商务英语口语 教案

商务英语口语 教 案

课程名称 商务英语口语 任课教师 授课对象 授课时间 王燕侬 职称 助理讲师 08商务英语 共 1 个班 第 十一 星期 五 课次 课时 安排 1 2 授课方式 理论课□ 讨论课√ 实验课□ 习题课□ 其他□ (请打√) 授课题目(教学章、节或主题): enquiries and offers 课时安排: 2课时 教学目的、要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): Knowledge a. show one example of how to make out the dialog about enquires and offers b. oral practice: make out the dialog according to the situations c. act out the dialog Ability a. know how to make out an dialog b. can apply the useful words and sentences of enquiries and offers into oral practice c. can make out the dialog with partners according to the situations 教学重点及难点: Key Point a. show one example of how to make out the dialog about enquires and offers b. oral practice: make out the dialog according to the situations c. act out the dialog Difficult point a. can apply the useful words and sentences of enquiries and offers into oral practice b. can make out the dialog with partners according to the situations 教学过程 Step 1 revision Read the new words and useful sentences of enquiries and offers revision Step 2 ask some students to translate the useful sentences Step 3 oral practice: ( show the Sample ) Situation: Hua Mei Food Stuff Company deals in canned fruits, because of the quality of its products, they sell well in the European market. Now Kevin Green is very interested in the canned fruit series , and Ms He, the sales manager of Hua Mei Food Stuff Company is introducing the product to him, Mr Green make an enquiry and Ms He gives him the offer. 1. Find the talking points Importer: ? Greetings ? Show interests to canned fruits, particular in canned pineapple ? Ask for catalogues, samples and price lists ? Make an enquiry [ quality, quantity ( if a large order, any discount), terms of payment, date of delivery, shipment, non-offer or firm offer, validity] Exporter: ? Greetings ? Introduce the product ? Show catalogues, samples and price lists ? Make an offer 2. free discussion: make the dialog with the partner 3. watch the video of this dialog step 4 oral practice 1 Situation: a new customer from Australia is willing to make business contact with us. After going over all the catalogues and samples, he finds some umbrellas rather attractive, especially Article No. BST-123 and 312. He would like to know the price idea before placing a trial order with us. Finally he decides to take 5,000 pieces as a trial order. As the size of his order is not small, we quote him an attractive price on CIF basis. 1. explain how to make this dialog 2. group discussion 3. act out the dialog step 5 PRACTICE 2 ? [实训场景] 询盘与报盘 ? [地点] 模拟公司谈判室 ? [形式] 口头洽谈 ? [内容] ? Mr Burns from California Overseas Company is interested in the Tea Sets and he enquires for 500 sets , the sample and offer are as follows Buyer: Mr Burns from California Overseas Company ? Seller: Mr Chen from Golden River Company Limited Commodity: Tea Sets ? Quantity: 500 sets ? Unit Price: At USD 50/set CIFC2 San Francisco ? Payment Terms: By Irrevocable L/C at sight ? Shipment: In August Validity: For 5 days Read the situation and find the talking points Discussion Show the example by video Modify the situation above and make the dialog according to the situation Oral practice ( according to the content given below) 要求] 学生两人一组,根据给出的情景进行询盘和报盘,洽谈要点如下(供 参考): Seller buyer 1.迎接客户 2.介绍产品,并提供目录和样品 3.根据客户需要报盘 Step 6 PRACTICE 3 1.询问有关产品情况 2.参观茶具样品 3.选择款式并询盘 ? [实训场景] 询盘与报盘 ? [形式] 在线洽谈 ? [要求] 要求学生依照网上的产品信息进行询盘和报盘。 Step 7 Ask students to act out the dialog Step 8 conclusion Homework: Oral practice: make out the dialog according to the situations above Oral presentation Oral practice 3 (according to the content of web page) Oral presentation 教学后记: 这节课主要是enquiries & offer的口头练习,要求学生根据所给情景造对话,小组间能主动参与讨论,分配好角色,把所学知识运用到讨论中,所造对话完整、实用性强。

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