
01 - tarpaulin cap with headphones

02 - model 1935 forage cap with red star 03 - linen overall, worn over the uniform 04 - canvas bag for the gas mask 05 - officers' boots

06 - holster for the 7,62 mm Nagant revolver 07 - synthetic leather map pouch 08 - officer's belt


01 - M-35 field jacket with Unteroffizier's insignia 02 - M-35 steel helmet with Heeres markings

03 - Zeltbahn M-31 tent cloth in “Splittermuster” camo 04 - Grey (\05 - leather belt

06 - anti-mustard gas cloth 07 - M-38 gas mask 08 - M-24 grenade

09 - black leather ammo pouches 10 - M-31 aluminium canteen 11 - boots

12 - 7,92 mm Mauser 98k rifle 13 - Seitengewehr 84/98 bayonet 14 - wire cutting shears

1939-40年德军骑兵军士长 01 - M-35 steel helmet

02 - feldgrau jacket with gold (\03 - Steingrau cavalry breeches 04 - black leather belt

05 - holster for Luger P-08 pistol

06 - leather webbing- \07 - cavalry boots with spurs 08 - M-38 gas mask

09 - anti-mustard gas cloth 10 - trumpet

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