

知识点梳理 (一)核心词汇

mine whose bike cat our banana their baby bag shirt jacket think new classmate clothes find help us him

His pants are blue and mine are white.

This man is from Canada.

His bag is green.=The green bag is his.

Their desks are all here.= The desk here are all theirs ’ s表示名词的所有格 重点知识讲解

1.-Whose bike is this? 这是谁的自行车?

-It ’ s his bike./ It 是他’的s(his自.行车)。

第一个 his 是形容词性物主代词,相当于形容词。置于名称之前,用来修饰,限 定名词;第二个

his 等于 his bike,是名词性物主代词,其后不加名词。如:

This is Li Ming

’ s shirt.


形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词 They are our shoes. They are ours. (三)交际用语 Guess! Who is he ? Please help us find him. (二)重点句子

-Is this your cap,Jane? -Whose cap is it,then?

-No, it ’ s not mine. -It ’ s Sally

’ s.

常用词组 help sb do sth

-Whose banana are these? -They’ re their bananas/theirs. I think it

’ s Kangkang ’ s/Li Ming ’ s.

We look the same, but we are in different clothes.

Our books are new.= The new books are ours.

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( 2) hers 为名词性物主代词,意为 3.I think it

“她的(猫) ”,其后不在加名词。

2.–Whose cat is that?那只猫是谁的? -It is her cat./It



( 1) whose 疑问代词,意为 “谁的 ”,其后加名词,再加一般疑问句,或 加一般疑问句。如:

Whose computer is that?= Whose is that computer?

’ s Li Ming我认为’(s想.)是李明的。

( 1) I think 可作为插入语,通常放在句尾或句首。如:

-What’s that?那是什么?

- A plane, I think.我想是飞机。

( 2)当不能简单的用 Yes 或 No 回答的时候,可用 I think 来表达。如: -

Can you spell it? 你会拼写(它)吗? -I think so.我想我会。

( 3) Li Ming ’是s名词所有格,意为 “李明的 ”。 名词所有格一般表示所有或所属关

系,意为 : “??的,在名词后加上 ’s.

如: Maria ’s book is here玛.利亚的书在这里。

【拓展】 1) 单数名词词尾加 ’s复.数名词词尾没有 s 的,也要加 ’表s,示所有格。如: the

boy ’s food男孩的食物 men’s room男厕所 2)名词已有复数(即词尾已有

s),则只加 “”,表示所有格。

如: a girls ’ school女子学校 Teachers’ day 3)如果两个名词并列并且分别有 有 ’s,则表示共有。

如: John’s and Mary ’s room约翰和玛丽各自的房间。 (各有一个房间) John nd


Mary’ s room约翰和玛丽共同的房间。 (共有一个房间) 【链接】前面我们已经学习了加

’s的缩写形式。如: he’s, what ’s, that等。是’所s

That ’s a book那.是一本书。

有格还是缩写形式必须根据具体的语境来判断。如: ( that ’是s that is 的缩写形式,意为 “那是 ”。)


1.玛利亚的书 ___________________

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2.两位女教师 ______________________________ 3.男式服装 _____________________

4.吉姆和汤姆共有的房间 _____________________________________ 5.我妈妈的房间 __________________________________________

4.We look the same, but we are in different clothes我.们看起来很像,但我们穿着不 同的衣服。

Clothes 总以复数形式出现,统称各种衣服,包括上衣、裤子、裙子、帽子和鞋 等,不指单件衣服, 也不和具体数字的数词连用。 它作主语时, 谓语用复数。如: My new clothes are from Guangdong. 我的新衣服产自广东。 by the clothes he wear. 不要以貌取人。

【链接】我们已学过关于服装的名词有: dress女服,连衣裙;cap 帽子;shoes 鞋, coat 外套,大衣; skirt 短裙;

shirt(男士 )衬衫;

T-shirt T 恤衫; pants 裤子

Don’ t judge a person

5.This man is from Canada这.位男子来自加拿大。 Man (男人)的复数形式是 men; woman(女人 )的复数形式是 women,注意 women 的读音是 / ’ wimin/. 【拓展】当 man, woman 作定语修饰名词时,如果名词是复数,那么 woman 也用复数形式。如: men teachers 男教师, 6.Please help us find him请.帮我们找到他。

( 1)注意此句中动词 help 的句型。 “帮助某人做某事 ”可以是 help sb do sth,也可以是

man 和

women doctors 女医生

help sb to do sth或. help sb with sth. 如: She help me (to) learn English.=She helps me with my English.她帮我学英语。

( 2)此句中的 us, him 分别是 we,he 的宾格。动词和介词后面的人称代词要用宾格的形

式, I can help him.我能帮助他。 I go to school with her.我和她去上学。 例题讲解


⑴ Whose dress is this? ------- It ’s________ (I)

⑵ This bike isn ’t Mary ’s.____ (she) is over there在那.(边 ) ⑶ Are those ________ (you) apples?

⑷ These are our oranges. Those are _______ (their). ⑸ Those apples are not _______ (our).


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