译林英语4A U6考点精练

4年级上册 Unit 6

A卷: 课堂点拨题

Story time

1.(1)--? --Some noodles,please. A.What do you like B.What would you like C.Do you like noodles

(2)I’d like some . A.milks B.rices C.noodles

(3)-- would you like? -- like some hamburgers. A.What’s;I B. What;I’d C.How;I’d (4)--Can I help you? --. A.Yes,please B. Yes,I’d like some bread C.No,thanks you (5)【易错】--What you like? --I like noodles. A.do B.would C.are (6)I’d like apple juice. A.some B.an C.a cup

2.(1)I’d like six ,please. A.sandwich B. sandwichs C. sandwiches

(2)Would you like an ?A.hamburger B.juice C.egg

(3)I’d like some bread. you?A.What are B.How are C. How about (4)I’d like three of coffee. A.cup B.cups C.a cup

3. (1)--What would you like? --I’d like some . A.noodles B.rice C.cake

(2)我想要一些面条。I’d like ,please.

4.(1)--Anything else? --. A.Some cup of coffee B. Some coffee C. Some coffees

(2)--Anything else? --. A.Thank you. B.Here you are. C.Some rice,please.

Cartoon time

1.(1)-- I’m hungry,Mum. --.

A.Have some hamburgers,please. B.Have a cup of tea,please. C. Have a cup of coffee,please. (2)-- I’m . I’d like some .A.hungry;food B.thirsty;food C. hungry;drinks

2.(1)Here’s some for you. A.tea B.cup of tea C.noodle

(2)Here some milk for you. A.are B.is C.am (3)Here is some for you. A.sweets B.books C.tea

3.(1)-- Can I help you?-- a hamburger. A.I like B.I have C. I’d like

(2)-- Can I help you?--. A.Yes,you can B.Some rice,please C.No,I can’t

4.bedroom,what,nice,a (!)


B卷: 课后巩固题


1.【易错】--What you like? --Some noodles. A.do B.would C.are 2.--What would you like? -- I’d like some . A.hamburger B.hot dog C.noodles 3.I’d like a . A.coffee B.glass of coffee C. cup of coffee 4.【易错】I’d like a . A.ice cream B.hamburger C.pies 5.--What you like? -- I like cakes. A.would B.do C.are 6.--I’m hungry. --Here’s a for you. A.egg B.tea C.sandwich 7.I’d like some . A.teas B.rices C.sandwiches 8.--A glass of coffee,please. -- else? --No,.

A.Anything;it isn’t B. Anything;thank C. Anything;thanks

9.They’re a snack bar. A.in B.at C.for


(1)( ) A.hamburger B.sandwich C.banana D.noodles (2)( ) A.coffee B.tea C.rice D.juice (3)( ) A.nineteen B.any C.many D.some (4)( ) A.glass B.cup C.milk D.carton


( )1.你在商店购物时,服务员会说:

A.What do you like? B. Can I help you? C.What do you have? D.What would you like?

( )2.当你告诉营业员想买一杯咖啡时,可以说:

A.I like coffee. B. I’d like a coffee. C. I’d like a cup of coffee.

( )3.当你想知道别人的看法时,可以问:

A.How are you? B.What about you? C. How about you?

( )4.你想问对方还要些什么,你可以这样说:A.No,thank you. B.Anything else? C. What about you? ( )5.你想告诉对方你想要一杯咖啡,你可以这样说:

A. would you like a cup of coffee?B.Do you have a cup of coffee? C.I’d like a cup of coffee?

( )6.你想要一个汉堡,你可以这样说:A.A hamburger,please. B.Yes,please. C. I like hamburgers. ( )7.你想要一些馅饼,你可以这样说:A.Some pies,please. B.Would you like Some pies? C. I like pies.


1.I like (汉堡包).

2.Here are two (杯) of tea for you. 3.Helen is (在) a snack bar.


1.三个汉堡2.一些面条 3.十个三明治4.一些米饭



7.六杯牛奶8. What a big apple! 9.at the snack bar10.两杯茶 11.They’re all nice.12.order food 13.一个鸡蛋14.some drinks 15.一些面条

16.我想要一杯牛奶。 I’d like milk. 17.我想要两杯咖啡。I’d like coffee. 18.你呢?我想要一些面条。 -- you? --I’d like .

19.还要其他东西吗?是的,来三个三明治。 --? --Yes,three .

20.我会溜冰,我也是。 --I . -- too.

21.--我饿了。 --你想要点什么? --我想要一些米饭。 --I’m . -- would you like? --I’d like some . 22.一些汉堡在桌子上。 are on the table. 23.--这儿有一碗面条给你。 --谢谢。 --Here a bowl of you. Thank you.

24.--我能为您效劳吗? --好的,我想要些鱼。 --Can I ? --Yes,I’d like .

25.它们都很美味。(P47) They are very .


1.like,do,coffee,you (?)

2.of,would,I,like,cup,a,tea(.) 3.of,would,you,like,cup,a,tea(?) 4.Mike,like,would,what,you(,?) 5.about,what,Helen,you(,?)

6.【易错】two,milk,some,and,sandwiches,please(, .) 7.fish,some,please,have(,.) 8.is,a,bar,snack,here (.)

9.are,for,noodles,here,you,some(.) 10.【易错】nice,all,they,are,very(.) 11.【易错】order,I,can,food(.) 12.a,what,apple,big(!)


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