

Unit 7 It’s raining!(讲义)

Words and Expressions rain /re?n/ windy /'w?ndi/ cloudy /'kla?di/ sunny /'s?ni/ snow /sn??/ weather /'wee?(r)/ cook /k?k/ bad /b?d/ park /pɑ?(r)k/

him /h?m/ could /k?d/ back /b?k/ call (sb) back problem /'pr?bl?m/ again /?'gen/ dry /dra?/ cold /k??ld/ hot /h?t/ warm /w??(r)m/ visit /'v?z?t/ Canada /'k?n?d?/ ?(r)/

juice /d?u?s/

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v.下雨 n. 雨水 adj. 多风的 adj. 多云的 adj. 晴朗的 v. 下雪 n. 雪 n. 天气 v. 做饭

adj. 坏的;糟的

n. 公园 message /'mes?d? /n. 信息;消息 take a message


pron. 他(he 的宾格) modal v. 能;可以 adv. 回来;回原处


n. 困难;难题 adv. 再一次;又一次 adj. 干燥的 adj. 寒冷的;冷的 adj. 热的 adj. 温暖的 v. 拜访;参观

n. 加拿大 summer /'s?mn. 夏天;夏季 sit /s?t/v. 坐

n. 果汁;饮料


soon /su?n/

adv. 不久;很快

vacation /ve?'ke??n/ n. 假期 on (a) vacation hard /hɑ?(r)d/ Europe /'j??r?p/ ?nt?n/ ntri/

skate /ske?t/ snowy /'sn??i/ winter /'w?nt?(r)/ Russian /'r??n/ snowman /'sn??m?n/ rainy /'re?ni/ Joe /d???/ Jeff /d?ef/

Moscow /'m?sk??/

莫斯科 度假

adv. 努力地 adj. 困难的

n. 欧洲 mountain /'man. 高山 country /'k?n. 国;国家 v. 滑冰 adj. 下雪的 n. 冬天;冬季

adj. 俄罗斯的 n. 俄罗斯人;俄语 n. 雪人

adj. 阴雨的;多雨的

乔(男名) 杰夫(男名)

Toronto /t?'r?nt??/ 多伦多 Boston /'b?st?n/ Role-play

Rick: Hello, Rick speaking.

Steve: Hi, Rick. It’s Steve. How’s it going?

Rick: Not bad, thanks. The weather’s great. What are you doing? Steve:

I’m playing basketball with some friends at the park.


Rick: Sounds like you’re having a good time. Steve:

Yeah. Is your brother at home?

Rick: Oh, he’s not here. He’s studying at his friend’s home. Can I take

a message for him?

Steve: Yes. Could you just tell him to call me back? Rick:

Sure, no problem.

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Grammar Focus How’s the weather? What are you doing? What are they doing? he doing? How’s it going? 练习: 一、用所给词语的适当形式填空 It’s cloudy./It’s sunny./It’s raining. I’m cooking.

They’re playing basketball in the park. What’s He’s studying at his friend’s home. Great!/Not bad./Terrible!

1. The weather is 2. Today is a

in the sky.

(wind) here. (cloud) day and there are lots of (cloud)

3. There is much (snow).

(snow) in this place so it’s

(snow) here. Look! It’s (snow) now. 4. It often 5. It never

二、完成句子 (rain) there so it’s very dry.

6. It’s rainy today. (对划线部分提问)

7. It’s cold and dry today. (写出反义句) It’s




8. 郑州现在的天气多云且有风。(翻译)

Dear Jane,

How’s it going? I’m having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. She’s working here and I’m going to summer school. I’m studying English and I’m learning a lot. I’m also visiting some of my old friends. I’m so happy to see them again. It’s afternoon right now, and I’m sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice. It’s warm and sunny, and it’s very relaxing here. See you soon. Su Lin

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