
A. show how shy she was

B. get renders to wonder the reason

D. show the kind of life she liked

C. tell readers she was ignored

29. Why did the author enjoy her new life at the beginning? A. She didn’t have to work any more. B. She didn’t need to be out in the world. C. Her books were loved by everyone. D. She could work at home as she liked.

30. After several months at home, the author ________. A. got tired of writing books C. to change her life again

B. phoned her friends for advice D. enjoyed chatting on the Internet

31. Which of the following would the author agree with most? A. Being alone is the best way to live one’s life. B. A healthy life is one with a strict routine. C. Working at home provides one with freedom. D. It is necessary to change one’s best friends.


I really did not know much about e-waste until this passing of Earth Day. I feel pity because I am actually skilled in the technology field. While I appreciate all the ways that technology has made our lives better, it comes at an environment cost.

Electronic waste, also known as “e-waste”, is the term used to describe the rapidly I wing stream of waste from useless electronics. These items include anything from computers, TVs and phones to washing machines and refrigerators. Most of these electronics are often not rubbish, but simply given up for the latest version (版本) on the market.

Findings show that we produced 41.8 million tons of e-waste all over the world in 2014. Even more surprisingly, it is believed that less than one-sixth is properly recycled or reused. While the bad influence of e-waste is big and growing, most people probably don’t realize its reach. The lack (缺乏) of proper recycling leads to harmful materials going into the environment. Harmful materials cause all sorts of health problems.

Maybe the worst part of this problem is that most e-waste from developed countries is exported (出口) to developing countries, which is picked over by locals who want to mine useful materials from it. The improper recovery methods are often performed by local women and children. Many survive on mining these products, but with poor practices and regulations, it comes at a much higher cost—the health of the planet and its people.

32. What does the author possibly do? A. A new reporter.

B. A law student.

D. An environment professor.

C. A technical engineer.

33. E-waste refers to electronic products that _________. A. are out of date

B. are actually rubbish.

D. sell badly on the market.

C. fail to be used again

34. According to the text, how does the public see e-waster? A. They try to avoid it. C. They try to make use of it.

B. They think nothing of it.

D. They make lots of research on it.

55. Why do some developing countries bring in e-waste? A. To earn money.

B. To study it carefully. D. To help take it apart.

C. To get it reused properly.



How do you write a short story? This is a difficult question to answer. _36_ Still, if you want to write a short story, here are four steps to help you get Started:

Ⅰ. Read Short Stories.

Real writers read, and as Stephen King said. “If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have time to read, you don’t have time to write.” _37_ Even if you’ve read hundreds of stories, studying one or two closely will help improve your understanding of the short story form.

2. Write Your Short Story.

Some guides suggest focusing on writing an attractive first paragraph first, but while that’s important, it puts a lot of pressure (压力) on you when you’re first getting started writing your short story. Instead, just write. Just put pen to paper. _38_ It’s not important. You just need to get your short story started.

3. Rewrite and correct.

All good writing is rewriting. After you write your story for the first time, you need to start cutting, rewriting, and correcting your short story. _39_ And it can feel like walking through a low wet grassy land or climbing through a very tight cave. However, don’t give up now. You’re almost there.

4. Submit (提交)!

Before you submit your .short story, make sure you’ve read it aloud several times to find any grammatical mistakes. Then, look through several literary magazines in your style and read their submission instructions (说明) to know if your short story will be a good fit.

_40_ Don’t over think ii. Just do it. It will be hard to lei go of your short story, but you can t

get it published if you don’t submit it.

A. Don’t worry about what comes out. B. Get some suggestions from other writers.

C. This is the hardest part of writing a short story. D. There are so many types of short stories.

E. Finally, it’s time to send your baby out into the world.

F. If you want to be a writer, you should consider writing short stories.

G. If you’ve never read a short Story, you’re going to have a difficult time writing one. 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


It was a nice day to be out for a drive. My son and I were _41_ along to songs playing on the radio. Suddenly, an old favorite of mine came on, and my son, whose _42_ was far better than mine at times, _43_ me that we had once had it on cassette (磁带),but it was _44_ from our car.

It was 12 years ago. After finishing shopping, we walked out to our _45_, but we found that all the _46_ had been taken from our cassette box. I _47_ when I thought of some young boys thinking they had stolen some _48_ music, only to open the _49_ and find my collection of old songs instead.

I tried to share my humor about the _50_ with a few friends but had to stop. They all expected me to be angry about it. They just couldn’t understand my _51_ about the theft (偷盗). I, _52_, remembered an old saying, “If someone hands you a _53_, it is wise to drop it fast.”

Those who _54_ us don’t want us to carry those snakes around with us. They want us to _55_ them and move on, to let go and to _56_. They want us to go through life _57_ with laughter on our lips. Next time someone hands you something _58_, don’t hold it close. Drop it fast. _59_, you can spend your day happily with your love, watching the sun _60_ down on the leaves, and letting your spirit sing. 41. A. talking 42. A, thought 43 A. persuaded 44 A. stolen 45. A. market 46 A. tapes 47 A. cried 48. A. good 49. A. parcel

B. dancing B. memory B. warned B. dropped B. home B. money B. laughed B. funny B. door

C. singing C. sight C. promised C. borrowed C. car C. toys C. shouted C. dull C. box

D. driving D. hearing D. told D. played

D. office

D. food D. jumped D. new D. bag

50. A. incident 51. A. anger 52. A. otherwise 53. A. snake 54. A. affect 55. A. raise 56. A. dream 57. A. lightly 58. A. strange 59. A. Still 60. A. fall

B. accident B. peace B. therefore B. cassette B. believe B, throw B. regret B. heavily B. terrible B. Yet B. shine

C. event C. surprise C. thus C. radio C. love C. hold C. leave C. patiently C. valuable C. Then C. beat

D. affair D. pain D. however D. rat D. ignore D. take D. smile D. rapidly D. special D. Besides D. set

第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)


When Ken walked out of his home last Friday he had no idea what this day would hold. Ken _61_ (work) at this job in the steel factory for 30 years; so _62_ (walk) out of the door had become something he took for granted. Ken started to work in a part of the factory _63_ no other people were working. All of _64_ sudden the steel began to shift (移动). The next thing Ken knew was that 25,000 pounds of steel was on his legs. Since no one was around, he pulled out his cell phone and called 911 _65_ (immediate).

It wasn’t long before the other _66_ (worker) in the shop saw the police cars pulling up to the factory. They ran to the back. Much to their horror (惊骇), they found Ken seriously injured. Ken _67_ (rush) to the hospital where both of his legs had to be removed above the knees. The following day Ken’s boss went up to the hospital to see him. When he asked, “Ken, how are you?” Ken smiled and replied, “Well, I’m _68_ (short) than I was yesterday.”

Now I say this is a “Wow Attitude!” We may not be able to control every situation and _69_ (it) result, but we can control our attitude and how we deal _70_ it. 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


增加:在缺词处加一个漏子符号(∧)并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

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