
15. The story, ________ the film is based, is a true one. 介词填空 1.The speed____ which you drive your car mustn’t too high.

2.In the park there are many flowers, the color_____ which is bright and nice. 3.The little girl is reading a book,_____ which there are many pictures. 4.What were the things_______ which he was not too sure?

5.They held a meeting,____ which the hospital director made a speech. 6.The book,_____ which he paid 6 Yuan, is worth reading.

7.Is this the man____ whose house the police found the lost colored TV?

8.The villagers dug along tunnel________ which they could go to the fields without being found by the Japanese soldiers.

9.Wu Dong,_____ whom I went to the concert, enjoyed it very much.

10.The stories about Long March,_____ which this is one example, are well written.

1. on which 2. in which 3. of which 4. of whom 5. at which 6.

from which 7. of which 8. in which 9. for whom 10.

in which

11. during which 12.

on which

with which 13. of which 14. from whom 15.

1. at 2.of 3 in 4 about 5. at 6. for 7. in 8 through 9. with 10 of

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