无锡市2018届高三上学期期中检测英语 Word版

C. had been blamed D. have been blamed

31. Life affords no higher pleasure than that of overcoming difficulties, _ from one step of success to another.

A. to pass B. having passed C. passed D. passing

32. Wuxi is now a modem city with many attractions, most of approached within 30 minutes by public transport from the city centre. A. that

B. themC. which D.whom

33. white symbolizes purity and innocence, it is used in many important situations. A. While B. Once

C. Since

D. Though

Mean Time.

34.As is known to us all, British Summer Time is one hour Greenwich A.in advance of

B. in terms of

C. in contrast to D. in relation to

35. says that school years are the best time of one?s life is probably an adult - one who?s

forgotten the hard work of being at school. A.Whatever B. Whichever

C. Whomever

D. Whoever


请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Most people need to hear those ?three little words” 一 I love you. Once in a while,they hear them just in time.

I met Connie on the day when she was 36 to the hospice ward (病房),where I worked as a volunteer. Her husband, Bill, stood 37 nearby as she was 38 from the gumey (轮床)to the

hospital bed. 39 Connie was in the final stages of her fight against cancer, she was

optimistic and cheerful. I finished 40 her name on all the hospital supplies she would be using.

Connie was a romantic. As we became 41 . she expressed how 42 it was to be married 32 years to a carpenter who often called her “a silly woman”. “I?d give anything if he?d say ?I love you?,but it?s just not in his 43 , she sighed.

Bill visited Connie every day. One day, over coffee in the cafeteria, I got him on the 44 of women and how we need 45 in our lives; how we love to get sentimental (富有情感的)cards and love letters.

“Do you tell Connie you love her?” I asked, and he looked at me 46 I was crazy. “I don?t have to.” he said,“She knows I do!”

“I?m sure she knows,” I said,reaching over and touching his 47 hands, “but she needs to hear it, Bill,she needs to hear what she has 48 to you all these years.”

Two days later I walked down

the hospice ward at noon. There stood Bill, leaning up

against the 49 in the hallway, 50 at the floor. I already knew from the head nurse that Connie had died at 11 A.M. When Bill saw me,he 51 himself to come into my arms for a long time. His face was wet with tears and he was 52 . Finally, he leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath.

“I have to say something,” he said. “I have to say how 53 I feel about telling her.” He stopped to blow his nose. “This morning I told her how much I loved her to her. You 54 have seen her smile!”

I went into the room to say my own good bye to Connie. There, on the bedside table, was a large Valentine card from Bill. You know, the sentimental kind that 55 , “To my wonderful wife ... I love you.'

36. A. objected B. determined C. forced D. admitted 37. A. numbly B. casually C. impatiently D. nervously 38. A. transferred B. transformed C. prevented D. protected 39. A. As B. Since

C. Though D. Because

40. A. sculpturing B. marking C. announcing D. signing 41. A. acquainted B. consistent C. arbitrary

D. considerate

D. upset

42. A. crazy B. delighted C. satisfied

43. A. character B. talent C. nature D. virtue 44. A. target B. subject C. point D. object 45. A. sympathy B. warmth C. comfort

D. romance

46. A. even if B. as though C. if only D. in case 47. A. rough B. smooth

C. delicate

D. clumsy

48. A. appealed B. taken C. meant D. submitted 49. A. window B. wall C. bed

D. table

D. praying

50. A. glancing B. staring C. weeping

51. A. involved B. occupied C. allowed D. devoted

52. A. trembling B. mourning C. regretting D. aching 53. A. sorry B. confused C. doubtful 54. A. would B. should 55. A. writes B. explains

D. relieved

C. could D. might C. conveys

D. underlines

第三部分 阅读理解 (15小题:每小题2分, 满分30分)



Joining you for two days in Vienna, Kristina and Ian will share their expert tips during a private Q&A period and reveal their talents in a private performance at the wonderful Palais Liechtenstein. From Budapest to Nuremberg via the green beauty of the Wachau Valley, this is a wonderful opportunity to explore the culture of this splendid river with two very special guests. Highlights

Events with Kristina Rihanoff and Ian Waite.

Join Strictly Come Dancing stars Kristina Rihanoff and lan Waite, who will deliver a wonderful private dance performance set against the background of Palais Liechtenstein. You will also have the opportunity to raise your own questions during the Q&A period with the dancers. Sail aboard the Scenic Amber

Launched in 2016, the luxurious (奢华的)Scenic Amber features six cabin (客舱)classes, including the best balcony suites with superb mini bar,a suite bathroom with L?Occitane Toiletries, individual climate control and an all-weather greenhouse. You will also enjoy facilities including a pool, spa, fitness centre and fine dining in the Crystal Dining Room.

Discover Vienna and Budapest

Discover Budapest?s historic highlights including Heroes? Square and Buda Castle,visit the city,s warm baths and explore the secret Hospital in The Rock. In Vienna, delight in the excellence of Sch6nbrunn Palace, enjoy a private classical music concert at Palais Liechtenstein and visit the world-famous Spanish Riding School.

A choice of cultural experiences

Throughout the tour you will enjoy a wide variety of cultural experiences that will bring each country and destination to life. Explore Melk Abbey, discover Cesky Krumlov, the ancient jewel of

the Czech Republic, or lake a guided tour of Salzburg, setting for the Sound of Music. You will also have the chance to explore Regensburg?s historic Old Town on the last day.

Price from £2,395per person for 8 days

Dates July 25 - Aug. 1 and Oct. 25 - Nov. I, 2018 Interested? Please call at 01372 593756.

56. While staying with Kristina Rihanoff and Ian Waite,you?re to - A. share your suggestions on this special tour B. witness their great success at Palais Liechtenstein C. experience the culture of splendid natural scenery D. keep silent during a private Q&A period 57. If you order this trip in September, you?ll


A. live in the luxurious balcony suites with superb mini bar at only £2,395 B. enjoy a big dinner in the Crystal Dining Room C. learn to ride in the world-famous Spanish Riding School D. You will explore Regensburg?s historic Old Town on Oct. 25


A new app is trying to make it simpler to help you react to photos and videos that your friends post online — it?s using AI to capture (捕捉)your facial expressions and automatically translate them into a range of emoji faces.

Polygram, which is free and available only for the iPhone for now, is a social app that lets you share things like photos, videos, and messages.

Unlike on Facebook,though, where you have a small range of pre-set reactions to choose from beyond clicking a little thumbs-up icon,Polygram uses a neural (神经的)network that runs locally on the phone to figure out if you're smiling, bored, embarrassed, surprised, and more.

Marcin Kmiec, one of Polygram?s founders, says the app?s AI works by capturing your face with the front-facing camera on the phone and analyzing the images as quickly as possible, rather than just looking at specific points on the face like your eyes and nose. This is done directly on the phone, using the iPhone?s picture processing unit,he says.

When you look at a post in the app, you see a small yellow emoji on the bottom of the display, its expression changing along with your real one.

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