Unit 5 The Nightingale and the Rose Key to Exercises

Key to Exercises

Unit 5 The Nightingale and the Rose

Vocabulary ? 1

? Give the parts of speech

?Noun suffixes: -ian, -ist, -ity, -th

?Adjective suffixes: -al, -ed, -ist, -ous; -y, -cal Translate the following words

?1 一件撕破的夹克 ?2 冰封的河流 ?3 书面文件 ?4 满意的表情

?5 一个受尊重的教授 ?6 苦笑

?7 他有限的词汇 ?8 压低的价位 ?9 归国华侨

?10 深谋远虑的举动 ?11 破裂的家庭 ?12 干果 ?13 一个松花蛋 ?14 发达国家

?15 已经上了锁的门

?16 被打败的敌人 (败兵之将)

?17 导弹

?18 上述各个理由 ?19 进口机器

? 20 为数不多的上帝的选民 ?21 一个受伤的士兵 ?22 事先准备好的讲话 ?23 开水

?24 退休工人 ?25 罐头食品 ?26 已经完成的形式

? 27 一位有经验的教师 28 敌占区 ?29 在打一场已经失败的战争


? 1 that he decided to devote his whole life to teaching in his home village after he finished school.

?2 that he soon lost his power (was overthrown)

?3 that people generally agree that few major/ big issues/ problems can be resolved without China’s participation. ?4 with a gun in his hand

?5 with a page boy standing on either side of him and a few elderly soldiers sweeping the ground outside the city gate.

?6 with the roaring river in front and the enemy soldiers following closely ?7 to keep calm

?8 To be a professor means

?9 To know a lot of names, persons and events in the past does not necessarily mean 3

?1 For, on ?2 against ?3. to, in ?4. with, to ?5 of, of

?6. of, in spite of, on ?7 of, in

?8 Upon, into ?9 in, with ?10 to/ with 4

?1 springing up/going up ?2 go about/ go over ?3 went out ?4 going on ?5 went off

?6 goes without, go to ?7 goes under, goes for ?8 go into

?9 going, go to, go for, go along with, went crazy ?10 go with, go together 5

?1. This is a wonderful opportunity. You would be foolish to let it slip by.

?2. Compared with last year, our exports have increased by 20% (or: …are up by

20%... gone up by 20%)

?3. For want of a better word, let’s call it “backdoorism”.

?4. This young man is fond of fixing things. He is something of a Jack of all trades. ?5. Compared to their parents’ generation, young people today consider them to be a more practical generation.

?6. His face was/went/turned blue with anger. He was determined to nip the mass protest in the bud.

?7 It’s a long story, but I won’t go into the history today.

?8 It took us much more time than we had expected to go through the customs.

?9 The power went out suddenly, and the whole city was thrown into complete darkness.

?10. Don’t wait for me. You go ahead. I must go over this document.

?11. We cannot deny the fact that we have paid dearly for our economic development. ?12 Had the firemen arrived a bit later, the fire would have spread to the nearby oil tanks. 6

?1 in

?2 alone, lonely, alone

?3 trembling/shaking ?4 shivering ?5 shake

?6 took, first, want ?7 At first, at last ?8 Meadows, bloom ?9 spent, flowers ?10 cheap, cost 7

?1 崇拜者们(粉丝) 昏了过去 ?2 电影 电扇

?3 不要把东西丢得到处都是 更加井井有条 ?4 球赛就是球赛。我们不应当倾向任何一边。

?5. 大型动物猎人在他的遗嘱里 帮他渡过困难的岁月 ?6 被迫违心相信 自由发表他们的意见

?7 把拐杖靠墙放了。他的风度很像一个有钱的绅士。

?8 可爱的老太太, 嗓音甜美。她朝我甜美地笑了笑 填一份表 ?9 它有一股淡淡地香味,放在嘴里还有点甜。 ?10 喷洒了杀虫剂,结果叶子上形成了一层薄膜。 Grammar

?1 The narrator was as helpless as the boy at the bank. ?2. In a bad year the soil is as hard as stone.

?3 Luckily, the final exam isn’t as difficult as the mid-term. ?4 At the moment, your health is more important than anything else. ?5 to his mind, the two cultures are as different as chalk and cheese. ?6 Xiao Fang is the most creative student I’ve ever known, ?7 This is the most fantastic story I’ve ever heard.

?8 Five thousand yuan is the lowest price we can offer for this PC.

?9 Jack says that Avatar is the best science fiction film he’s seen in the last three


?10 The snowstorm last week was the worst my grandmother can remember.

?11 I think Dialogue on CCTV news is the most thought-provoking talk shows CCTV offers

?12 The Bird’s Nest, the Olympic Stadium in Beijing, is the most magnificent stadium I’ve ever been to. 2

?1 the doctors did all (that) they could ?2 everything he says

?3 anything they ask for/demand ?4 all he got from a week of hard work ?5 All that is written in his wife’s letter ?6 Nothing the doctors said ?7 anything you suggest

?8 Something he read in a popular magazine ?9 All that can be done is/ has been done ?10 Anything the artist painted

?11 something that never existed before ?12 nothing the doctors could do 3

?1.through ?2.over ?3. like ?4. As, like ?5. through

?6. Over/ In/ During ?7. Through ?8. over

?9. from, without, around/in, As, with, with, to/with 4

?1 much ?2 kind ?3 doing ?4 called ?5 fought

?6 become

?7 good ?8 others ?9 himself ?10 then 5

?1 which------ that

?2the more creative they will be ?3 as-----like

?4 He was so glad to see his old friend that tears ran down his face. ?5 as before---- than before. ?6 on land and at sea

?7. as hard-working as his sister ?8 whom—that

?9 so strong as to knock down a door. ?10 All that the people want

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