
43. A. set down 44. A. use 45. A. broke 46. A. runs

B. put off B. sell

C. give away

D. take apart

C. buy

D. create

D. used D. decorates D. unfair

B. packed

C. got

B. visits

B. cruel

C. ruins

47. A. confident 48. A. box

C. kind

B. flower

C. coat C. if

D. magazine

D. when D. children

49. A. though 50. A. ladies 51. A. pub 52. A. fight

B. because B. men

C. friends

B. car

C. table

D. wall D. choose

B. take C. lead

53. A. frightened 54. A. bus

B. satisfied

C. disappointed D. upset

D. fire D. anxious

B. police

C. television C. scared C. big

55. A. pleased 56. A. little 57. A. look 58. A. mercy

B. hopeless B. slow

D. thin D. stand

D. debate D. neighbour

B. wait

C. search

B. worry C. happiness C. foreigner

59. A. stranger 60. A. hold

B. volunteer

B. try C. look D. pass



A sand storm often takes place in the northern China, 61 is a kind of natural disasters. China usually experiences this kind of weather between February and May, while March and April see the most frequent and the 62 (strong) sand storms. It becomes a very important environment problem. It does lots of them 63 the society as well as the environment. Firstly, the strong wind destroys soil and plant cover by 64 (bury) fields with sand and dust. Secondly, by leaving too much dust in the air it will 65 (serious) pollute the air. Thirdly, a sand storm will have 66 bad effect on transportation. The dust in the air makes traffic and aircraft movements more difficult. And when the sand buries the roads, the traffic will 67 (block). When plants in the farmland are buried, food supply will lose.

Sand storms are another 68 (punish) nature gives to mankind. We should not only take effective measures 69 (stop) them, but also draw some 70 (lesson) from them. We should not develop the economy(经济)at the cost of the natural environment. 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35)



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Jack failed in the history examination in the end of the school term. And then he was telling that he would never graduate. However, her father went to see the professor and said, “He’s a good boy. If you let him to pass this time. I’m sure he’ll pass history examination next year.” “No, that’s possible,” replied the professor immediate, “I asked him when Napoleon died. He didn’t know!” “Please, sir, give him another chances. None of us knew Napoleon was ill so I didn’t take any newspapers in my house,” answers Jack’s father. 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 表示歉意; 2. 解释原因; 3. 另约时间。 注意:

1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Tom,


Yours, Li Hua


1~5 ABACC 6~10 ABBCC 21~23 BBD 24~27 AADA

11~15 BAACB 16~20 CBBAA 28~31 DBCC

32~35 CACB

36~40 FACED

41~45 BCCDB 46~50 ACADA 51~55 BABDA 56~60 CBCDD 61. which 66. a 短文改错

Jack failed in the history examination in the end of the school term. And then he was telling that he would never



62. strongest 67. be blocked

63. to

64. burying 65. seriously

68. punishment 69. to stop 70. lessons

graduate. However, her father went to see the professor and said, “He’s a good boy. If you let him to pass this time.



I’m sure he’ll pass ∧ history examination next year.” “No, that’s possible,” replied the professor immediate, “I




asked him when Napoleon died. He didn’t know!” “Please, sir, give him another chances. None of us knew


Napoleon was ill so I didn’t take any newspapers in my house,” answers Jack’s father.




One possible version: Dear Tom,

How are you? Thanks so much for inviting me to your home for the weekend dinner. I’d like to, but I’m so sorry that I can’t be present.

The reason why I can’t go is that I had a fall yesterday and injured my foot badly. The doctor suggested that I stay in bed for three days. It’s a great pity that I can’t enjoy your mother’s delicious cake.

What about next Saturday evening? At that time, I believe I’ll fully recover from the injury. I’m really expecting to have dinner with you.

Looking forward to your early reply.

Your, Li Hua







William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in the English Midlands on St George's Day, April 23, 1564. He was the third child of John Shakespeare, who was a glove-maker, and Mary Arden. He went to Stratford Grammar School, where he received a good education, but he had no university education. In 1582, he married Anne Hathaway. They had three children.

Shakespeare probably left Stratford around 1586. He joined a company of travelling actors and went to London. He became a very popular writer of plays and poems, Shakespeare wrote 38 plays-tragedies, comedies, historical plays and romances, Hamlet, like many of his plays. was performed at the Globe Theatre in London. The Globe was very different from a modern theatre-the plays took place in the open air in daylight when the weather was good. There was no scenery on the stage. Boys played the women parts, Between two and three thousand people from all classes of society, were in the audience (观众)

When he went back to Stratford. Shakespeare lived in a large, comfortable house called New Place. He died on his 52 birthday in 1616 and was buried in Holy Trinity Church. After his death, some friends published his works for the first time in a book called the First Folio in1623. If you go to Stratford, you can visit his birthplace. You can also see Mary Arden's house, Anne Hathaway's cottage(小屋)and, of course, the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.

21. What can we learn about William from Paragraph 1?

A. He was born in 1582 B. He got married on St George's Day C. He had three children D. He had no education at Stratford 22. How can we describe Shakespeare's working life in London? A. Successful B Hard. C. Painful D Romantic.

23. In what way was the Globe Theatre similar to a modern theatre?

A. There was a lot of scenery B. The actors performed on a stage

C. Actors and actresses worked together D. There were performances every nigh 24. Which of the following can you see if you go to Stratford?

A. Shakespeare's birthplace B. The Globe Theatre

C. Mary Arden’s church. D. Anne Hathaway’s glove, 25. How old was Shakespeare when he died?

A.22 B.23. C.30. D.52


I was 24 years old and a senior at New York University (NYU). At the time, I was planning to get a law and business degree and wasn't even job hunting I walked into the student center to fetch a Coke, but instead found a roomful of students. Clearly, I had accidentally walked into a job fair (招聘会). As I tried to walk across the hall, a man stopped me, saying\to work for IBM?\”

I ended up having a wonderful conversation with him about the company but I told him there was no way he could persuade me. I went out for dinner that night with some friends. When I mentioned this story, they couldn't believe I was foolish enough to refuse the interview with this amazing company! I went home that night, dug out his card from the rubbish and called him back.

After a series of successful interviews, an IBM manager called me to give me an offer. When I asked what the salary (薪水) was, he said something like 18. I thought $18, 000 a year was low. So I started

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