
知识链接:如何把带有be 动词的句子进行句式变化

1)含be动词的肯定句:结构:主语+be+其他成分。Eg:Lily is a girl.

含be动词的否定句:结构:主语+be+not+其他成分.eg:She is not a student.

以be动词引导的一般疑问句:结构:be+主语+其他部分。肯定回答:Yes,主语+be。否定回答:No,主语+be+not(be和not可用缩写形式)。Eg:-Is this your English book? -Yes,it is./No,it isn’t. 含有be的特殊疑问句:结构:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句(be+主语+其他部分)。Eg:Who is she? What’s your name?



This is my pen.____________________________.

Those are our books.______________________________. We are students.____________________________. I am a student._______________________.


1.形容词性物主代词:my,your,her,his,its等。此类物主代词属于限定词,一般用于名词前,作定语。 2. 名词性物主代词:mine,yours,hers,his,its等。此类物主可独立使用,其后不加名词,其句法作用相当

于名词。Eg:my pen=mine. 1)The blue pen is hers.(hers=her blue pen) .

2)It’s my ruler ,not yours. (yours=your ruler) 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词

I __my______ ____mine____ He ________ _______ She ________ _______ It ________ ________ your ________ ________ 达标检测 一.英汉互译.

1.她的书________ 2.my ruler __________ 3.一块橡皮 _________ 4.your dictionary ____________ 5.她的书包 _____________ 6.excuse me ___________ 7.谢谢你 ___________ 8.my pen _______________ 9.his pencil box _____________ 10.她的尺子 _____________ 11.一张身份证 ______________ 12.一串钥匙 _______________ 13.戒指__________ 14.教师 _________ 15.棒球 _________ 二.根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成句子。

1.-________ (是)this your ruler ? - No, it _________ (不是).

2. Is this your ___________ (橡皮)? 3. E________ me . Is this your pen ? 4.These books are _________(我的) . 5.Thanks for your ___________(帮助). 6.-_________(什么) is this ? -It’s an ID c________.

7.Is this your ___________(笔记本)? 8.Is that Paul’s ___________(棒球)? 9.The ____________(电脑)is his . 10.Are these Kate’s _________(手表)?

11.The pen is i______ the pencil-box . 12.I lost my notebook in the _________(图书馆). 13.Please a_________ David for your keys . 14.Please c_______ Sally at 635-7769. 15.S_______ keys are in the classroom. 三.用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. Is this _________(you) ruler ? 2.It’s _________(he) pencil .

3. Excuse _________(I) .Is this your book ? 4.-Is this your pencil box ?-No. It’s ________(her).

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