


I believe that with hard work and dedication (奉献) anything can be achieved. In life I had a 1 that taught me this exact belief.

The symbol that 2 me of this hard work and dedication is my Lewandowski jersey (运动衫). This jersey has been an important 3 of my life for a long time. In college, I 4 it on many occasions to play soccer. The day I 5 hard work and dedication could get a person to where he wanted to be, was just the 6 day I received my jersey. My family was on a vacation in Poland. One day, my dad 7 me to my first Polish International Friendly. This was a soccer 8 that was played in Poland against other national teams. The purpose of the game was to work hard to win. My dad 9 me my Lewandowski jersey before we entered the 10 . Lewandowski had been having an amazing season as Poland's 11 goal scoring striker.

The day we went, Poland was playing Germany. Germany was

the 12 team in the world, and Poland was about the twentieth. 13 , it was obvious that Germany was going to win easily. However, Lewandowski

didn't 14 it that way. He was determined to work hard and score some goals for Poland, and to hopefully win. Lewandowski 15 twice alone and he together with his teammates continued to fight 16 hard. I saw Lewandowski sweating and downright exhausted from the incredible game. 17 the Polish team won.

I saw what hard work looked like. I made up my mind to become the best that I can be. The jersey for me is a(n) 18 of what it takes to

become 19 great. It shows me that it takes hard work and determination to 20 the goals that we want to achieve.

1. A. problem B. truth C. teacher D. lesson

2. A. reminds B. informs C. warns D. persuades

3. A. event B. part C. dream D. moment

4. A. liked B. noticed C.

wore D. valued 5. A. imagined B. guessed C. doubted D. realized 6. A. previous B. same C. following D. other

7. A. invited B. introduced C. took D. allowed

8. A. game B. team C. ball D. activity

9. A. lent B. found C. gave D. bought

10. A. ground B. theater C. stadium D. hall

11. A. common B. top C. proud D. last

12. A. best B. newest C. busiest D. rapidest 13. A. Then B. Besides C. Instead D. Therefore

14. A. play B. learn C. see D. keep 15. A. competed B. scored C. rested D. appeared

16. A. extremely B. exactly C. simply D. regularly

17. A. In time B. In total C. At once D. At last

18. A. memory B. sign C. effort D. attempt

19. A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing

20. A. reach B. catch C. build D. decide 第二节:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

For most of us Veterans Day just means a chance to enjoy an extra day off from school or work. However this November 11th, be sure to spend a few minutes on its true purpose, by acknowledging (感谢) the men and women who have served in our armed forces.

And you don't have to stop at just this one day. Join the over 10,000 youth members of the Young Marines group that honor these brave men and women all year long with special events and completely spoil (宠坏) them for an entire week, from November 4th to 11th, by visiting hospitalized veterans, performing chores (杂务) for disabled veterans and even organizing community-wide social events. The program open to kids ranging from the age of eight all the way to high school, is a great way to not only show your appreciation, but also get a chance to do some fun activities with like-minded kids and make a real difference in a veteran's life. People often believe that Memorial Day and Veterans Day are celebrated for the same reason. There is however a subtle but important difference between the two. While both honor our military personnel, the former is a day to remember and pay respect to all the men and women that died serving our country in a war, while Veterans Day is to celebrate the soldiers who are still alive and served in the forces at any time, during peace or war.


Though several other countries celebrate this day in honor of their own veterans, the meaning is slightly different for each one. Some like the United Kingdom, celebrate it in honor of all soldiers — living or dead, while others like Canada celebrate it to honor all living veterans. They also call it different names. France and New Zealand still call it Armistice Day. In the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada it is referred to as Remembrance Day, while Malta and South Africa celebrate it as Poppy Day.

No matter what it is called, the reason for observing the day is the same — to show our appreciation to the brave men and women who sacrifice everything to make this world a safer place for the rest of us. 21. What's the prime purpose of Veterans Day? A. To let people have one more day off.

B. To show respect for soldiers' contributions. C. To organize fun activities for school children. D. To celebrate America's success in world wars.

22. What can kids do at the Young Marines group program? A. Help take care of sick veterans.

B. Organize parties for disabled veterans. C. Share stories with veterans and other kids. D. Entertain veterans by singing and dancing. 23. What can we learn about Memorial Day? A. It is in remembrance of war dead. B. It is another name for Veterans Day.

C. It is observed on November 11th every year.

D. It honors soldiers who are serving in the military. 24. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about? A. The origin of Veterans Day. B. The History of Veterans Day. C. Veterans Day around the world. D. The observance of Veterans Day. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Why you should read every day

When was the last time you read a book? Do your daily reading habits center around tweets or Facebook updates (更新)? If you're one of countless people who don't make a habit of reading regularly, you might be missing out. Reading has many benefits, and just a few benefits of reading are listed below. Mental Stimulation (振奋精神)

Studies have shown that staying mentally stimulated can slow (or possibly even prevent) the progress of Alzheimer's and Dementia. 25 Just like any other muscle in the body, the brain requires exercise to keep it strong and healthy.

Wider Knowledge

Everything you read fills your head with new bits of information, and you never know when it might come in handy. 26


Stress Reduction

No matter how much stress you have at work, in your personal

relationships, or countless other problems, it all just slips away when you lose yourself in a great story. 27 And an interesting article will distract you and keep you in the present moment, allowing you to relax. 28

When you read a book, all of your attention is focused on the story — the rest of the world just falls away, and you can immerse (沉浸) yourself in every fine detail you're absorbing. Try reading for 15 to 20 minutes before work, and you'll be surprised at how much more focused you are once you get to the office. Tranquility (安宁)

29 Reading spiritual texts can lower blood pressure and bring about a sense of calm, while reading self-help books has been shown to help people suffering from certain mood disorders or mental illnesses. A. Stronger thinking skills

B. Improved focus and concentration

C. A well-written novel can transport you to other worlds. D. Reading a good book can also bring about great inner peace.

E. That's because keeping your brain active prevents it from losing power. F. Reading books is also important for learning new languages and cultures. G. The more knowledge you have, the better-equipped you are to deal with your future challenges.

第三节:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) Martin: Before 1945, hardly anyone outside ofNew Mexicohad ever heard ofAlamogordo, 30. ________ was a lonely town. Daisy: What's the place like?

Martin: The land around it was sand-covered desert and 31. ________ (complete) empty. Because the weather was almost always clear and 32. ________ (peace), a spot of desert near Alamogordo 33. ________ (choose) as the test site for the first atomic bomb (原子弹).

Daisy: What I know is 34. ________ on July 16, 1945, the atomic bomb was set off. Martin: Yes. But for several weeks, the test was kept secret. With an atomic bomb 35. ________ (drop) from an American plane onHiroshima,Japanon August 6, 1945, newspapers and radio stations all overAmericatold of the test of the bomb inNew Mexico. Almost everybody was surprised 36. ________ (learn) where the bomb had been made and tested; the deserts of the Southwest had hidden the secret well. Daisy: You mean nobody witnessed (目击) the scene when the bomb was tested? Martin: No. Observers said they saw something 37. ________ (like) anything they had seen before. It was a huge and colorful fireball more brilliant than the sun, 38. ________ (flash) as it rose for miles into the air. No nation in the world had ever possessed such a weapon 39. ________ terrible and destructive as the atomic bomb.



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