

英语看图填空 白沙中学 周玲玲

Friday September 10, 2010 Fine

Today is Teachers` Day. In the morning , when our class teacher came into the (1) __________, all the students stood up and (2) ____________ , “Happy Teachers` Day !” We also brought some flowers (3) ___________ some small presents (礼物) to her. (4)_________ the afternoon , we (5) _________ a party. We thanked our teachers for (6)_______ hard work and kindness. Many students and teachers gave a performances (表演) at the (7)____________ . We sang the songs about the teachers and (8) _________ to the music happily. All the students and teachers had (9) _______ good time. I will never (10) __________ this Teachers` Day.

Everyone knows that there`s not enough land in Hong Kong. If you go there by (1) __________ , you will land at Kai Tak Airport . It was build out into the sea.

The population of Hong Kong is more (2) ________six million . Chinese and English are

spoken (3) _______ many people there . Clothes , computers , radios , televisions are made in Hong Kong . It is (4) ______ shopping center. You can (5) _______ all kinds of things there .

Hong Kong is also a beautiful city. It`s a good place for traveling. People from all over the (6) ________ visit Hong Kong every year. You can watch dog-racing and motor-racing there . (7)

_______ you are hot and tired , you may rest in the small cool gardens. (8) _____ are also a lot of tall buildings with comfortable rooms to live in . If you enjoy (9)______out , you can easily find a good place for delicious food. Foods of different flavors are served in Hong Kong .

(10) _______ to Hong Kong.

July 4 is the birthday of the United States

of America. Since 1776 , people have celebrated the Independence Day holiday every (1) ______.

What do people (2) ______ on Independence Day? There are many colorful and interesting things. They have fireworks shows in the (3)______ and sing songs. Some families organize picnics with barbecues(烧烤). Kids can (4) __________ much delicious food like hotdogs.

And these parties are a good time (5) ______ dress up. Some kids make July hats (6)

_________ the stars and stripes(星条) of the country`s flag on them. And Independence Day is in summer . Many kids use stars and stripes fans to keep themselves (7) __________.

It`s a great day, (8) ________ no one forgets that it`s serious too. US people are proud of their (9) ________ and proud of what the founders did for it. On Independence Day (10) __________ gets the chances to show it.


Norman Bethune is one of China`s most famous heroes, but he wasn`t Chinese——he was Canadian. He gave his life to helping the Chinese people.

Norman Bethune (1)______ born in 1890. He became a (2)_____ in 1916, and he went to the front to look after injured soldiers in the First Word War. He saw many soldiers (3)_____ in the war .

In 1938 he came to help Chinese soldiers in the mountains north of Yan`an. There were (4)______ doctors, so he had to work very hard. He opened (5)_______ to help local people and soldiers, and to train doctors and nurses. He also wrote books (6)_______ that doctors could learn about medical care.

Dr. Bethune worked very hard without a (7)______ . Once , he preformed operations

(8)________ 69 hours without stopping and saved 112 people. In the end , he died (9)________ he did not take care of his injured hand.

Dr. Bethune`s work with the Chinese soldiers made (10)_______ a hero in China. There are books and films about him, and he is still remembered in both Canada and China.


Dear Mary,

I`m now sitting in the garden of a house near a small village. I`m (1)________ afternoon tea with my family here.

I arrived here three days (2) ________ with my dad , my mom and some friends. We will be on vacation together here (3)_______ two weeks. It is a quiet and nice place. The mountains are near (4) _______ house. It is cool here, and the air is (5) ________ . The trees around the house are gree , and the flowers are nice. (6) _______ are many things we can do here. Yesterday , we walked around the village to say hello (7) ______ the villagers(村民), and took lots of (8) _______ with them.

Tomorrow we are going (9)_________ in the mountains. From the top of the mountains, the village may look more beautiful. It`s a pity you didn`t come with (10) ___________.

Love, Jenny (6)

Sam is a farmer . He has a very big (1) _______. On the farm, he

grows oranges ,grapes and bananas. Many people come to (2) ________ his farm. He is a successful young man and becomes very famous.

Several years ago, in 2003 , he went back to his hometown after he finish high school. “What can I do ?” he said to himself. Then he had (3)________ idea. “I`m (4)___________ in farming. I can grow fruit!” He began to watch many many programs about growing fruit (5)________ TV . He also read a lot of books about it. Then he went to (6)__________ on `s farm for two years. He learned a lot there.

In 2005, he started his own fruit farm. At the (7)________, Sam`s farm was small. But now ,his farm is much (8)_________ . His fruits are very good . He sends them to many big (9)_________ in China, such as Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. He also grows vegetables and raises

(10)__________ on his farm. Therefore, his family eats their own vegetables and chicken. They have a very healthy lifestyle.


Last year my dad got a new job in a small town, (1)_______ my family moved there. On my first (2)________ st the new school I was really worried. The teachers were friendly, but the problem was the other students.. They didn`t seem friendly. I knew (3)_________ and I couldn`t even understand (4)_______ they said.

During the break all the other students went (5)_________ . I didn`t know where to go , so I (6)_______ in the classroom. After a while , a (7)________ came back in and came up to me . I wondered what he wanted to do. He took something out of his bag and said to me , “Would you like something to (8) ______ ?” It was an apple. Suddenly I felt really (9) ________ and we began to talk.

It was Tony (10)_________ gave the apple and now he is my best friend. I am thankful to the apple , which started our friendship.

(8) Happy parents` Day!

Parents` good behaviors help teach children to be kind. There are many stories about this. Here is (1)________ of them.

Mr. and Mrs. Zhang have (2) ________ eight-year-old son called Zhang Hai. He is a lovely and clever (3) _______. He likes to ask his parents how everything works.

One day the little boy watched his parents planting flowers in the garden. They watered the (4) _______ and pulled out the grass around them. Zhang Hai then learnt to do that and look (5) _____ the little plants. Day by day , the flowers were (6) ________ well. One day the boy`s father proudly picked a flower and give it to (7) _______ wife to show his love. However , to their (8)

_________ ,the boy picked some of the flowers and gave them to his parents. At that moment the parents realized that their behavior had greatly influenced (影响) their (9) _______. So good parents will teach their children how to get along with others. Parents should try to (10)____ good teachers.


Dear Linda,

I`m very happy that you are coming to China soon. And I`m very happy to (1) ___________ you sometimes about China.

It`s (2) __________ coldest time in a year when you are in my city in January , so you`d better take some (3) ________clothes and shoes with you. My family usually have rice , meat (4)

___________vegetables for meals. Sometimes we (5) ________ dumplings for guests. You are more than welcome to (6) _______ Spring Festival with us, which is the most important (7) __________ in my country. You can experience (8)__________ of traditional culture. Beside , we plan to take you to go skiing. That will be (9) ________!

I (10) __________ you will enjoy the trip in China. 10

Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong in 1954. So his parents (1) _______ him “Gangsheng”. Jackie was (2) ________ only son of his parents. They loved Jackie very much. Little Jackie didn`t like study. He loved Kung fu very much. He always fought (3)_________ other kids. So his

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