
The first thing that we should do is to get some 先行词被序数词修饰时 food.我们要做的第一件事就是获得一些食物。 先行词前有the one,the only,the last,the The only thing that I want to do now is to have very,the same 等词修饰时 a big meal.我现在唯一想做的事就是大吃一顿。 I can see many people and buildings that are 先行词同时包含人和物时 reflected on the lake.我能看到湖面上倒映出许多的人和建筑。 Who is the girl that spoke to you just now?主句是who或which引导的特殊疑问句时 刚刚和你说话的那个女孩是谁? 3.只用which引导的定语从句,不用that的情况 关系代词前有介词时(of,for,with,in,on…)。如:

I want to find the pen with which I wrote the letter.我想找到我用来写信的钢笔。 4.只用who引导的定语从句,不用that的情况

(1)当先行词为everyone,someone,no one,nobody,everybody,somebody等表示人的不定代词时。如:

Is there anyone who can answer the question?有人可以回答这个问题吗? (2)当先行词为those时。如:

Those who take a walk in the park are almost old people.在公园里散步的人几乎都是老人。




时间状语从句的引导词有when(当……时),as (当……时),while(当……

时),till/until(直到……),since(自从……以来),before(在……之前),after (在……之


后),as soon as(一……就……)等。 引导词 意义 例句 when引导的时间状语从句中既可接They were talking happily when I when 延续性动词,也可接非延续性动词,walked past the door.当我走过那(当……时) 多用一般过去时 续表 引导词 意义 例句 扇门时,他们正在愉快地谈话。 while强调主句和从句动作同时发生,所My mother was cooking while I while 引导的时间状语从句只能用延续性动(当……时) 词,且多用进行时态 在做作业时,我妈妈正在做饭。 As they walked along the 强调从句动作伴随主句动作发生,所引as 导的从句中既可接延续性动词,也可接(当……时) 非延续性动词 歌。 We turned off the light before (在……之前) before引导的从句表示主句的动作发生before we left.我们在离开前在从句动作之前 关了灯。 He went to bed after he after (在……之后) after引导的从句表示主句的动作发生finished his work.他做完工作在从句动作之后 后就去睡觉了。 I will throw away the broken as soon as表示“一……就……”,若主as soon as 句为一般将来时,从句常用一般现在时(一……就……) 表将来 这双破的鞋扔掉。 2.原因状语从句 pair.等我一买到新鞋我就会把shoes as soon as I buy a new 们沿湖散步时,他们快乐地唱lake,they sang happily.当他was doing my homework.当我正 6


He didn't come to school yesterday because he was ill.他昨天没来上学,因为他生病了。

Since you are free,you can help him.既然你没什么事,你可以帮帮他。

David just waited there as he didn't know what to do.因为不知道该做什么,戴维就等在那儿。

The Smiths had to start early,for there was a long way to go.史密斯一家不得不早早动身,因为还有很长的路要走。

注意:because和so不能同时使用。 3.条件状语从句

条件状语从句的引导词有if(如果),unless(除非;如果……不)等。 引导词 规律 例句 He will return if he finds the truth.如果他发if 如果, 主将从现 现真相,他就会返回。 You will fail the test unless you study hard.unless 除非, 主将从现 除非你努力学习,否则你将考试不及格。 4.地点状语从句 地点状语从句的引导词有where(哪里),wherever(无论哪里)。如:

I'd like to go where the air is very fresh.我想去空气非常清新的地方。 Wherever you go,I'll be right here waiting for you.无论你去哪儿,我都会在这儿等你。


比较状语从句的引导词有as…as…(和……一样……),than(比)等。如: Peter is not as tall as his brother.彼得不像他哥哥那么高。 6.目的状语从句


目的状语从句的引导词有so that(以便),in order that(为了)等。如:

He stood up so that/in order that he could see the blackboard clearly.他站起来,以便能清楚地看到黑板。


结果状语从句的引导词有so…that…/such…that…(如此……以至于……)等。 引导词 结构 例句 so…that… She is so beautiful that we all like so+形容词/副词+that从句 her.她如此漂亮以至于我们都喜欢她。 He is such a clever boy that everyone such+a/an+形容词+可数such…that… 名词单数+that从句 likes him.他是如此聪明的男孩,以至于每个人都喜欢他。 续表 引导词 结构 例句 It's such fine weather that all of such+形容词+不可数名词us want to go to the mountain.天气+that从句 如此好以至于我们都想去爬山。 such…that… They are such lovely flowers that such+形容词+名词复数+the girl buys all of them.那些花如that从句 此好看以至于那个女孩把它们都买了。 注意:(1)当名词前有much,many,little,few等词修饰时,只能用so。如: There is so much water left that it's enough for a seven-day trip.所剩的水还很多,足够维持7天的旅程。


It's such a little sheep that we are worried about whether it can survive the winter.这只羊这么小,我们都担心它是否能熬过冬天。


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