人教版五年级英语上册教案 Unit 1 单元教案(全英)

Teaching contents Teaching aims Unit One What’s he like? Part B 1. To learn the new words : polite , helpful , shy , clever , hard-working 2. To learn the key sentences: What’s Wu Yifan like? He’s hard-working. 3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences. 4. To learn the “ let’s talk ’’ The key sentences: What’s Wu Yifan like? He’s hard-working. 1. Make sentences 2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ” The word cards , a tape

Key points Difficult points Teaching aids Teaching procedures Teacher Students

Teaching steps: Step 1: Warm up. 1 ), Greetings 2) , Free talk : Let’s chant Teacher and students say 3) Revision “ hello ” to each other 1 , Review the words 2 , Review the “ Let’s talk ” of Part A Step 2. Presentation Listen and write 1 ,draw some pictures of this lesson on the blackboard.. 2 , Teacher show cards of the new words :

polite , helpful , shy , clever , hard-working Students look at cards 3 , Listen to me carefully 4 ,Use different method to read . 5 , Listen to the tape and read after it Student read 6 , Learn the key sentences :

What’s Wu Yifan like? He’s hard-working. Students look at the blackboard Sept 3: Practice 1, Game : be careful the bomb 2 , Listen to the tape and read after it 3 , Give enough time to read them As play games as learn these words.

4 , Let students make sentences

Step 4. Summary and homework Read and write down the new words ___________________________________________________ blackboard design Unit One What’s he like? Part B Let’s learn : What’s { Wu Yifan } like? John Amy

Oliver He is { hard-working. helpful polite clever shy

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