北语 18春《强化口语(II)》


一、问答题 ( 每题50分, 共2道小题, 总分值100分 )

1.Where is your hometown? Talk about something about your hometown. (50分)

2.Is it OK for a man to do a woman's job like nursing and vice versa? What do you think of male nurses? (50分)


一、问答题 ( 每题50分, 共2道小题, 总分值100分 )

1.How do you keep a good relation with your friends? What is the personalities of your best friend? (50分)

2.Everyone has their best friend, and so do you. Can you talk about what attracts you most? (50分)


一、问答题 ( 每题50分, 共2道小题, 总分值100分 )

1.Do you think school education kill creativity? What can schools do to encourage creativity in students? (50分)

2.Is it appropriate for college students to suspend study to establish a business? Why? (50分)


一、问答题 ( 每题50分, 共2道小题, 总分值100分 )

1.Do you think holidays are very significant? What meanings are expressed by Spring Festival? (50分)

2.What is New Year's resolution you've made in the past? Were you able to keep the resolution? (50分)

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