
2011-2012学年度高二英语上期末复习 词形变换、词组、重点句型

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Unit 1 Book 5 一 词汇拓展 1 得出结论 draw a conclusion 1 paint v. –painter n. 2 使暴露expose … to … 2 science n. --scientific adj. –scientist n. 3 将…和…联系起来link… to … 3 pollute v. – pollution n. 4 除…以外; 此外apart from 4 move v.– movement n. 5 对…严格的be strict with sb. 5 construct v. – construction n. 6 讲得通make sense 二 重点短语 7 因…受到责备be to blame for sth/doing 三 重点句型

1 So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak. 每次爆发霍乱时, 就有数千惊恐的老百姓病死。 Unit 2 Book 5 一 词汇拓展 二 重点短语 1 convenient adj – convenience n. 1 由…组成 consist of / be made up or 2 rough adj – roughly adv. 2 把…分成divide ... into … 3 attract v – attraction n. – attractive adj. 3 脱离break away from… 4 collect v.—collection n. 4 在…名下, 值得赞扬的是 to one’s credit 5 enjoy v. –enjoyable adj. 5 省去leave out 6 describe v. – description n. 6 代替 take the place of 7 possible adj. –possibility n. 7 损坏; 垮了break down 8 delight n. –delighted adj. 三 重点句型

1 ( It was ) No wonder that you were late. 难怪你迟到了。

2 You find most of the population settled in the south, he had them killed while they were asleep.

Unit 3, Book5 1. constant (adj.) 时常的,经常的 constantly (adv.) 2. impress v. 给人留下印象 impression (n.) 印象,印记 impressive (adj.) 给人深刻印象的, 3. previous adj. 在前的,早先的 previously adv. 以前 4. settle (v.) 5. surround v. 围绕 surrounding adj. 周围的 surroundings (n) 环境 6. swift adj. 迅速敏捷的-----swiftly (adv.) 7. press v. 按,压;n. 按, 压,新闻,出版社 pressure (n) 压力 8. adjust v. 调整,调节------ adjustment n. 9. sweep .v. —(过去式) swept (过去分词) swept 10. slide—(过去式) slid ----(过去分词) slid settlement (n.) 解决;定居;居住地 unsettled (adj.) 不安定的,未解决的 1. 拿起;接受;开始 take up

2. 提醒…做…remind sb to do… 6.恢复;完全复原 be/get back on one’s feet

/remind sb. that… 7.看见 catch sight of

使某人想起… remind sb. of/about sth. 8.看不见 lose sight of 3. 因此;结果 as a result 9.打扫;横扫 sweep up

由于 as a result of 10. 给某人留下好印象

make a good impression on sb. 4. 与…类似 be similar to

5.缺乏;缺少 lack sth/be lacking in sth; 对…印象深刻 be deeply impressed by sth

a/the lack of…


1. A new car goes at an amazing speed.. She was amazed that she was still alive. 2. Seen from the top of the hill, the park looks very beautiful.

Seeing from the top of the hill, we can get a very beautiful sea sight. 3. Given more time, we would do it much better.

The teacher entered the classroom, followed by her students.

Unit4, Book5 1. forget vt.&vi. 忘记 forgettable (adj.) 健忘的 unforgettable (反义词) 难以忘怀的 2.gift (n.) gifted (adj.)有天赋的 3. appoint (vt.)任命 appointment (n.) 4.assist (vt.&vi.)帮助 assistance (n.) 帮助 assistant (n.)助手, 助理; 5. profession (n.)职业 professional (adj.) 6.admire (v.) 钦佩 admirable 令人钦佩的 admiration (n.) 7. inform (vt.) 告知;通知 information (n.) 信息;消息;情报 1.渴望干…be eager to do sth. 5.控告/ 被控告做了某事accuse sb. of sth. / be

accused of doing 2.注意力集中于concentrate on

3.依靠,依赖depend on 6.应该做某事be supposed to do sth. 4.告诉某人某事informsb. of sth. 7.阻止某人做某事.stop sb. from doing sth. 被告知某事 be informed of sth 8.期望;期盼look forward to doing sth 让某人知道m某事 keep sb. informed 9.为了做某事so as to to/in order to do 重点句型:

1.Only then did we realize that the man was blind.

1. Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.

2. No sooner had I left my house than it began to rain./ Hardly had I left my house when it began to rain.我一离开家,天就开始下雨。

3. Not until she spoke did I realize she was a foreigner. 4.Never will I forget the good time we spent together 5.Not only am I interested in music, but I often go to concerts.

6. She walked silently in the house so as not to wake up the baby.

Unit 5 Book 5 重要词性变化

1 injure vt. 伤害,损害---injury (n.)

2 bleed vt. 流血–blood (n.) -bloody (adj.) bled-bled (过去式、过去分词) 3 poison n./v. 毒药,毒害 poisonous (adj.)

4 firm adj. 坚定的,稳固的 firmly (adv.) 5 brave adj. 勇敢的---bravery (n.)

6 treat vt. 治疗,对待---treatment (n.) 7 press v. 按,压 pressure (n.)

8 mild adj. 轻微的温和的---mildly (adv.) 重点短语

1. 对…急救 give first aid to sb. 5. 在适当的位置 in place 2. 病倒 fall ill 6. 大量的 a great number of… 3. 榨出;挤出 squeeze out 7. 找到 put one’s hands on… 4. 反复;再三 over and over again 8. 有差别 make a difference 重点句型:

1 It was John’s quick action and knowledge of fist aid that saved Ms Slade’s life. 结构: It was/is+ 被强调部分+that //who+其他

2 There is no doubt that John’s quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slade’s life.

结构:There is no doubt that+从句 毫无疑问….. There is some doubt whether +从句 有些疑问…..

Unit 1 Book 6 重点词性变化

1 faith (n.) 信念,信仰 faithful (adj.) 守信用的,忠诚的faithfully(adv.) 2 evident (adj.) 明显的,明白的 evidence (n) 证据,迹象

3 aim (n/v.) 目的;目的在于 aimless (adj.)无目的的 aimlessly (adv.) 4. possess v. 拥有,控制,掌握 possession (n) 5. prediction (n.) 预报,预言 predict (V) 6. exhibit (v.) 展览,显示 exhibition(n.) 重点短语

1.宁愿 would rather a great number of+可数名词复数 2.带着…的目的 with the aim of/aim at sth 6. 导致;造成 lead to 3.与此同时 at the same time 7. 脱离;摆脱 break away from 4.使…信服;说服 convince sb of sth 说服某人做8. 试图做…attempt to do sth 某事 convince sb to do sth 9 另一方面 on the other hand 5. 大量 a great deal of+不可数名词 10 对…有吸引力 appeal to 重点句型:

1 He would rather ride his bike than take a bus.

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