三年级英语上册Module 4 Unit 1 I can jump far.教案2 外研版一起

Module 4 Unit 1 I can jump far.


一、Teaching aim

1.Grasp the words and sentences: can, run fast, jump far, winner

Can you run fast? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.

2.Can use the knowledge to talk about ability and finish the task. 3.Train the pupils’ ability of speaking and listening.

二、Important and difficult point

1.Vocabulary: can, winner Phrase:run fast, jump far

2.Pattern: Can you run fast? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.

3. Can use the knowledge to talk about the athletics and finish the task.

三、Teaching aids


四、Teaching process

Step 1 preparation

1.Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? 2. Free talk

Do you like football? Let’s play football, OK?

Listen, chant and clap: Let’s play football! Let’s play basketball! Let’s play ping-pong! Let’s dance! Let’s sing! Step 2 presentation

1. Today I have a good news for you. Do you want to know? You are clever boys and clever girls, let’s start my interview, OK? 2. I can play football. I can sing. What can you do? Practice in pairs, then say.

3. I can play basketball. I can dance.

Can you run? Yes ,I can. Show us! Can you run fast? He can run fast. What’s meaning of “run fast”? Read , practice, write and spell “run fast”. Who can run fast? I can run fast.

Ask two boys to have a race, others come on: Run, run, run fast

Who’s the winner? XX is the winner. I’m the winner.(Give a gold medal) Read, understand and spell “winner”.

4. Practice the drills: Can you run fast? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t. What’s meaning of “can” and “can’t”? Can you make a sentence with “can”?

5. Can you skip? Can you jump? I can jump far.(Do action) Look! What’s meaning of “jump far”? Read , practice, write and spell “jump far”. Who can jump far? I can jump far.

Ask two girls to have a match, others come on: Jump, jump, jump far Who’s the winner? XX is the winner. I’m the winner.(Give a gold medal)

6. Sam and Amy are at our school now. They are talking on the playground. Open your books, turn to page 14, listen and point! Step 3 Practice

1. Now listen again, you can imitate the text, but first I have three question. 2. Show the small blackboard, read the three questions together: ① Who can run fast? ② Who can jump far? ③ Can Sam jump far?

Now listen, imitate and think hard the questions. 2. Answer the questions: ① Sam can run fast. ② Amy can jump far. ③ No, I can’t. I can’t jump far. Practice the sentence: I can’t jump far.

3. Read the phrases: run fast, jump far 4. Play a game among for groups:

1) Teacher shows cards,children say: Can you ??as quickly as they can.

2) Teacher does actions and asks: Can you ??,children say: Yes, I can./ No, I can’t. Step 4 production

1. Read the phrases: run fast, jump far 2.Listen and circle the words and phrases: can, run fast, winner, can’t, jump far, see, puddle 3. Listen and repeat. 4. by the children.

5. Act out the text between boys and girls.


1. Read the dialogue and the sentence. 2. Preview Module 4 Unit 2.

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