新概念第一册 Lesson 117-118练习题

新概念第一册 Lesson 117-118练习题

Name _______________ Score _______________

一、 写出下列副词或形容词的比较级和最高级

quickly _________ ________ difficultly________ ________ late ________ ________ good ________ ________ cheap________ ________ many ________ ________ difficult________ ________ interesting ________ ________ little________ ________ expensive ________ ________ intelligent ________ ________ bad ________ ________


1. I sleep in this room. __________

2. We read, sit and talk, sit and watch television or listen to the radio in this room. __________ 3. We wash, shower, have a bat, and clean our teeth in this small room. __________ 4. We cook meals in this room. __________ 5. We eat our meals in this room. __________

6. We keep our small car and bicycles in here. __________


1. Yesterday afternoon Tom and Jerry played football in the park.

________________________________________________ 2. We are having an English test.

____________________________________________________________________________ 3. My father watches TV at his friend’s home.

_____________________________________________________________________________ 4. We have lived in this city for a long time.



1. We __________ (leave) the house when the postman arrived.

2. She dropped some money just as she __________ (get off) the bus. 3. Someone __________ (ring) while I was working in the garden. 4. The arrived while we __________ (cook) the meal.

5. We __________ (all have) breakfast when the postman came with the letters. 6. It __________ (rain) very heavily when I got off the train.

7. John __________ (remember) his passport just as he was leaving the house. 8. I dropped the milk while I __________ (make) some coffee in the kitchen.

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