
even come into the city by car. 七年级(上)英语7AU1练习卷一

姓名 Do you live in a city? If you __19___think of all kinds of food you eat in a day. All of the food ___20__ the 一 Choose the best answer

( )1. Can you tell me the letter is from. country. The wheat(小麦)for your bread is grown on farms A. who B. whose C. which D. what in the country. So are vegetables. ( )2. –Are you going to visit the car factory this Water is ___21__ thing that cities get from the country. Everyone needs water every day. We use a little of it for afternoon? -- .

A. Thank you B. I don’t know yet ___22__.But we use even more to fill bathtubs(浴缸),take C. I’m sorry D. I’m busy now showers(淋浴)and wash streets. ( )3. is first day of the week. The water used by cities comes mostly from rain. But A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Saturday D. Sunday people can not use the rain fall on cities. The rain __23___ ( )4. We are all ______ about our trip. dirty as it falls through dirty air. Once it hits city buildings A. exciting B excite C excited D to excite or streets, the rain will pick up more dirt(尘埃).It is not ( )5. The plane is ____ expensive, but it is quicker. good for drinking ___24__ bathing(洗澡). A . much, much B. much, more So cities must reach out to the clean country for water. C. more, more D. more, much There, the rain ___25__ through air onto trees and grass.

The fallen rain runs __26___ rivers and lakes. So it is 二、Rewrite the sentences as required.

important to keep both cities and the country clean. 6. Ben is as old as your sister. (句意不变)

Ben is the _____ _ ____ __ as your sister. 17. 18. 19. 20.

21. 22. 23. 24. 7. My father often does some shopping at weekends. (改为

25. 26. 否定句)

My father often any shopping at weekends? 8. Some of my classmates flew to Beijing the day before ( B ) yesterday. (保持句意不变) A. swim B. take C. On my way to D .help Some of my classmates went to Beijing the E. Told F. them G. could H. fell day before yesterday. I. asked J. was K. standing L. to 9.Those are interesting books.(该为单数形式) ___27__ school in the afternoon ,I saw two little boys is interesting books. ___28__by the river. One of ___29__ was crying. 10.I’ll show you around all the interesting places. (保持句I went to them and __30___,\意不变) The other boy said, \ I’ll you all the interesting places. leg, I'm his younger brother. I'm afraid I can't take him back 三、Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper home. \forms \11. I s your (fly) to Beijing pleasant. brother and took the younger to their home. 12. The 29th Olympic Games lasted sixteen . (day) Their home was far from our school. It took me an hour 13. Does your penfriend (life) in Shanghai. to___33__ the two boys to their home. When I was on my 14. Do you often go (travel) during the summer way to school again, it __34___ half past two. I ran to holidays. school as fast as I ___35__,and I was late, my classmates 15. We were so ______ (exciting) about the football match. were having a Chinese lesson then. 16. Alice, do you do (good) in maths? After class, I ___36__ my teacher the whole story. She 四、Read the following passage and choose proper words said with a smile,\

( A) 27. 28. 29. 30. A. comes from B. drinking C. or D. another 31. 32. 33. 34.

E. becomes F. falls G. do H. brought 35. 36. I. Most J. into K. and L. water Today more and more people live in cities. So there is usually little room in a city to grow food.__17___ of the land in a city is used for homes, shops, roads and parks. Most food for city people is grown in the country. It is___18__ to the city by truck, train and plane. Some food

七年级(上)英语7AU1练习卷二 18.My friend went to Australia by plane last month.( 划线 姓名 提问)

一 Choose the best answer

( )1. We’d like to go to visit our grandparents in the village the Spring Festival. A. in B. on C. at D. for ( )2. people watch China’s Got Talent to see ordinary people display their unusual talents. A. Millions of B. Million C. Two million D. Millions ( )3. It’s really to take a trip with family members during the holidays. B. expensive B. interesting C. cheap D. funny ( )4. ______ John’s uncle him a teddy bear as his birthday present yet? A. Did; send B Does; send C Has; sent D Will; send ( )5. Thank you very much for to visit us. A . come B. comes C. came D. coming ( )6. Mr. Smith got to Shanghai last week. The underlined part means ― ―. A . reach B. arrived at C. arrived in D. came ( )7. –Mr. Brown, may I ask you some questions. --Yes, . A . please ask B. for example C. please go ahead D. for sure ( )8. We’ll travel to Hainan Island . A . on the twenty-five of July B. on 25 July C. at the twenty-five of July D. in 25 July ( )9. My grandmother in Shanghai for sixty years. A . lived B. lives C. have lived D. has lived ( )10. Let’s talk our friends the holiday plan. A . to; about B. with; of C. to; with D. with; for ( )11. It is to go to Beijing by plane than by train. A . expensive B. cheap C. more expensive D. cheaper ( )12. People plant many trees the of March every year. A .in; twelve B.on; twelve C. in; twelfth D. on; twelfth ( )13. Your uncle sent a photo us last week. A . for B. of C. at D. to ( )14. If you haven’t got enough money. I think you’d rather go to Beijing by train because it is than by plane. A . slower B. cheaper C. quicker D. more expensive 二、Rewrite the sentences as required.

15. Did you take any photos in England? (改为肯定句)

I _____ _ ____ __ photos in England. 16. It takes more than ten hours to travel from Shanghai to Britain by plane. (划线提问)

it to travel from Shanghai to Britain by plane? 17 Mary would like to be a good doctor. (保持句意不变)

Mary be a good doctor. your friend to Australia last month? 19.What about visiting Suzhou this weekend. (句意不变)

visit Suzhou this weekend? 20. My new watch cost 180 yuan. (划线提问) your new watch cost? 21. The Summer Palace is in the north-west of Beijing. ( 划线提问) in the north-west of Beijing?

22. We have stayed here for two days. (改为否定句) We here for two days? 23. Eddie spent about fifty minutes making a kite yesterday afternoon. (保持句意不变) It Eddie about fifty minutes to a kite yesterday afternoon. 24. I can see some people having a picnic in the park. (划线提问) can you see some people in the park? 25. Let’s travel to Shanghai Museum by taxi.(改为一般疑问句)

we to Shanghai Museum by taxi? 三、Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms 26. The Palace Museum is a place with a lot of ancient (build) . 27. Listen! The birds (sing) in the tree. 28. There (be) a football match between Class 7A and Class 7B next Monday. 29. Let’s (make) good friends! 30. How many times _____ you (be) to Guangzhou? 31. The student of Grade 7 (not visit) the museum last Thursday 四、Read the following passage and choose proper words Long ,long ago there was an old mother pig and three little pigs. They l 32 in the middle of an oak forest. While the children were v 33 small ,a lot of oaks died. That made it difficult for the mother to find e 34 food for her children to eat .And the little pigs h 35 to leave home .They met a bad wolf, who was hungry and finding the food .Finally ,the little pigs fought with the wolf and

beat it .They became brave and s 36 when they grow up. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

--It’s from my favourite athlete Steve Nash. 七年级(上)英语7AU2练习卷一

姓名 19. The PLA soldiers help to g our country.

一 Choose the best answer

( )1. Put the newspapers in the room . You can protect them the rain. A. in B. at C. to D. from ( )2. At home you can help your mother the housework. A. does B. to do C. doing D. did ( )3. Your photo is beautiful. Can you show to me? C. one B. ones C. it D. them ( )4. Look at the clouds. It soon. A. is raining B. rains C. has rained D. is going to rain ( )5. --Thank you for helping me. -- A . I’m not good at it B. No, thanks C. It’s very pleasure D. Never mind ( )6. Thanks for us to attend the party. A . invited B. invite C. inviting D. invites ( )7. Kitty has had a visit Beijing. A . in B. for C. to D. of ( )8. What did you eat lunch? A . of B. on C. for D. to ( )9. I’ve got enough food and you buy any food for our party. A . need B. don’t need C. needn’t to D. don’t need to ( )10. The black and white one mine, do you like . A . is; it B. is; them C. are; it D. are; them ( )11.I’ve bought a new schoolbag and some things in the shop. A . another B. the other C. other D. others 二、Rewrite the sentences as required. 12. The girl must get up now in order not to be late. (保持句意不变) The girl ______ _____ get up now in order not to be late. 13. My cousin prefers the black one to the green one. (保持

句意不变) My cousin the black one than the green one. 14 What about visiting the Century Park tomorrow? (保持句意不变) We visit the Century Park tomorrow? 15.Tom helps his mother with the cleaning twice a week.( 划线提问)

Does Tom help his mother with the cleaning? 三、Fill in the proper words according to the meaning of the

sentences 16. A friend of the earth is s who can prevent the earth from polluting. 17. When we’re t , we need to drink some water. 18. –What’s s for your T-shirt? 20. The b can’t see anything and they need our help. 21. Dogs helped early people to h animals for food.

22. It’s a bit cool at night, so you need a b when you sleep. 四、Choose and fill in the blanks with the given words 23. Sometimes people are cruel to (live, leave) their pets in the street. 24. Mr. Li found an animal in the garden and wanted to (take, save) it to the zoo. 25. We must promise (to cut, not to cut) down too many trees. 五、Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms 26. Please call the police. The chief tries (run) away. 27. Sam has got some American stamps and I have got some French (one). 28. Thank you for (help) me with my English. 29. It (take) me more than two hours (finish) my homework last night. 30. Mary shows great (interesting) in computers. 31. My mother (work) as a teacher for 14 years. 32. Ben and Kitty (come) back in the month. 33. I am planning the (travel) to Japan in October. 34. Tim (have) a holiday in Yunnan this weekend. 35. you (finish) your homework yet? 36. My uncle (just come) back from Japan. 37. Listen, someone (sing) in the next room. 38. Peter, (tell) me something about your trip to Beijing. 五、Read the following passage and choose proper words Americans enjoy holidays and of them is camping。 Each summer,millions of Americans come to the countryside i 39 cars and they f 40 places to

camp there . they like the national parks b 41 because campers enjoy the fresh a 42 ,the lakes and the forests in the parks. They can hike, s 43 and fish. They can a 44 find many animals and plants。They have a very happy life there. After that ,they go b 45 to the city and start the new work again. 39. 40. 41.

42. 43. 44. 45.

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