牛津译林版英语9B Unit 3 Robots 教案(7课时)

动词不定式将结果状语目的状语改为简单句 Step 11 Attention

1 用―动词不定式‖将结果状语从句转换成简单句的前提是从句的主语和主句的主语一致。

2. 结果状语从句so…that…的结构可以用too…to…或(not)…enough to…来转换;目的的状语从句可以用in order to 来转换 Step 12 Exercises.

Mr Jiang’s mother was very pleased with the robot. She is telling Mr Jiang on the phone about her life with the robot. Rewrite her sentences with to-infinitive. 1. I was so forgetful that I didn’t lock the door last night. I was too forgetful ________________________. 2. The robot was so careful that it reminded me of this. The robot was careful enough _______________________. 3. I was so week that I couldn’t go up and down the stairs often. I was too week_________________________________. 4. The robot was so kind that it bought me everything I needed. The robot was kind enough _____________________________. 5. Sometimes I took a walk with it so that I couldn’t have a better sleep. Sometimes I took a walk with it in order ________________________. Keys: to lock the door last night

to remind me of this

to go up and down the stairs often to buy me everything I needed to have a better sleep Step 13 Exercises

将以下复合句转化为简单句。 Please tell me where I can find the book. It’s so boring! I don’t know what I can do. The problem is so difficult that we can’t solve it. It’s so hot that people can’t sleep at night.


Keys: Please tell me where to find the book.

It’s so boring! I don’t know what to do. The problem isn’t easy enough for us to solve. It’s too hot for people to sleep at night. Step 13 Homework

Do some exercise on workbook. Remember some useful phrases.

Integrated skills

Teaching aims:

To listen to the dialogue and do some exercises. To complete an email. To learn to talk about robots. Teaching steps: Step 1 Review


1. I saw that he was reading the book carefully. I saw him reading the book carefully. 2. I found that he was very happy. I found him very happy.

3. I wonder how I should go to the airport. I wonder how to go to the airport.

4. She is so clever that she can work out this difficult maths question. She is clever enough to work out this difficult maths question. Step 2 Work on A1&A2

There is going to be a robot show in Sunshine Town. 1. Let Ss look at the poster, then answer the questions. 1) Where will the exhibition be held? 2) When will the exhibition be held? 3) What time does it open and close? 4) What’s the price of tickets?


5) What will you get if you go to the exhibition on the first day? 2. Note

Come to the robot show on 14 March and receive a copy of Robot magazine for free!

3月14号那天来机器人展览会,就能免费获得一本《机器人》杂志! 短语for free的意思是―免费‖。如:

如果你足够幸运的话,就会免费得到一张演唱会门票。 If you are lucky enough, you will get a concert ticket for free. 3. Present the pictures of robots. 4. Let Ss help Daniel complete his notes.

1) First, let Ss fill in the blanks with as much information as they can. 2) Then, Let Ss listen to the radio programme and complete the notes. There is going to be ___________ soon.

Robots from China, ______ and South Korea will be displayed. The show will be held at the ____________. It is from ____ to ____ March.

It begins at _______ and finishes at _________. The price of tickets is _____ for 12 years and above.

One of the robots is designed to help students with their __________. It can read a book in ___________ and tell you about it in _____________. It has a ____ memory. It never gets anything _______. It does not get _____. You need to give it some oil ___________ and change the batteries every ___________. 3) Check the answers. Step 3 Work on A3

1. Let Ss read the email and complete it. Hi Simon,

I know you are interested in robots. There is going to be a (1) ____________ this week. The show is held at the (2) _________. We can see robots from

(3) ____________________. I have just learnt that one of to the robots is designed to (4) _________________. It can read a book (5) _____________.


That is really exciting news! I think we should go and find out more.

The robot show starts from this Sunday, 14 March. We will receive a (6) ________________ for free if we go there on the first day of the show. Since we are over (7) ___, we need to pay (8) ____ each for the tickets. The show begins at (9) ______. Maybe we need to leave home earlier in order to get there on time. Would you like to go with me this Saturday morning? Please let me know. Yours, Daniel

2. Check the answers. Step 4 Speak up

1. Present the new words, let Ss remember them as quickly as possible. 2. Let Ss read the conversation and answer the questions. 1) Who would Mr Jiang like to speak to?

2) What’s wrong with Mr Jiang’s robot 3. Let Ss role-play the conversation. 4. Groupwork:

Work in groups of three and make a phone call talking about what kind of service

you need. Use the conversation as a model. A: Hello! Can I help you?

B: Hello! I’d like to speak to the … A: Please hold and I’ll put you though. C: Hello! This is … What can I do for you? A: My …. has gone wrong.

C: I’m sorry to hear that. Would you like us to … A: Yes, please. Thanks.

C: OK. Our …will contact you soon. Step 5 Homework

1. Remember the key phrases and expressions in the lesson. 2. Make a phone call talking about what kind of service you need.


Study skills

Teaching aims:

Learn to talk about different kinds of robots

Learn some differences between British English and American English. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Presentation

Enjoy and discuss differences between British English and American English Show the movie

Step 2 British English and American English

British English and American English-- differences of Spelling

Spelling British American -mme/-m programme program -ll-/-l- travelling traveling -gue/-g dialogue dialog -our/-or colour color -re/-er theatre theater British English and American English-- differences of Vocabulary

Vocabulary British American bookshop bookstore garden yard autumn fall film movie 20

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