
八年级 下册 Module 4 重难点知识点的讲解和练习

掌握模块4 的必背单词,常考短语和经典句型 重点语法if 引导的有条件状语从句 记住单词短语和对于语法点的灵活运用

一、课前练习。 单词的记忆与 默写


A. 翻译下列词组.

1. 打开收音机____________________________ 6. send a text message____________

2. 赶快_______________________ 7. take the medicine_______________

3. 重放 _____________________ 8. look at the instructions ___________

4. 救某人的命 __________________________ 9. buy a video camera _____________

5. 两箱橘子 ___________________________ 10. press the red button_____________


Module 4 New technology 词组:1.lend sb. sth.借给某人某物; lend:意为“借出”,其过去式和过去分词为lent。Borrow:意为“借入”。 Lend sb sth / lend sth to sb); borrow sb.sth=borrow sth form sb.向某人借来某物,借一段时间用keep send sb. sth=send sth. to sb. send away 派出,送出, send up发射 , send for派人去请,

2.play back回放播放; .play 与乐器名词连用时,乐器名词之前要加the;与球类名词连用时,球类名词之前不加冠词the。 3.wait for等待;

4.connect…to/with 连接;

5; turn on 意为“打开”,多指打开电器、水龙头等。反义词为:turn off“关上”。

Open 意为“打开”,多指打开课本、门、窗户、箱子、盒子;反义词是close。 Turn up意为“声音开响一些”;turn down意为“声音关小一些” come on意为:快点,加把劲。 come from, 来自 come back回来, come along ,跟着来 come over,顺便来访 come down落下,降落

6.take photos拍照; take a photo of 给…拍照

7.pick up sth.拿起某物 (如果有代词的话则放在中间 pick it up);

8.bite sb. on the hand咬某人的手; hurt oneself伤害某人自己 save one’s life挽救某人的生命 9.keep cool保持冷静;

10.show pictures to the doctor展示照片给医生看; show ….to …..把…给…看 11.the best result最好的结果; 12. get the news得到消息;

13. follow these instructions 遵照这些说明; 14.find out 查明;

15.save your life 挽救你的生命;

16.a few days ago 几天前; a few days earlier几天前 a few days later 几天以后 17. climb out of 从…里爬出来; 18. hold on to 坚持; 19. on holiday 在度假;

20. send personal postcard 发送私人贺卡 21. across/ over/ through;

22. advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事;

23. be ready to do sth 意为“准备做某事,乐意做某事”== be ready for doing sth准备(做)某事 get /be ready to do sth准备好做某事,乐意做某事 prepare for为…准备好 24. have to 不得不;

25. do with 处置,对待 What will you do with this photo? 你会怎么处理这张照


26. Wherever无论什么地方

suggest 建议,提出。后接V-ing作宾语。

有此用法的单词还有:keep,feel like,can't help,be busy (in),finish,enjoy,mind,practice,give up等。

27区别:.surprising,surprised; excited,exciting; interesting,interested; boring,bored;

It seems that; sb/ sth seems to be; 似乎,好像 26.a few & few; a little & little 之间的区别。

27 what kind of 意为“哪种”,后接可数名词或不可数名词。 This kind of 意为“这种”,后接棵树名词或不可数名词。 All kind of 意为“各种各样的” a kind of 一种,

all kinds of 各类各样的 kind of有点儿,相当于a little,a bit , 28 receive 表示客观收到,而accept表示主观接受。 29 bite sb. on the hand咬某人的手 30 怎么啦?:

1.what is wrong with sb./sth. 2.what’s the matter with sb./sth?3.what’s the trouble with sb./sth? wait for等待

can’t wait to do sth.迫不及待地去做某事 a text message一条短信息 31 look on 旁观 look on sb. as把某人看作…. look up仰视,查找(字典)

look sb. up and down,上下打量看某人 look up to 尊敬,仰视look after照顾 , look down on(upon)看不起,瞧不起,look forward to doing sth盼着做某事 look through,浏览

32 on the front of 在前面,在正面, on the back,在背面,在后面 33 be surprised to do sth做某事而感到惊奇,a few days earlier几天前,

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