8B Unit 5-10 checkout导学案

8B Unit 5 International Charities

第10课时 Checkout

班级____________________ 姓名__________________ 自我评价__________________ 【学习目标】


②复习used to, be used to, so…that以及such…that等句型。 2. 技能目标:①能熟练使用used to, be used to, so…that以及such…that等句型。 ②能运用本单元所学的重要的单词和短语。 3.情感目标:培养自己为慈善事业出力的意识。


【预习指导与检测】 (一)预习指导

1.请背熟本单元的单词并默写一遍,然后两人一组互相检查。 2.请梳理出本单元的重点词组和句型写到笔记本上。 3.复习本单元所学的语法知识。

4.请背熟本单元的对话和课文,然后两人一组互相检查。 5.完成P91 A、B两项的练习。 (二)预习检测


1.使人们的生活更美好_____________________ 3.不得不_________________________________ 5.了解很多关于贫困地区的生活_____________ 7.向慈善事业捐赠一些钱___________________ 9.例如___________________________________ 二、根据句意和所给中英文提示填写单词。

1. I hope the government will take action to _____________ (改善) our environment. 2. The doctor looked over his eyes and decided to_____________ (做手术) on them. 3. We can get a lot of money and stationery from _____________ (捐赠). 4. Some children can’t go to school, _____________ (主要) in the poor countries. 5. They need us to do some _____________ (志愿的) work. 6. The _____________ (采访者) want to ask more questions.

7. The children from disaster areas should be treated _____________ (kind).

8. The film is very interesting and the _____________ (far) meaning of the film is more important. 9. At last, they were in _____________ (agree) with what we said. 10. I don’t want to do _____________ (busy) with a dishonest man.

11. WWF is an _____________ (organize) that works to protect wild animals. 12. This is a letter of _____________ (invite) for you. 三、将下列句子译成英语。 1.他没有足够的钱进行医疗诊治。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2.那儿过去有个戏院。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3.医生将对她动手术来医治她的疾病。


2.得到好的成绩_______________________ 4.做大量关于……的研究_______________ 6.花费我所有的零花钱买碟片___________ 8.每天吃大餐_________________________ 10.一个如此美妙的组织________________


_______________________________________________________________________________ 5.老师告诉他们继续训练。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 6.我们把英语老师当作我们的好朋友。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 7.你还有其它什么要说的吗?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 8.这所学校什么时候创办的?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 9.你通常如何花费你的零用钱?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 10.她只想着自己,从不关心他人。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 【课堂导学与互动】 任务一:检查预习情况。

活动一:小组活动,互相检查预习检测中的练习。 活动二:全班核对答案。 任务二:复习。

活动一:两人一组抽背本单元的单词、词组、句型、对话和课文,然后指名抽背。 活动二:指名复述ORBIS和UNICEF概况。

活动三:复习used to, be used to, so…that以及such…that等句型。 任务三:练习。

活动一:完成课本P91A部分的练习,然后分组操练对话。 活动二:完成课本P91B部分的练习,然后背诵练习中的单词。 任务四:家庭作业。

1. 复习本单元所有内容。 2. 完成本课的习题。 【当堂反馈】


1. Mr. Green has gone to attend an________________ (国际) meeting. 2. I write to my mother every week, __________________ (主要) on Sundays. 3. The heavy work ______________ (影响) his health, so he looked much older. 4. Do you know the saying, “A friend in need is a friend _____________ (真正地).” 5. It’s important to_____________ (教育) the young students. 6. ---Do you know the _______________ (interview) on TV? ---Of course. He’s Shui Junyi from CCTV.

7. The doctors didn’t know what caused the old man’s ______________ (blind). 8. Can I have a _____________ (medicine) examination today? I don’t feel well. 9. Miss King is still under ____________ (treat) in hospital.

10. Dr. Brown felt tired because he had two ______________ (operate) in the day. 二、单项选择。

( ) 1. My father ______ go to bed late, but now he ______ to bed early.

A. is used to, is used to going C. is used to, used to go

B. used to, is used to going D. used to, used to go

( ) 2. The victim must ______ at once, or he’ll die. A. operate

B. be operated

C. operate on

D. be operated on

( ) 3. ---Whose painting is the best of all? ---I think Lily’s is better than ______. A. anyone else A. so, that A. for, to 【课后拓展】 一、首字母填空。

Paul worked in an office. He didn’t have a wife, he didn’t have any children, e 1 . And he lived in an old house a 2 . He liked nothing but drinking. He almost spent all of his money on drinks. Sometimes when he was h 3 , he had to borrow some money from his workmates to buy a little food.

One evening he m 4 a friend of his in the street. The man asked him to have d 5 in a restaurant. He was so happy that he drank a l 6 . When they left there at midnight, he could h 7 stand. His friend had to s 8 a taxi and asked the driver to take him home. Soon they arrived at the door of his house. The d 9 helped him to get out of the taxi.

“Thank you, sir,” said Paul. “Now I can open the door myself.” The taxi went away, but he couldn’t put the key i 10 the keyhole. At that time, a policeman came. “ What can I do for you, sir?” asked the policeman. “Thank you, sir,” said Paul. “The house is circling now. If you can make it not move, I can open the door myself.” 二、阅读理解。

The process of donating blood doesn’t take very long. If you’re willing to donate blood, you can go to a nearly Red Cross donation centre.

When you arrive at the centre, you can first read some information about donating blood. Then you need to fill(填) in a form to tell the doctor your medical history. After that, you’ll receive a health check. It’s important for doctors to know your health conditions. They must make sure they are collecting safe blood.

When it’s time to donate, you’ll sit in a comfortable chair or lie on a bed. A doctor will clean part of your arm and use a needle to get the blood into a plastic bag. Several minutes later, the process is over. The doctor will place a small bandage(绷带) over the needle mark.

Before you leave, the doctor may give you biscuits and milk, as well as a donation record card. It’s important to avoid too much exercise for a few hours after donating blood. Remember that the Red Cross does not pay for blood. All doctors are volunteers. ( ) 1.This is probably __________. A. an instruction A. 针 A. milk

B. a story B. 面条 B. money

C. an advertisement C. 布条

D. a play D. 细条 D. biscuits

( ) 2.The underlined word “needle” probably means “__________” in Chinese. ( ) 3.After the blood donation, you will NOT get __________ from the Red Cross.

C. a donation record card B. How to See a Doctor D. How to Donate Blood

( ) 4.Which of them is the best title for the passage? A. How to Donate Money C. How to Help the Red Cross

B. someone else B. such, that B. at, for

C. anyone else’s C. so a, that C. with, to

D. someone else’s D. such a, that D. to, for

( ) 4. This is ______ difficult problem ______ none of us can work it out. ( ) 5. The patients are quite grateful ______ these nurses ______their special care.

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