三年级下册英语素材-Unit 5 How old are you_ 知识点讲解-译林版三起

3B Unit5 提优班

Part A 突破课内重点 一、核心词汇

1. 数词: one; two; three; four; five; six; seven; eight; nine; ten 2. 形容词: lovely; right; out;

短语: how old a nice cake a toy car 3. 祝贺别人生日快乐: Happy Birthday! 4. 表示许愿: Make a wish!

5. 肯定对方的说法: You’re right. 6. 否定别人的句型: You’re out.

7. 感叹句: What + a/an+ 形容词+名词+(主语+谓语) ! 多么... ...啊! 二、 单个词汇

A. _______ [?p?pi] n.小狗

1.复数________ 2. 形近词: pupil______ popular________ 3.关联词: n____________

a beautiful puppy_________ a cute puppy_____________ 4.Look! This is my puppy.

5.Anna has a puppy. Can you find her puppy?

6.Do you have a puppy? Colour the pictures on page 67 and make a puppy. 7.Take your puppy to a puppy show. 8.Don’t eat the hot dog.

B. _______ [?l?vli] adj.可爱的

1.近义词: cute______ 关联词: nice ; beautiful

2.美好的一天 ______________ 3.多么可爱啊! ______________ 4.This is a lovely dog.________________ C._______ [ten] num.

1.关联词: twenty___ 2.近义词: 钢笔______; 茶_______ 2.top ten 5.ten days

6. He is ten years old. 7.I see ten sweets.

D._______ [na?n] num.

1.关联词: nineteen________; 2. 形近词: 漂亮的__________; 好的_______ 3. nine to five

4. It’s nine o’clock now. 5.She has nine dolls. E._______[e?t] num.

1.关联词: eighteen________;

2. 关联词: night_______; light________; right______ 3.eight orange oranges 4.eight red apples 5.I’m eight years old.

? Xiao Wang is twelve. He is one older than me. How old am I?___________

C. 1. 同音词: [f?:(r)] _____为num. ; 给 3.形近词: our______ 2. 关联词: fourteen __________ 4. four seasons four days 5.Yang Ling is four years old. 6. I go home at four o’clock. 7.There are four desks here. D. _______ [fa?v] num.

1.关联词: fifteen _______ 2.five-star 4.Are you five?

5.Can you give me five apples? E. _______[s?ks] num.

1. 关联词: sixteen_______ 3.at sixes and sevens at six 4.I’m six years old. 5.I get up at six o’clock. F. _______ [?sevn] num.

1.关联词: seventeen_______ 2.形近词: eleven__________ 3.seven years_______

4.There are seven days in a week 5.I do homework at seven o’clock. 6.Look! I have seven rulers. 三、 句型

A.询问年龄与表达的句型 ? How old are you?

? I’m +数词. 或 I’m +数词 +(years old). B.对于第三个人年龄的问答 ? How old is he/she/it/...名字?

? He’s/ She’s/ It’s+ +数词 +(years old). C.把某物给对方的句型

? This +名词单数+ is for you. Thank you. = Here you are. Thank you. 复数:

? These +名词复数+are for you. 易错题强化:

1. -Look at my new car. -______.

A. It’s blue. B. You’re right. C. How lovely! 2. _______a nice skirt! A.What's B.What C.How 3.How old ________he? A.is B. am C.are

4.-How old are you? -_________. A. I’m ten. B. It’s ten. C. I’m fine. 5. -______ -Thank you.

A. This is for you. B. Is this for you? C. What is this?

6.-Is this your robot? -_____.

A. I’m Mr Robot. B. No, it isn’t. C. No, thank you. 7.-Happy Birthday, Yang Ling.-___.

A. Thank you. B. Happy Birthday. C. Happy New Year. 8.你想要一个玩具娃娃时你不说:___

A. I’d like a doll. B. I want a doll. C. I like dolls. 9. It is time ________breakfast. A.to B. for C.at

10.你上课迟到了, 老师会对你说: ____

A. Don’t be late for class again. B. Don’t run in class. C. Time for class. 11.别人回答正确时你会说:___

A. You’re out. B. You’re right. C. You’re welcome. Part B 阶段测试(一)

一. 判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同 , 相同的打“√” , 不同的打“×” 。 1、 down pie ( ) 2、 want wish ( ) 3、 green great ( ) 4、 red and ( ) 5、 ball big ( ) 6、 good brother ( ) 7、 seven wish ( ) 8、 this class ( ) 二. 找出不同类词 ( ) 1. A. nine B. lovely C. seven ( ) 2. A. four B. two C. old ( ) 3. A. eat B. three C. drink ( ) 4. A. open B. nine C. close ( ) 5. A. three B. tree C. thirteen 三. 翻译

1.多大____________________________ 2.这支铅笔_______________________ 3.想要___________________________ 4.一个漂亮的蛋糕______________

5.许愿____________________________ 6.在门后__________________________ 7.你是正确的。 _____________________ 8.你出局了。 ______________________ 9.the ball beside the window________________________________ 10.在书桌上的铅笔袋_____________________________________

11.在那里__________________________ 12.在那里睡觉___________________ 13.他的年龄__________________________ 14. in class_______________________ 15. in the classroom______________________ 16. 与... ... 交谈________________ 四. 按要求写单词

1. go(反义词) _________________ 2. on (反义词) _________________ 3.out (反义词) _________________ 4. too(同音词) _________________ 5. four (同音词) _________________ 6. up (反义词) _________________ 7. sit (反义词) _________________ 8. write(同音词) _________________

9. close (反义词) _________________ 10. you(物主代词) _________________ 五. 完成句子

1. 吃蛋糕的时间到了。 It’s time ____________ the _____________. It’s time to _________ the ______________.

2. 我有 4 本书。 I __________ __________ ____________.

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