The synchronous capacitor is a synchronous machine running without load and designed to improve the power factor of the AC system.


The use of series capacitors to increase power-handling capacity has brought its own problems such as increased current density, temperature rise of conductors, increased short-circuit current and subsynchronous resonance.


This measurement would be dangerous and expensive, and indeed impossible, to achieve if the actual load and fault currents, often very large, and at a very high voltage, had to be taken through the measuring relays.


Very soon it was found that a long airgap was weakest for positive polarity switching-surges. 很快,我们发现长气隙在正极性操作冲击下最为脆弱。

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