


( )1. The shoes are under the bed. Please put ______ on. A. it B. them C. they

( )2. --Can ______ run in the classroom? --No, you can’t. A. you B. I C. he

( )3. --Let’s ______ these lovely toy pandas. --All right. A. look B. have a look C. have a look at

( )4. This pair of socks ______ very beautiful. A. look B. looks C. looks at

( )5. --Do you like ______ ? --Yes, we do. We like _______.

A. elephants; an elephant B. this elephant; elephants C. an elephant; elephants. ( )6. --Can I help you? --I’d like _______. A. sweets B. sweet C. some sweets

( )7. How old ______ your sister’s cats? A. is B. am C. are

( )8. Let’s ______ to the library together. A. go B. to go C. going

( )9. I ______ two English lessons in the morning, but my friend _____ one. A. have; has B. has; have C. have; have

( )10. --Mike, have a cake with cherries. -- _______________. A. Here you are. B. Thank you. C. I don’t like it.

( )11. Would you like _____ pineapple pies? Yes, please. A. some B. any C. a

( )12. Here’s _______ rice for you. A. a B. some C. /

( )13. My father and mother don’t like peaches _______ pears, _______. A. and; too B. or; too C. or; either.

( )14. Where ______ the gloves? ________ on the sofa. A. are; It’s B. is; They’re C. are; They’re

( )15. --How ______ milk do you have? – A bottle of milk. A. much B. many C. old

( )16. I have _______ orange. _______ orange is orange. A. a; The B. an; An C. an, The

( )17. --Do you have ______ bread? – Yes, I have _____. A. any; any B. any; some C. some; some

( )18. – What ______ you like? ______ two hamburgers. A. do; I like B. would; I’d like C. do; I’d like ( )19. ______ hair _____ long.

A. Her; are B. She; is C. Her; is

( )20. Can your brother ______? Yes, he can.

A. play the basketball B. play basketball C. play a basketball


1. 看那些可爱的玩具动物,孩子们。

Look at those lovely toy ______, boys and ______. 2. 你喜欢玩具大象吗? 是的,我非常喜欢他们。 Do you like toy ______? Yes, I like ______ ______ much. 3. 让我们一起来制作水果沙拉吧。 好的。 Let’s make a ______ ______ . ______ right. 4. 你有多少个芒果啊?我有十二个。

How ______ ______ do you have? I have ______ . 5. 你有什么? 我有二十个贴纸。

______ do you have? I have ______ ______. 6. 你的舅舅几岁了? 他四十岁了。

How old ______ your ______ ? ______ ______ ______ old. 7. 麦克打乒乓球打的很好。

Mike can play ______ ______ very ______. 8. 不要伤心,我也不会飞。

______ be ______. I ______ fly ______. 9. 我的白色的帽子在哪里呢? 它在门背后。 ______ my ______ cap? ______ ______ the door. 10. 来两杯橙汁怎么样? 好的。

______ ______ two ______ of ______ ______? Yes, please. 11. 还要些什么吗? 十五个三明治吧 ______ ______? ______ ______, please. 12. 这儿有一些鱼给你,萨姆。 ______ some ______ for you, Sam. 13. 这把雨伞很便宜。它只要28元。

This ______ ______ very ______. It’s ______ ______ yuan. 14. 这些鞋子多少钱?猜猜看。

How much ______ ______ ______? ______.

15. 她的头发很长,但是嘴巴和眼睛都很小。

Her ______ ______ very long, but her ______ and ______ ______very small.


1. it(复数)_______ 2. sandwich(复数)_______ 3. fat (反义词)________ 4. long(反义词)________ 5. new (反义词)_________ 6. for (同音词)________ 7. snowman(复数形式)________ 8. has(原形)_______ 9. let’s (完整形式)________ 10. cute(近义词) ________11. I’d ( 完整形式) _________12. I(宾格) _________ 13. he(物主代词) ________14. stand(对应词) _______15.monkey(复数) _________

16. do not(缩写) _______17. these(单数) ________18. tomato(复数) ___________ 19. picture(近义词) ________20.can’t( 完整形式)_________21.I(复数) __________ 22.you(宾格) __________23.we(物主代词) __________24.boy(对应词) _________ 25.cherry(复数) _________26.where is(缩写) ________27. those(单数) _________ 28.radio(复数) __________ 29.some(近义词) _______30.have(三单) ________ 31.is(复数) __________32.he(宾格) _________ 33.she(物主代词) __________

34. right(对应词) _________35. library(复数) ________ 36. their(单数) _______ 37. watch(复数) _________ 38. much(近义词) ________39. has(原形) _________ 40.home(近义词) ________41.child(复数) _________ 42.he(物主代词) _______ 43.happy(对应词) ________44. eye(同音词) _______45. write(同音词) _______ 46. good(副词) _________47. little(近义词) ________48.either(原形)

_________ 49. you(物主代词) ________ 50.come(对应词) ________ 51. up(反义词) ________


1. Look at ______(they) beautiful skirts. 2. _______(this) puppets are very ______ (fun). 3. Let ______(I) have a look.

4. He would like __________(have) lunch with ______ ( you ).

5. How much ________(be) these fans? ________(it) are seventy yuan. 6. My hair _______(be) long, but my _______(brother) hair is _______. 7. ---How many ________ (sandwich) do you have? ---We ______(have ) five. 8. She can’t run fast, _____ (too). Can you help ______(she)? 9. Would you like ______(some) ________ (bread)? No, thank you.

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